Hey, this is totally off topic, but well not really, because I am sharing my love of Billy
Feeling generous today :lol:
I have decided, officially, that the best part of his body is, wait for it......neck. :devil:
Seiously, I just love it, it's just
. Really masculine, and totally shexy. *fans self*
God I have to go and find pics now.
that's better.
It's become an addiction. :lol: I should think about joining WPNAA (William Petersen Neck-Aholics Anonymous). Although I don't want to give it up
What a dilemma! :lol:
I just downloaded the voice over whatsit on WPAP (thanks bunch
) and don't you just love his voice? I like how he says park. *sigh* Oh, and have you noticed, that he tends to not breathe as much as most people do, or maybe he doesn't take such deep breaths, I don't know, but it sounds sexy.
Anyone else noticed this?
I'm going to go now and look at more of the neck...*scurries off*