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I wanna know how he's gonna celebrate, or how the lab will help him celebrate LOL.

I wish he was a week later, then he'd share with me...ok six days later :)

*volunteers to give him birthday kiss and some birthay spankings*
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
Hey all!
If I could give him a bday gift it would be a Roman mythology book on Romulus and Remus. :D
Hey WPRMW! *waves back* You know, that's a good topic for today! What would we give him?

As for me: first choice: I'm certainly not going to say it, I don't want a slap on my hands! :devil:

Second choice: all my books (fiction or non-fiction) on Egypt and the pyramids.

Mel, I'm volunteering too! :D
This is one of those presents you'd have to give me a month in advance to think about, other than the obvious... :devil:
I'd give him a hug, and a kiss, gentle on the cheek and say "Happy Birthday Mr. Grissom" kinda like Marilyn Monroe to JFK on his birthday :)

and it's actually my nieces birthday today and on the 26th is my twins birthday , so August is a good birthday month
Thanks hhunter :), it's great to be back, the pics are fabulous over at the pic thread as well...I'll be away for the weekend as well ;), and then, unfortunately, summer holidays are over :(.

Sorry destiny, i meant you desertwind (but you've figured that out already ;)), sorry i mixed the 'd's up!! ;)

WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
I'm laughing at myself 'cause he's the only television character that I actually know the exact birth date.
And to wish him a Happy Birthday too. That's crazy.

That's soooo what i'm thinking right now!!! :lol: :lol:
But...what the heck...HAPPY B'DAY GIL GRISSOM!!!
:D :D :D

And my present would be a rare butterfly for his precious collection... :) :)
A big birthday kiss? Okay, besides that, I'm not sure...A dinner date sounds kinda nice...'cept he's already dating Sara.
ETA to avoid overposting:
Wow, Desert *points below* That first pic needs a bucket, towels and plastic coating! THUD!!!

BTW there's another CSI site...Crimelab.NL...that has a quote under 'facts'

It is hinted at that Gil Grissom also has Asperger's Syndrome, (a form of autism), although his is considerably milder than Aaron Pratt's. This makes Grissom fixation with insects (which led him to study entomology) and his solitary lifestyle easier to understand.

Anyone got comments on this? It's not the first time I've seen a character pegged as an Aspie, more recently it was in TV Guide and on the board for Bones (they said Bones wasn't one)and for a Firefly char even though I never watched, but it has me curious. I'm not a true Aspie but am in a more broad category of autistic-type thing that's like Asperger's. So I'm able to understand why they'd pick out some of the things he exhibits.

btw I haven't a clue what the Aaron Pratt thing refers to.
Mel I'm with you- a big kiss and hug-but Sara has him--- weird that this is a TV character- Grissom, that we're wishing Birthday wishes too--- but the real life Billy's BD is Feb. 21st and he's really 53 ;) close enough ;)


Oh, and beings Billy and gang we're supposdly here- this is a run-down and some pics. of the "KA" Theater- for you all to take a look at- ;)

"KA" Theater
desertwind said:
weird that this is a TV character- Grissom, that we're wishing Birthday wishes too
I don't think it's weird. We're just showing our appreciation and love for the character and Da Man! :D And we get to celebrate his hottness twice in a year! Yippee! That cannot be said of many other characters, so let's enjoy it! So, once again, happy birthday my GRISSOM Grissom! :D XOXOXO
yup, i agree, Grissom's B-day needs celebration even though it's fictional. and we're having double the fun :D :lol:

about Grissom being slightly mentally sick. what are they writing?? excuse me, but he's an introvert not an asper, which means that he is very able to be, talk and hang out with other people, he just PREFERS to be alone. besides, he's not anymore :D and he dated a couple of times previously, etc. and who doesn't have a hobby? he loves bugs which is also his job. don't see anything bad in it. to sum it all up - he's awesome :D
Ok i don't ususally post here...but I just saw the commercial for the new season of CSI..and if no one has already posted it...then here is the answer to the question of the beard...
Grissom has no beard for the episode Toe was on the commercial for it 1 hour ago....I don't know about the other episodes though

if someone already posted this..then sorry. i got excited :D lol
Noooooooooooooooooooo! :( :( :( (that was a scream from my heart...) Hope he lets The Beard grow back afterwards...

As for him being mentally sick with that syndrome, :confused: I never heard that! I also love to be alone and do my own things, so I can totally understand and share his need for solitude. That doesn't mean I'm antisocial or anything. On the contrary, I like to go dancing with my friends, just not necessarily every week.

Okay, back to Grissom: I just saw Gum Drops. Very good episode, but I missed him so much! :( I think it was a kind of "Jackpot" for Nick...
Do we have pictures?? Do we have pictures of beardless Grissom?? *jumping up and down* :D


Can't wait for the Emmys and Viva September, 21!!! :D
Well Grissom happy BirthDay. the big 5-0. Yay.
Grissom's Gifts well I don't know
1:An Ipod video loaded with Entomology specials.
2:A shakespearen Novel (He can actually help me out with some of it. :D )
3:Tickets to a Pink Floyd concert.
Number 1 was different But I rather keep my mouth shut cause of *Adult Content*

Like I said, it's not the first time I've seen it tried with a character...the whole diagnosis thing...maybe some people just have too much time on their hands. And btw I wouldn't use the term 'mentally ill' while it's true it's a condition of the brain, I don't really think it's the same as illness and don't really like the connotation. But I'll drop it now so we can get back on topic.

I'd love to see if they have an office party for him and what the gang would try to do...what funny things they could come up with and how much trouble they'd get into LOL.

*pictures them getting him a cake shaped like a big bug*
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