A big birthday kiss? Okay, besides that, I'm not sure...A dinner date sounds kinda nice...'cept he's already dating Sara.
ETA to avoid overposting:
Wow, Desert *points below* That first pic needs a bucket, towels and plastic coating! THUD!!!
BTW there's another CSI site...Crimelab.NL...that has a quote under 'facts'
It is hinted at that Gil Grissom also has Asperger's Syndrome, (a form of autism), although his is considerably milder than Aaron Pratt's. This makes Grissom fixation with insects (which led him to study entomology) and his solitary lifestyle easier to understand.
Anyone got comments on this? It's not the first time I've seen a character pegged as an Aspie, more recently it was in TV Guide and on the board for Bones (they said Bones wasn't one)and for a Firefly char even though I never watched, but it has me curious. I'm not a true Aspie but am in a more broad category of autistic-type thing that's like Asperger's. So I'm able to understand why they'd pick out some of the things he exhibits.
btw I haven't a clue what the Aaron Pratt thing refers to.