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FallenforGrissom said:
bad luck destiny but i'm sure you'll be luckier next time for the sake of all of us fans- we support you 1000%!! :D :)
I think you meant desertwind. :)
Billy is presenting FOR SURE!?!

*passes out*
I finally have something to look forward to before September 21st!
Yay. I can hardly contain myself!
D'oh, I'd forgotten, wasn't gonna watch because I was ticked at none of my shows being nomimated but now I have to. TuxTuxTuxTux! I hope, anyway.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I think she did mean "me" but hey Destiny come on out- then we can both hunt for them---- up-date on the not seeing them-- a guy on YTDAW, claims they were downtown, while I was roaming around the MGM Grand--it's a complete mystery where the "H" they really were-- nobody knows for sure-except them-and the PR people who protect their privacy-- I'm sure we'll enventually find out-and maybe not-- boy does WP keep a LOW profile- like the "phantom" and Adzix great story I've read that previously- lucky fan--also Julie Chen and her hubby- Les Moonves were there Sunday-at the MGM - according to my local paper- ;)

And many thank's guys for feeling my pain- so frustrating- I do however have pictues of the "KA" Theater- and the outside of the MGM Grand- I could super-impose a pic of Billy and paste it in :D and will post them for you all when I get them developed- ;)
got for it desertwind, we can all use our imaginations and pretend that you were there with Billy and all of the CSI gang. :)
:lol: desertwind thanks but I have talked to my share of celebs over the years, there were times when I would rather have a migrain. :D
orgasmicbilly said:
does anyone know if they show the emmys in england?? and when??

i know they show it in NZ. on sky channel E! but there is one problem for me and it's a monday when i'm at work.
orgasmicbilly said:
does anyone know if they show the emmys in england?? and when??

They are being shown on Living TV 2 on 28th, it will be cut though, but if you do have E! channel, they show the red carpet stuff live on Sunday night :)

Living also aired the Globes earlier in the year but cut Billy and Pammy's bit out :(

If you do miss it, don't worry because we'll put a clip up on the site ;)

Hey all!

So Mr. Hottness turns the big 5-0 today!


If I could give him a bday gift it would be a Roman mythology book on Romulus and Remus. :D

I'm laughing at myself 'cause he's the only television character that I actually know the exact birth date.
And to wish him a Happy Birthday too. That's crazy.

BTW, the Emmys will be on Sunday, August 27.
I'll try to remember the red carpet. Maybe catch a glimpse of BP, PD and KS. Wow!!!!

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