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Hello and Welcome to The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Page 10

To those new to William or CSI here are links to past WP/Grissom threads:

Links Not Working Due To Board Clean Up:

Grissom: The Original Thread
The Hottness of William Petersen/Grissom (oh yeah)!!: Page 1

The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 2
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 3
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 4
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 5
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 6
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 7
The Hottness of William/Grissom: Page 8
The Hottness of William/Grissom:
Page 9

This thread is dedicated to William Petersen and Gil Grissom. Please feel free to talk about the Actor/Character.

Enjoy! :)
WWWHHHOOO HHHHOOO I'm the FIRST in the new Hotness Thread!!!
Now... what were we talking about???

His hotness He he and a possible party?
and welcome newbies!
Hurray for the new thread dedicated to His Hottness! :D

There's been a lot of talk about his movies, and there's a tie in my book for first position: The Staircase (hottness personified! :devil:), Hard Promises (I wanna be Sissy Spacek!!!), TLADILA (of course... ;)) and KTS (unforgettable!). I just can't decide!!! :eek:
We love our man, what can we say! TL&DILA is best Billy flick IMO. Closely followed by Fear. I'm waiting on Gunshy to arrive so I can perve on him in that.

Does anyone know what music Bill likes?
is gunshy a new movie or has it been out for a while and you just like..ordered it? i dont know what he likes. i dont know much about him actually lol. aside from he's hot, he's talented and he worships chicago.
Does anyone know what music Bill likes?
Well, since he has a lot of influence into the character of Grisson, maybe classical. But I have no idea. I don't recall him ever saying anything.
Although, I saw him singing a baseball song (I know nothing about baseball, or any american sport for that matter, apologies :rolleyes: ) He, umm, has an interesting voice, umm, no comment.
Also I find it very odd that you called him 'Bill.' :lol: He really doesn't seem like a Bill to me, only Billy. :p
Monk It isn't new, not sure of the exact date, think it was 90s. I'm borrowin it off a friend from the forum. I can't wait.

I can imagine B to be into his classic rock. Pink Flyod, Who (obv!) Beatles, Rolling Stones etc etc.

I have many names for WP. Bill, Billy, Will (tempted to add Willy in there but...LOL) Bman, B, Billster, Grissomnator, Grisstopher, Gman, Griss...I shall stop :p
I have many names for WP. Bill, Billy, Will (tempted to add Willy in there but...LOL) Bman, B, Billster, Grissomnator, Grisstopher, Gman, Griss...I shall stop
No, on the contary. Let's keep going: G, Gil, Grissom, Bugman, William, his hotness, geek (man),...can't think of anymore.
Anyone else? :lol:
Buggy, G Child, Batman, Bster, Gster, Gstar...I think thats it for me. I've exhausted my Billy name resorces
It may have to do with the fact that I am clinically insane!! I like Grisstopher, just stupid, like me!!

Monk your sig, your simmies, does that mean The Sims? I made Gman on there too :devil:
On his bio, he stated that when he was in Chicago, and much younger, he went to a "Santana concert, and he probably does like the "classic" rock, his generation.. I can see him rocking out to Clapton, and the rest mentioned. he'd better like the Stones, or I won't buy him a ticket when they "roll" around through here again :D he listens to "classical" as his character Grissom ~~~snore~~~no it's good ;)ZZZZZZZZZZZ
Omg Santana ROCK! I love them. Gotta love Eric Clapton too. I've got a Rolling Stones T Shirt!!

I can't see him listening to Classic music. Boring IMO
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