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eggbe4thechicken said:
Question: Does everyone in Chicago have the same/similar accents to Billy?
Yes. I love that he doesn't try hide it... he just rolls with it. Hearing him talk makes me homesick. ;)
I love him either way. :) But I think he looks younger without the beard and it reminds of the early seasons when Grissom was so fun. With or without the beard, I'm never disappointed. ;)
yeah. i've noticed that as the seasons go on grissom becomes less and less ethused ya know. he always seems glum. but hes still hot.
I agree girls, let's play hide and seak with his razors! I dont mind him without Mr Beard but I think he's so much hawter with it. And yes, I want S1 Grissom back, playful and flirty!

I'll be 30 when those olympics roll, thats scary. I'll have a job and everythin...oh wow, that's weird to think about.
ebuzz55 said:
eggbe4thechicken said:
Question: Does everyone in Chicago have the same/similar accents to Billy?
Yes. I love that he doesn't try hide it... he just rolls with it. Hearing him talk makes me homesick. ;)
Well that is that sorted. I'm going to live there.
With or without the beard, I'm never disappointed.
Here, here. Although I am loving the smoothess. Also you can see his filtrum. His filtrum people. *drool*
yeah. i've noticed that as the seasons go on grissom becomes less and less ethused ya know. he always seems glum. but hes still hot.
Yeah, he was almost manic in season 1! Like when he bought that chem set for Lindsey, he was sooo excited. :lol: Maybe he is like that with Sara at home? (sorry wrong thread :rolleyes: )
keep the beard I'm on TEAM BEARDED
he does look good without it but
I'm with the beard
Oh, no. I need Adzix's back up. :( He is much better without the beard. It covers up too much skin and you can't see him. Plus it has many other disadvantages. :rolleyes: See the filtrum pic above. No, wait, so you have no excuse, here it is: Puuuurrrfect. :eek:

*EDITED: Picture exceeded the Max posting size (See either Page/post one, or the "Help Guide" Tacked at the top of this forum.*
Yeah thats hot egg, but ze beard, ZEEE BEEEARD!

What i'd give to get my tongue on, I better stop mwahaha

***EDITED for oversized image and wrong thread for posting said image. Please use the designated WIlliam/Grissom image thread. If there are further transgressions of this nature, warnings will be issued as this is becoming tiresome. Thank you. ****
Almost illgal? I'm sure it should be a law. I'll arrest him, it's ok girls, i'll do the dirty work :devil:

That picture is one of my faves, one of my fave moments too. What i'd give to make him stare at me like that. Owwwhhh man.
Does he have a Texan accent in Skulls? We all know about my lil obbsession with the Texans :devil:
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