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Grisstopher? lol inever heard of that one. yes, its sims 2. i have a grissom (and a whole CSI las vegas family) but grissom married this girl named Aleighnah and they have lots of childre. 3 currently. I love classical music, and i think its great that grissom does too, but its not surprising lol. but he does seem more like a a stones or who fan.
I can't see him listening to Classic music. Boring IMO
I think that it is something that you can only appreciate if you play an instument or have studied music. Plus you have to listen to the right type. ;)
Typical classical is sometimes boring, whereas stuff from the romantic era is very different. Billy may have just become interested in it from college, or something like that. I'm not too sure whether I can see him listening to it either though. He is more the sporty type, although he does like shakespeare. I have no idea. Me have to ask him! Next time there is a 'post your questions' for a TV guide, etc, we must enter that question.

OMG, I just had a thought! What if he came to Stratford to do a play at the RSC! I would go and see it every night, without fail. It would be amazing. Although maybe he would have to do an English accent for that, I'm not sure. Has anyone heard him do an English accent?
No wait, another thought, wouldn't it be brilliant to see him in panto! As a dame would be brilliant, or even some sort of role with tights on! Now those are conjuring some images! :lol:
Y'all I had a dream about him last night, sort of, go to the csi dreams thread, I explain in more detail there. ;)
I made a Grissom and a Catherine (my ship btw) and they have a little baby girl called Lindsey (so original!). I loved watching them slow dance LOL!

I can imagine him liking The Who. They are an immense band
i would totally go see him in play. although i dont really like plays. im still tramatized from high school (i played in the band and had to do the music for them) but for billy, i'd suffer threw least once :-d
I'd well go and watch him in a play. I've always wanted to live in Chicago (before I found Billy btw) so it was wierd findin out that he loved that place too. I can't wait to visit it someday when I move to the US.

I was in a couple of plays in school. Minor Shakespere plays lol. I can't wait to do it again someday at Uni hopefully.
man, i hated chicago. i was only there for a few days and alot of the people were really mean *sniffle*. and traffic was horrible. and not to mention that their driving scares teh begeezes out of me! especially on the free way. ( i live in wisconsin for 3 months and they were up there alot)
I can't wait to visit it someday when I move to the US.
Ahh, I want to move to the US too! Maybe we can go together, and search for Billy, and, and...or not, whatever, I'm cool. 80
Question: Does everyone in Chicago have the same/similar accents to Billy? If so, that is where I want to go live. :D

Apologies for the wierdness of this post, I'm having a funny turn. :rolleyes:
egg yup, we can go together and search for the Billman. We can hide his razors too if you like?! mwahaha.

I wanted to visit Chicago since I first watched ER. Somethin about that city calls me to it.
While he's filming at the Universal city Studios he lives in nearby Hancock Park.. a ritzy area of L.A. I had a pic of it a while back but it vanished :(it was all in Italian, with those Italian cypresses all around with wrought iron and talk about luxurious.. very sumptuous ;)
well if you are all going billy hunting in chicago i'll suck it up and go too! hehe. that would be fun. maybe if the olympics get to be there. that would be fun! billy would def be there for that!
I'll volunteer to get him in shape for the olympics. I have a strenious traning program in mind :devil:
lol. well i'll be sure to write out a few menus. (im a chef) so he'll eat healthy and be fit for your program hehe.
We can hide his razors too if you like?!
No way. Buy him extras, so that he never runs out. I luurrve this new clean shaven look. Although he was really hot from seasons 4 to 6 with the beard, it's just with the weight gone, he looks better without the beard. LoG freaked me out slightly with that beard.
maybe if the olympics get to be there.
Is that 2018? If so, I will defo be there. I will be 29. Oh my god that is terrifying. That's one year away from 30, and 30's is like last chance for baby making, and :eek: that now seems too near.

I've freaked myself out.

im a chef
Really? That's so hot. :devil:
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