The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

exactly what i think too.
i wrote somewhere that in my opinion he was underappreciated always.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

But you must admid that the way our hodgy is craving for attention he is really annoying but sooo cute at the same time, i love his comments while telling the team the results of his investigation :lol: There are only two possibilities to deal with hodges LOVE him or HATE him. But noone can say that he isnt affected by him so I would say that is a lot more of attention some others get ;)
But I LOVE him anyway!
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

of course!

question: when someone hurts his feelings, does he tell them?
i dont think. if he does, maybe in a roundabout sorta way, either cryptically, or by hurting them back, slightly, sorta little bites, till they realize...dunno.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

pabzi said:

allmaple, you should post here more often!

i have a severe nick addiction that needs attention :lol: but hodges is favourite character number 2 so ill try to make more time for him :D
in regards to hodges telling people they hurt his feelings, i dont think so. hes a sneaky little devil, lets not forget. he has some of the best comments and hes able to insult other characters without them really knowing whats going on, its great! but i think the writers are having trouble dealing with him (and all the characters really) lately, warricks 'shut up hodges' comment was funny for shock value, but they should have been able to come up with much wittier commentary between the two.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I don't think he is intentionally trying to hurt them. He's just letting them know ... hey that hurt. But he's still okay with it.

He probably uses his jokes/bites/whatever as way to show people that he likes them. Maybe he feels comfortable enough with them to be able to do that. Maybe its a good thing. I can't help but think what kind of jokes he would make about me? *smirk* *dreamy look on face*
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

its all part of his charm, he makes these snappy comments and the people he makes them too dont really know whats happened. i think he is insanely intellegent, and in my experience with people of that callibre they usually are rather weird and quirky.
csi was my first experience with wallace, and besides that ive only seen him in 'little miss sunshine' but definitely, no one else could play hodges! maybe in season 8 if grissom does leave therell be enough room for him in the opening credits :lol:
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

i agree. he wont say, but he'll show/
i also think that he is insanely intelligent. i also think that that is what makes him different and why people have trouble dealing with him. they really should give him more snappy dialougues, but as long as he has screentime im happy.
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

Insanely intelligent. That's a very good word to describe David. :) Why is he the such an attention-seeker? It could be that he didn't get any when he was a child (like some of you suggested), or that he has always craved the limelight. Born with an attitude. Something like that.

hodges_alias_47 said:
I can't help but think what kind of jokes he would make about me? *smirk* *dreamy look on face*
Snap out of it! :p
Re: The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

I would like to know that too!!!
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