The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

ooh... give me a link!

i want to see hodges go out on the field more. he looks SO fine in those jeans and the vest with his name on it ^^

Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

sorry pabzi. the link's not working :(

but i LOVE, no, ADORE your new avvie :D

Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

i love it too!!! :) he's such a sweetie! last nught i stared at a picture of him for half an hour.
i saw king baby last night for the second time. hodges was soooooo funny!!!
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

woot! i just watched "Unusual Suspects" FINALLY we got a new episode... xD hodges was awesome. the episode didn't even have grissom or greg, but hodges was in a few scenes. i was SO happy...

hodges was annoying nicky because he was keep on talking about how intellectually gifted people (i think he was including himself xD) have anger bottling inside and they snap eventually... and nicky was like "i know that feeling." i think that's how it went... i love how hodges can make nicky snap :lol:

yes he is a sweetie :D he's a cutiepie too!

Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

i have to wait a month to see the ep... ughhhhhhhhhhh. was he funny?
he is smart and he knows it :)
im probably gonna see pirates of the thord reich in about a week. at least i can see season 6 somehow. hodges isnt in it, right?
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

He totally stole this episode. :D I swear, with less and less Grissom, Hodges is rapidly becoming my fave character.
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

he's the BEST. i love grissom, but no one can beat hodges. can someone please tell me what happened in the ep last night with hodges? here we're not up to that ep yet. pirates of the thrird reaich is in a few days.
if someone could quote, or just tell me what happened with hodges, it would help my sanity :) thanks!
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

Well, the only thing better than Hodges or Grissom is a scene with Hodges *and* Grissom. Gil pulls out his weird trivia, Hodges does his thing and then Gil lays the look of death on him. :lol:
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

i loved it in killer, when hodges started ranting about a rabbit's foot that he used to carry, and grissom had a wtf expression :lol: LMAO :)
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

JUST in case...

********~~~~~~~SPOILER ~~~~~~~~~***********

Nick and Sara have two suspects who both confessed to the same crime. they really don't know which one is guilty and even the forensic evidence is not helping. and guess what our dear hodges says...

Hodges: You want to flip a coin?

Nick: [stares at Hodges] I've got a better idea...

:lol: i love hodges ^^ i still wish we could have seen at least ONE scene with grissom :(

Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

only hodges could think of something like that... he's ADORABLE :D

i'm just really glad that a lot more people are paying attention to him. ^^

EDIT: I know this probably doesn't belong here, but i posted a Hodges/Sara fic in the fan fics thread. It's Hodges-centric, so if you want to read it, just click

please review and respond! ^^

Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

i know. people really used to hate him. he changed alot in this season though. i always loved him anyway. he needs alot of attention. he is a special person :)
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

I love his kiss-ass attitude. He's so funny :lol: :lol:
But I believe that deep down, he's a nice guy.

GRISSOM "So, you're saying our killer has metal balls?"
HODGES "Yes. Maybe [...] Oh, and just in case you were wondering, working here I'm developping them too"

GRISSOM "You sniffed it?"
HODGES "That disgusts you?"
GRISSOM "No actually. It's the first time you've ever done anything to impress me."

Cracks me up.


WOW! nice goatee
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