The Hottness of "Wallace/Hodges"!!

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Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

definatelt HOT.
i wish that people would start seeing who he really is. alot of people refer to him as "that kiss-ass lab tech" and that bothers me. his name is david hodges and he is a person. a very special person.
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

hi everyone! im venturing over here from my usual strong hold in the nick thread because, well, cuz i love hodges!
dont you wish we could see more of him? the shows getting a bit more on the serious side, and with greg evolving into a real field agent we need hodges for our comic relief!
i wouldnt go as far to call him a 'kiss-ass' at least not anymore. he does suck up to grissom and just dismisses everyone else as less important, therein lies the comedic genius that is hodges :lol:
has anyone else notice that hes mellowing out lately? maybe not as weird as he was in the beginning, or am i just crazy? i hope we see more of him in future episodes, i love every line that comes out of his mouth and his acting is brilliant. i think i freak out my roommate when shes upstairs doing school work and im breaking out in laughter everytime hodges comes on :D
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!! the guy is amazing. he definately has been mellowing out, but in a good way. he is less rude, but funnier than ever. it seems that the team is toloratinghim more. they have to give him more screen time.he rocks.
i think my neighbors think im nuts. whenever i see a hodges scene, i HOWL with laughter. when i saw 'dog eat dog' i think i woke the whole neighborhood.
is there a good hodges scene in 'up in smoke'?
i will be seeing it shortly. probably before i get an answer, i will start watching, but that's ok.
HES GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! im a hodges freak, and proud of it :)
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

those are 2 great scenes. the 'you sniffed it scene was priceless. my favorite ever was dog eat dog. but i love all his scenes :)
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

Hehe, Hodges is so cute! I love his narcissism, I can't understand why other characters would be annoyed with him :confused:
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

i finally saw a pic of the suit. :) he looks great :) cant wait to see the ep! not too much longer to wait though :)
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

^ Thanks to you, I got my dose of Hodgesy in a suit! *giggles* :)

He looks hot! :devil:

*cant stop giggling* :lol:
Re: The Hottness of Hodges!!!

im happy that you have joined our family here!!! im still giggling about the suit too :) he was making a funny face :)
Hodges Bio: Written by pabzi

David Hodges was transfered from the LAPD crime lab. He told Grissom that they said that he has an attitude problem and thinks that he is entitled.
He runs trace, seems to know a little about everything, and a little more about cars and paint chips. He likes to make fun of Greg.
When he started working at the crime lab in season 3, he was very uptight and paranoid. He thought that everyone was checking up on him and looking at him.He enjoyed irritating everyone.
Starting from season 5, he changed. People are starting to tolerate him more. He is still sarcastic any annoying, but more layed back, and added to that is the fact that the team has gotten used to him.

This is now located in the first post on page one of this thread, enjoy!
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