"The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

i thought it was great, but a little late in the season to try and make up for some of the past mistakes. i couldnt believe there were two cases...and they werent related!! :lol:

as for lady heather, she was great as usual. i think the way she acted in the episode was perfect. she has always said the submissive is the one with the power, but she found out that is not always true. i think she was really shaken up by the realization that she couldnt stay in control and almost lost her life. plus she didnt want to reveal the identity of her attacker since she had taken so much money from him in hopes of getting to see her granddaughter. from previous episodes we have this idea of lady heather in our minds, but this episode successfully showed she is just a person under the leather.

grissoms connection and admiration of heather was extremely evident in this episode. he wanted to be there for her, he wanted to help her, and it was nice to see he isnt some dull and boring drone. there was a spark to grissom last night that has been gone for a while, i think it was hiding somewhere with warrick...
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

Hey I'm new here although I been lurking around for a while, just wanted to post, I finally got round to watching this episode had to wait hours for it to download since I live in Scotland it wasn't online till this morning...
I thot it was a really good episode I missed Lady Heather it was good to see her back on the show again.
Can't wait to see the finale. :)
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

welcome missy_lissa

i liked the episode very much...we all know grissom has a hard time saying how he feels so it was even more obvious when he was trying to tell Sarah about his relationship with LH...it was great!
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

we all know grissom has a hard time saying how he feels so it was even more obvious when he was trying to tell Sarah about his relationship with LH

Thankyou for the welcome :D

Yeah I thot that was well sweet, and Sara just looked so cute when he was explaning it to her. Well hurt but still cute.
This really was the worst episode of the season. It started off really good with the scene with Catherine and sara. Seeing Sara's reactions to all the comment by Cath. was great. But then it just DRAGGED SOOOO LONG into a story we could care less about. Nothing really came out of it's shell this episode. We all just probably expected more... It's the episode right before the finale and it really didn't say much. Sure, it was interesting to see LH back , but wasn't good enough to be a second to last episode.
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

Thought the episode was awesome. However, I missed a few bits here and there (people kept calling the house) so i will have to check my friends Tivo later for a full impression.

I am just glad they are finally working up to revealing GSR... I find GSR annoying most of the time, and the sooner they are done with it the better.

I see it like this: Lady Heather was the one way back when to tell Grissom he needed to do something about Sara. We've come full circle, Grissom was able to be there as Heather's friend because he has taken his own power back. He stepped up and acted on his feelings with Sara, and in PotTR, he as much as claimed himself when he got Heather to stop.

Heather is a person who, at the moment, is highly fractured. Like Catherine has been, like Grissom himself (the hearing loss etc), and like Sara. Its in seeing how the characters respond to each other when they take their turns (as we in real life take turns with varying degrees of being stable) that tells us a lot about them, more than if they were being fractured at the time.

Sara read the letter, she gets it, and you can bet, that like the rest of their relationship we aren't seeing it all. I don't know how many of you are married (happily or otherwise) but the watching a movie, eating yoghurt in bed and then one of you wandering of to play smacks of a very stable relationship - one that has as much friendship as passion. Unstable, easily broken things are usually all about the bedsports.

Hmm, that was more dinars than I wanted to spend.

Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

This ep is one of my faves in the season so far. I've come the characters all over again. Grissom has really shown his most tender side to date in my opinion.. I have never seen him so worried and so caring about someone than he did for Heather in this ep. This is the type of Grissom that I enjoy the most.

I think it was very well-written. They've had some of the best dialogue I've heard all season. Catherine was too funny rambling on and on about Grissom and Heather, and then later on trying to gossip with Brass LMAO. She should have slapped Grissom :D

They've been putting emphasis on Nick/Warrick friendship this season and I'm enjoying that a lot. I loved the character dynamics they've shown in this ep, and I hope every episode would have that kind of quality of team dynamics.
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

I was just watchin the episode again and did anyone else notice sara's face when catherine mentioned the thing about lady heather an grissom playing mental chess.... she looked so confused
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

Wow... I thought that was a pretty good episode. And hey, Warrick had more than 3 minutes of screen time! They didn't kill off LH like I'd heard rumors about... and that was good, too. I thought it was cute how Gil brought her granddaughter to her. :)
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

awwww yeah that scene was so adorable, I didn't actually expect Grissom to show up with them it was well cute
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

Fav episode this season.I admit storyline isn't as intense and dramatic as the rest, but its one of those unconventional episodes where CSI goes back to its roots and its enjoyable to watch since its getting rare these few days.

Loved the final scene, Grissom was totally sweet and there for LH.This episode has one of the best dialogues this season.Grissom face was priceless when cath said she'd slapped him if she didnt know that he would enjoy it . :D Character development was more than those typical action scenes.Overall i thoroughly enjoyed this episode :)
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

Just to add a few more thoughts on this strange ep. first at the end. "I'm your friend" after she told him "to go away" "you don't have to save me" and she didn't even thank him, for bringing her baby grandaughter to her.. cold :(. and doesn't friendship go both ways? what has she ever done for him? like NOTHING :( and in his heroic efforts to be Mr. do-good, he throws caution to the wind, where his "relationship" is, & seems to think everything he does is A-OK.. and he's just the type of guy, who feels the need to "help" anyone he feels is in deep s... Nick..Brass.. Greg..Cath.. Warrick..Sofia.. he's a kind compassionate man, & complicated, that's Grissom, but doesn't get the dymanics of his actions to those around him! and Brass doesn't like LH, for past behaviors, and expierences. why should he be nice to her, he can't stand her! And finally, this puts to rest that he has NO romantic illusions about her, nor she about him.. and I was curious as to the last scene, with Brass, whey did she still have on that western costume :eek: odd.. and Brass telling her "you need help" I always thought that :confused:
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

I thought the cases could've been better, but I agree with you all, this is definitely one of the stronger episodes this season. I agree the dialogue and the banter between the characters in this epi was the best this season.

Catherine is right, Grissom and Lady Heather have the chemistry. They're oozing with chemistry and sparkage, even if they're now only friends. They were both so engaging to watch that even if the cases were mediocre I never pushed the fast forward or stop button.
Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler

I'm confused though about some plot details. LH wanted to die, right? Then why'd the other guy pay her? I know that's how she got the trust fund money but was it him who wanted to set up the fantasy? And then she asked him to help her die? Or was it her who wanted the fantasy death set up like that? *is confused*
I think that LH wanted to die and the rich guy wanted to kill somebody, so she set it up for him to pay her the money and then kill her - what I don't get is why he didn't finish the job.

Also, how'd she get out of prison? I couldn't hear that part very well.
I think there was some comment made about one of her customers pulling strings and getting her off the hook or something.