"The Gone Dead Train" Discussion *SPOILERS*

anyyyyway, i think vegaslights is right. this discussion doesn't lead anywhere.

Well, you kind of started it, but vegaslights, the Buddha of the thread is right. Let's mooove on..
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^ i don't feel i need to explain myself to you. sorry. good try, though.

I believe so! I thought they gave David Berman a little more to work with this episode--which was nice!
oh i so agree. i wish David had more to do on this show. he is more amusing than Hodges who is sometimes trying too much to be funny. wasn't SuperDave suppossed to be in the opening credits this season?
I am not the mod of this forum (however I do mod the often quiet Websites, if anyone cares to visit there. ;) ) and I am going to suggest to people to relax, take a deep breath, and perhaps step away from the keyboard.

If you can't agree to disagree, then I suggest not talking to each other.
Move it along folks and remember keep banter, debates, etc healthy and respectful, if you can not step away from the keyboard, take a breath and find your happy place. Thank you. ;)

As to kaylyne's review it was good and as any person who writes a review knows there will be at least one point in any review that might stir something, this can be good or bad, as long as it does so then at least she knows when your reading it, your really paying attention to it and allowing your passion for your fav to come out, that good or bad is a compliment to the writer. Thing is it is not different then when y'all give a review here on the thread, sure you might see it as just opinions expressed and they might not be as long as Kaylyne's or Kristine's but they are from your point of view. Granted sometimes we make comments that are taken wrong, the internet is a tricky sucker that way, this is just something to keep in mind, one persons sarcasm maybe another person joke taken wrong, so on and so forth.

Remember this words do have the power to be good, strong and mighty, but also to be mean, ugly and weak, but asking for further elaboration sometimes makes the whole story or point of view better in the long run. ;)
Now you see, you're generalizing. You assume everyone who says something against Lady Heather and Sofia are bashing them and that's isn't true. Some yes, all no!
*facepalm* did i say all? no i didn't! you're generalizing! ROFL!

I didn't say ALL either yet you accuse me of generalizing, but you don't say ALL and it's not? :rolleyes: Now it's my turn to laugh.

Read what the person actually posted.

Guess I wasn't done. Sorry Destiny!
Remember this words do have the power to be good, strong and mighty, but also to be mean, ugly and weak, but asking for further elaboration sometimes makes the whole story or point of view better in the long run
Well there's as theory about the pen being mightier than the sword, but in this case it would be the keyboard.;)

And the Ignore buttons works well, but not when the person you are trying to ignore has their quote in another person's post. I'll just mosey on down to the Q&A thread..

Hail to Buddhas Destiny and Vegaslight:lol:
Move it along folks and remember keep banter, debates, etc healthy and respectful, if you can not step away from the keyboard, take a breath and find your happy place. Thank you. ;)

^^^^ Words of wisdom everyone, words of wisdom, lord knows I use it enough so trust me on this.

Also remember anger gives you lines, crying makes you puffy, but laughing melts way the stress. So.... :p:p:p Again something I remember daily.
I think this question may have gotten lost in my long review, but... Did SuperDave actually say his middle name was Gregory? Or did I misunderstand?

I believe so! I thought they gave David Berman a little more to work with this episode--which was nice!

Yes, GHRF, Super Dave did say his name was Gregory. :)

Vegaslights, I agree. He's one of the underused characters. And now that he has done his first solo, I hope there are more to follow.
hiphugger17;920424 -I couldn't read the note Doc gave her with the flowers. Could anyone post what it said? Thanks :)[/QUOTE said:
The note said: "Catherine - I know you got rabies, but at least it solved the case- Love Al"
hiphugger17;920424 -I couldn't read the note Doc gave her with the flowers. Could anyone post what it said? Thanks :)[/QUOTE said:
The note said: "Catherine - I know you got rabies, but at least it solved the case- Love Al"

Such a sweet note. :adore:

I thought it was going to say "Sorry I gave you rabies"! :lol:

I also loved Super Dave talking into the recorder. "Hello!" :lol:
I was wondering about the quote thing too, I kept going back to edit to see what I did wrong!!

About Nick's comment in the tattoo parlor "This is all kinds of wrong."

as a person WITH tattoos I found my eyes rolling at his comment, however he has a right to his opinion. I will say this, one big difference between people with tattoos and people without (not all). People with tattoos don't care whether or not you have one. Just sayin'