The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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Oh there a good possiblity there is more, everyones got a past some of which they want to keep in the past,which would be interesting to learn......but then, thinking about it, there is still a slight possiblity it could be nothin more to it other then attitude itself...I mean, it is possible........HMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

*ponders thought........*
No, I don't think that it's just an attitude, but thats just my opinion. The attitude is there to cover something
He seemed really resentful when he talked about it. Like he meant something more than what he was saying... I agree with Pabzi though, he's probably covering something...
I am hoping...well assuming there is more to it aswell. Just saying it could've been a reason to explain his sudden appearance in season an excuse.....but I am more so thinkin out loud from different angles...thats all!
Well.....we know for certain Hodges puts up a front with others (i.e. the combination to Grissom's miniatures). Perhaps the people in LA couldn't handle his pretenses....hard to believe from an area that spotlights pretenses, but there ya' go. Lastly, has anyone else ever run across the sort of person back in school who had to be "teacher's pet" and had an impetus to strive for approval? Not just the teacher's but anyone's? I feel that Hodges has a significant brain capacity and is very skilled at his job, but all his life his expertise has been overlooked and either other people took his credit or he received no kudos at all for his diligence. O.K., *steps off soapbox* :D....that's my 2 cents worth...
I agree, but I also think that he's been through something. Maybe abuse, maybe abandonment, maybe an attack. Maybe he had this attitude before and whatever happened to him just made it worse...never know...
well that does make sense best friends attitude changed when she spent a year in the NAVY...and not for the better...she's more in yer face now! Not that she wasn't before, but it's more pronounced now...and sometimes annoying!

So, yeah, he's probably covering up something that happened to him, or maybe something that HE did....I'd go with the first over the second!

good points
I have a friend that I went to high school with that reminds me a lot of Hodges just in the way he acts and the way he says things... but thinking back, I noticed he didn't start acting that way until he came out of the closet, back in middle school he was a normal geeky kid, but after coming out it was like, he could be more... himself. I don't know about Hodges' situation, but it could've been something similar... like not necessarily something BAD that happened but something GOOD.
LOL...well I guess the writers are just gonna have to do something about this and then it will clear up a lot of unanswered questions and speculations.......meaning a lot MORE of HODGES, which is NEVER a bad thing... :)
I also think that maybe that was what happened with David.

HA47, I'll be around later tonight, like 8. Sorry I haven't been around much lately.
You know how sometimes you do brilliant things and other times you do really dumb things? Well, when I created Wallace's site last week, I contacted his agent to make him aware of it and his agent was sweet enough to actually call me back! I was out and my son took the message. I did call back today and they are aware of the site. I told them if they didn't approve, to certainly tell me and I'd take it down! I just don't believe I had the nerve to call his agent! Someone please tranquilize me!
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