The Full Wallace/Hodges Experience #2

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*cat calls* Woot! "Naked", and hairy chested Hodges! :lol: Does it get any better than this? I think he could out strip Catherine! Work it lab boy! *cat calls*
well, by far, I think Hodges is one of Wally's best acts, but he is, like we all know, one hell of a talented man...but David's character is so mysterious and intriguing, I understand why you would say that. There is so much we don't know, would love to know.....and hopefully WILL know!! There is so much potential to HIS character that the writers could explore, its just a shame that up to this point, haven't!
I love how he has turned what should be almost a bit part as a lab rat into a major character we care about. And I'm worried that the killer is gonna you know KILL him!
I'm a little late, but WELCOME dirtylabrat to the Wallace/Hodges thread. We just love our little labrat geek (mentally pictures an intelligent rat in reading glasses and a pocket protector).....
dirtylabrat said:
I love how he has turned what should be almost a bit part as a lab rat into a major character we care about. And I'm worried that the killer is gonna you know KILL him!

I think it is safe to say that they are not going to kill his character since he is getting more and more popular...and if for some crazy rason they did kill him....i know a lot of ladies who would be very very upset...
If the mini killer goes after him, I hope he/she picks on Hosges when he's in a pissy mood so he can snark them to death. :lol: Long live Hodges!

Who was responsible for calling the numbers the first round? It's bugging me.
Hi everyone, thought I would let you know that I have asked someone about creating the new thread when the time comes, I am just awaiting and answer back. As to the name all I will say is that there will be some word play. ;)
I doubt the Mini Killer will go after him, but I think it would be cool if calling the cell phone did come back into play. I also liked the fact that the Lab Rats episode got more people into the whole serial killer scene. Now he/her isn't just effecting the CSI's, but the entire lab.
Destiny - Don't matter to me what the name of the new thread will be, as long as there IS

Dirtylabrat - Wendy was the one who grabbed the phone, HIS phone and called the number...but if you REALLY want to get technical about could even go as far as sayin' hodges himself, for getting involved and the others involved at the time....and it was just by accident for his phone to be accessible...although I don't think many will look that far into it! *shrugs*

MRB105 - I am kinda thinking that the phoning from 'Labrats' will come back into play aswell...I mentioned that somewhere else here on the site...but I have been wrong many times before, and could be again....hmmm...guess we gotta wait to see...
The new thread name is nothing special, so don't get your hopes to high up. Haha. And about the phone, I still don't see it happening, but I hope you are right.
i think the phone call from Lab rat will come back to haunt Hodges in one way or the had to be there for some reason..
I'm gonna get working on the new thread right now since I won't be online again until tomorrow night.

Remember, TPTB haven't always been great at continuity, but I hope the phone call comes back into play in the final 2 episodes.
well, at least until the Miniatures, gets clued up. I just don't want it to come back, like maryse said, to haunt him. if the MK doesn't get TO him, I don't particularly want it to frame him for something he didn't do....well find out so much Thursday night I guess
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