I don't think it's really any different.

And all the lack of moments kinda makes the ones we DO get all that more special.

I just liken it to the fact that Greg, Cath, & Nick are already established characters and they want to give Riley, Ray, Hodges & Wendy all the screentime they can give them in order to get their stories out there. I hope we're still not suffering for lack of Greg screentime from S7, but hey, what can ya do. (Hodges & Wendy are ALREADY established characters, and I don't know why the writers don't just do the same to them, but GSR's gone so they have to do something, I guess? (personally I don't understand why we can't get the 'something' they're giving Hodges/Wendy, but I'm completely biased, so (; ))
...Greg spends so much time in the AV lab that I would be worried if I were Nick.
Hawh. There's a fic hidden in here.
At any rate.
seabird said:
Regarding Nick/Greg, do you think there will be the same censorship in a movie than in a TV show from a conservative network like CBS?
Oh, that's definitely debateable. I can totally see it going either way. While movies ARE aimed towards a bigger audience, they're still pretty censored... but less than TV, especially on a major network like CBS. I guess it depends on how brave the writers are for the movie, or how brave new writers are for the movie, if they get them. AND if they're even GOING for subtext. I mean, I know we've been over this, but it could totally and completely be written in by the actors. Which would be interesting, I gotta say.
Which makes me totally wonder about the diner scene in For Gedda, where Nick's supposed be looking at the waitress but he's looking more at Greg, (especially considering Greg's head is in the shot, ha). I don't wanna get on too big of a thing here, but I wonder how much of that was written in on script and how, if any, of it was played in by the actors. (Matter of fact, I wonder how much ALL the subtext is written and how much is played in, but this scene in particular.)
We have a new episode this week... right?
So, I'm curious. A lot of people seem to think, in fic at least, that they'd come out or admit their love with a bang, so to speak. It wouldn't be a quiet thing, it'd be HUGE. Anybody agree? Or do you think it'd be a softer thing, like kind of an out of nowhere, wanna-get-dinner-sometime thing?
I have no idea what I like more. : D I'm very interested in both possibilities.