The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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Family issues, I do agree I think they both have. Greg growing up in the SF area though you might think his parents would be more accepting of homosexuality - maybe. Nick's father does seem like a guy who wants to be in control which is probably why Nick left.

While Nick's parents may probably be homophobic (though one never knows), I think Greg's family's probably not homophobic, but the problem would be that he's the only son, hence he's their only hope to have (lots of) biological grandchildren and fulfill his mother's dream. Maybe if he was just one of many children, they wouldn't have a problem at all with it.
Here's the heartbreaking and revealing conversation between Greg and Grissom at the hospital in "Fannysmackin'". Some food for thought:

GRISSOM: "Has someone called your parents? We should let them know"

(GREG denies)

GRISSOM: "What's the matter?"

GREG: "They still think I'm in the lab"

GRISSOM (confused): "Why do they think it?"

GREG: "When I was in high school, I never played any sports. No basketball. Definitely, no hockey"

GRISSOM: ""I never would've guessed"

GREG: "Well, it wasn't by my choice. My mom wanted four kids. Ended up with only one. She always made sure I stayed close. If I got a nosebleeding, she'd take me to the ER"

GRISSOM: "Well, now would be the time to come clean"

GREG (upset): "My mom is gonna freak"

While Greg never played any sports, Nick was probably some (closeted ;)) fratboy jock. The boys are so different and yet, they have so much in common...The two halves of a whole, definitely, made for each other...:adore:

And here's the awesome manip that Wojo made for "Fannysmackin". This is how this episode should have ended....if TPTB had some guts, that is ;)


You're a genius, Wojo! :)
Thanks so much!! :) Of all the manips I have done that one is my favorite because it turned out way better than I imagined it would. That is the way the episode should have ended or at least there should have been such a scene. I wonder if Greg ever did tell his parents the truth?
WOW! Thanks for posting that Seabird and you are totally right, Wojo is a genius. Nicely done, I love it! that is the scene we Love fans all hoped for and now we got it. We can just let our imaginations think about their conversation and how Nick took care of Greg while he was in the hospital. I can't quit staring at it, it's brilliant. I might have to try to use that as my wp on my computer.

I've also wondered if Greg ever did tell his parents the truth. I'm sure Grissom gave him the nudge and encouragement to do it. His speech was rather nice.

I think Greg's parents would handle Greg being gay better than Nick's parents. I'm sure they would be sad seeing he's an only child and only chance for biological grandchildren.
You're welcome Wojo. No wonder why you should be proud of that Nick/Greg manip; it's perfect.And probably, those who havent't watched the two episodes, would think it is an actual scene.

After seven years of subtext and the so telling Nick's reaction in "Fannysmackin" punching that guy, seeing Nick visiting Greg at the hospital and holding their hands, everything would have felt so right...If only..*sigh*.... In a show like Torchwood, we would have seen that scene without a doubt. Right, Aquila and Clarrisani? ;)

I've also wondered if Greg ever did tell his parents the truth. I'm sure Grissom gave him the nudge and encouragement to do it. His speech was rather nice.
I think Greg's parents would handle Greg being gay better than Nick's parents.

I'm with you in that, Twiz; I think that Greg's parents would be more open minded than Nick's.And when Grissom tells Greg "now would be the time to come clear"....I can't help but think that Greg also told his parents about Nick, if he hadn't done before.

Oh, I've just read on another thread that they're planning a CSI movie. Regarding Nick/Greg, do you think there will be the same censorship in a movie than in a TV show from a conservative network like CBS?

I would mind to see more of this Nick/Greg UST in the big screen. And you? ;)



And here's the awesome manip that Wojo made for "Fannysmackin". This is how this episode should have ended....if TPTB had some guts, that is ;)


You're a genius, Wojo! :)

Aww OH my god, thats just a wonderful manip, it almost made me cry. You can never tell that its fake, who is it that sits with greg and holding his hands here?
And here's the awesome manip that Wojo made for "Fannysmackin". This is how this episode should have ended....if TPTB had some guts, that is ;)


You're a genius, Wojo! :)

Aww OH my god, thats just a wonderful manip, it almost made me cry. You can never tell that its fake, who is it that sits with greg and holding his hands here?

Nobody is actually sitting there beside him, the original picture is just Greg in bed with Grissom standing at the foot of the bed. The pic of Nick was from Gum Drops where he visits the little girl in the hospital.

Here is the original pic of Greg in the hospital. Greg pic

And this is the original pic of Nick Nick pic
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I still choose your final scenario for "Fannysmackin", Wojo ;)

New episode tonight. Will the boys work together in a case? Will we get some Nick/Greg scenes? Will Eric get more screentime? Will Greg ever stop doing Archie's job? (l remember he was a CSI and used to work on the field.....:rolleyes:) . Will anyone else check out Nick's ass? :lol: Oh, so many questions....

Just a few reminders of The Love. Now and then:






Hello all!!

Long time no post- I nearly forgot about you all... Sorry, just recently got back into CSI.

OMG- i've kinda scimmed read some of the posts- but not really read them all lol....

There was a mention of a Dvd Nick gave to someone? Yeah the man the bartender probably had good gaydar and picked it up pretty well even if Nick isnt out ppl know Mr Stokes!

Hmm, but from what i have watched, at least for me- maybe i've not picked that up, but theres been very little love moments this season... Or have i totally missed it?

Classic though when Nick lets Greg and Riley share his office- nice touch... Heavens only knows what them two boys get up to when their alone, some quality couple time no doubt.

Has anyone got any good season 9 pics with the boys in a scene together?
There has been some good moments this season and there are more coming too! I just love photographic evidence and that is why you all are going to be thrilled when you read this spoiler!

Episode 23 was written by David Rambo, well there is a link on the spoiler picture thread to photos of Hog Heaven. Two of the photos are of Nick and Greg working a case together!! Finally the boys got some screen time together. And pictures to prove it. I could not access the larger pics so there are just small thumbnails, go look. -THANK YOU DAVID RAMBO!
There has been some good moments this season and there are more coming too! I just love photographic evidence and that is why you all are going to be thrilled when you read this spoiler!

Episode 23 was written by David Rambo, well there is a link on the spoiler picture thread to photos of Hog Heaven. Two of the photos are of Nick and Greg working a case together!! Finally the boys got some screen time together. And pictures to prove it. I could not access the larger pics so there are just small thumbnails, go look. -THANK YOU DAVID RAMBO!

Doing the happy dance!! Thanks for that Wojo!

Your Fannysmackin' manip is awesome, and definitely what I wanted to see in the episode. Thanks so much for creating it. It's beautifully done!

I've posted my thoughts on the Movie in the Movie thread, but I doubt they'd let any Love moments onto the big screen. Even though it would be awesome.
Welcome back, candygirl! We've missed you.
"Has anyone got any good season 9 pics with the boys in a scene together?"
The last pic on my previous post is from "Miscarriage of Justice". Notice the way Nick is looking at Greg in that scene:

Episodes like "Young Man With A Horn", "Leave Out The Rest", "The Grave Shift"...have great Nick/Greg moments too. Here's a scene from "Young Man With a Horn": the first person Nick mentions Warrick to is....Greg ;) This exchange of looks is very telling, as if they don't even need to speak to know what they're feeling. Like an old married couple:



There has been some good moments this season and there are more coming too! I just love photographic evidence and that is why you all are going to be thrilled when you read this spoiler!

Episode 23 was written by David Rambo, well there is a link on the spoiler picture thread to photos of Hog Heaven. Two of the photos are of Nick and Greg working a case together!! Finally the boys got some screen time together. And pictures to prove it. I could not access the larger pics so there are just small thumbnails, go look. -THANK YOU DAVID RAMBO!

YES!!! It was about time! :thumbsup: Thanks, Mr Rambo and also, thanks to you, Wojo. Maybe, the best is yet to come......;)
There has been some good moments this season and there are more coming too! I just love photographic evidence and that is why you all are going to be thrilled when you read this spoiler!

Episode 23 was written by David Rambo, well there is a link on the spoiler picture thread to photos of Hog Heaven. Two of the photos are of Nick and Greg working a case together!! Finally the boys got some screen time together. And pictures to prove it. I could not access the larger pics so there are just small thumbnails, go look. -THANK YOU DAVID RAMBO!

Where can I see the thumnails?, and about your manip it must have been hard to work on that one, the hands and everything just fits perfectly, well done.
Welcome back, candygirl! We've missed you.
"Has anyone got any good season 9 pics with the boys in a scene together?"
The last pic on my previous post is from "Miscarriage of Justice". Notice the way Nick is looking at Greg in that scene:

Episodes like "Young Man With A Horn", "Leave Out The Rest", "The Grave Shift"...have great Nick/Greg moments too. Here's a scene from "Young Man With a Horn": the first person Nick mentions Warrick to is....Greg ;) This exchange of looks is very telling, as if they don't even need to speak to know what they're feeling. Like an old married couple:



Thanks Seabird as ever, you've recalled stuff to me... Yes i remember watching that scene- and that was probably the most tenderist? non romantic- romantic they've been for ages.

Be still my little gay heart lol.:drool:

Yes loving the pics as well thanks- :).

I am soo lost in what order the episodes have even been shown. I just recorded a whole bunch and hmm, since when it started and just watched it.... So uptodate is with the British audience.

I missed though when Greg became level 3 - and bypast totally level 2 lol.

I am sooo out of the loop lol.
Nick_and_Greg - the thumbnail links can be found on the CSI spoiler picture thread. Also just as a reminder of the rules of this thread. ALL POSTS must be at least three lines long.

Ok now, the guys didn't work a case together this week but they at least got to share some screentime/space together. In the evidence room discussing the case. Not only did they stand next to each other but as you can see by my photographic evidence that they even had the same expressions on their faces!


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