The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #21

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Yeah I would have loved to see Greg get promoted but instead we get an after the fact scene. It wasn't that bad though, at least Greg's been promoted! But Nick teasing him about buying breakfast was really cute and the way Greg just smirked (like yeah Nick you know I'll give you breakfast in bed).

I have a theory on why we see less(or no) boy touching or lingering looks. The guys are so into each other that they have to be careful, because if they start touching each other they will not want to stop and they have to keep themselves in control somehow. They still do share looks but not as much and it is for the same reason, they need to keep their feelings for one another in check while at work.
Hm, so last nights episode sounds OK. I mean the boys working together again (yeah for that!) and Greg getting promoted! I'll wait with any more comments until I've seen clips though.

I'm with you Wojo on the whole interaction thing. They are together (well, at least I think so) and can touch each other when- and wherever they want so they don't have to touch each other at work. And yes, touching at work could be dangerous because let's face it, could they really stop, knowing what touching can lead to?! :devil:
I agree with happyharper about the touching decreasing; in previous seasons the boys were flirting, now they are in a relationship and they can do a lot more touching at home ;). And I also agree with wojo and love_fan: if they start touching each other, probably they will not want to stop :devil:....

But if the touching has decreased, the boys have lately shared MORE deep and meaningful glances than ever. That speaks volume to me. Like the look they shared at the top of the stairs in "Empty Eyes".

Here are more examples:

From "Living Doll"


From "For Gedda" (Greg's smile and Nick's look staring at Greg speak more than a thousand words):



From "Young Man With A Horn". I've just read read a great comment about this Nick/Greg scene on another site and I'd like to share. They say that this is "the perfect 'oldmarriedcouple' look. Like if they had talked all this out at home over and over again and they didn't have to say anymore." VERY TRUE. They always look so comfortable together like an old married couple.....;) And I love the way the boys can say so much even when they are just looking at each other:


Yeah they sort of are like an old married couple now, but last night I think Nick seemed a little irritated by Greg sort of flirting with Riley again.

(Sorry my caps are not too great.)
And then when Nick said that the meal would be on the new Level 3, Greg was seemed a bit amused, that Nick did not want to go straight home after work and celebrate privately.

But then work got in the way, but at least they still got some travel time in the SUV to the crime scene to be alone.
Haven't been to this thread in ages! Thanks for the recap of the Love moments, I'll point them out to my friend...heck..I might just make her watch them again with me!!

I actually liked that the promotion was 'after the fact' and methinks Nick and Greg have already celebrated...

Wojo, good theory! It makes perfect sense! I can imagine them wanting to hold hands but because they can't they've decided not to touch each other at all, because it would be too natural for them to get comfortable!!

I really do love how they talk with their eyes!
Oooh my!! Havent been here for ages!!! and when I do come back its a new thread and great pics.

Pic 1. Did I see correctly that Greg was touching Nick's bottom? I mean come on, can they BE any more subtext than that?

Other pics....

Wow, nice to see though that Greg can make Nick jealous- and thats good for us to see! Regardless of an individuals status within a "relationship" if one can be jealous over nothing then lol that can mean a lot of things, :drool:, but it also can mean that Greg knows how to tease his man... ;)


Great pics!!! See Greg looks sooo yummy and yet sooo i dont know pleased with himself??? Nick's frown lines? cant get any deeper surly lol.


Oh my! What great pics those are, and especially the newist ones you uploaded...
Its like they're talking without moving their lips..

Nick- Well?
Greg- later...

Or something like that.

Does anyone notice how much Greg and Nick glow? Especially in "For Gredda"
Yeah they sort of are like an old married couple now, but last night I think Nick seemed a little irritated by Greg sort of flirting with Riley again.

(Sorry my caps are not too great.)

Yeah, I noticed that when I saw the vid with this scene. Nicky was really irritated, and at first I thought - "why he's not happy 'cause his guy got the promotion?" But well, first thing which Greg did was a small flirt with Riley, lol. I'm sure he did it to see Nick's reaction. I think that Greg's relationship with Riley is clear for them both and Nicky knows it. But sometimes you can't fight with jealousy.

And then when Nick said that the meal would be on the new Level 3, Greg was seemed a bit amused, that Nick did not want to go straight home after work and celebrate privately.

But then work got in the way, but at least they still got some travel time in the SUV to the crime scene to be alone.

Greg knew that in home is waiting for him sweet punishment:devil:
So, now that I have seen the scene in question, here are my two cents.

Yes, Nicky does appear to be a bit jealous over Greg "flirting" with Riley but Greg's sweet (and a bit too long) smile at his man should have made up for that. Plus telling everyone that his Greggo would buy breakfast was at least some kind of payback although I have to agree with Greg'sLittleElf that more punishment will await him at home (in the bedroom). :devil:

I get the impression that Greg deliberately "flirts" with Riley so Nicky will have to punish him :devil:
thx for the great screencaps, they sure show what a special and deep bond the guys have :)
I agree, less touching means simply that they're now in a different phase of their relationship, no longer flirting but as seabird quoted they behave like an old married couple, very happily married I may add :)
but well, Greg's always liked to tease Nick so no wonder he flirts a bit with Riley, jealousy sure spices up a relationship :lol:
Great news, Catlover2x posted the 7th installment of GSPD on WMTDB. It is my favourite Nick & Greg AU. Its like christmas has arrived early. LOL. I thought u guys would like to know
Thanks for the heads-up, LoneWolfe :thumbsup:

Everytime there's a reference on the show to Greg's love for old Vegas, it reminds me so much of Catlover's Greg Sanders Private Dick series. Nick and Greg are so in character! Speaking of Nick/Greg fics, I'm also one of those who read carolinecrane's "Lock and Key" every Christmas.... It's a tradition ;)

I was watching (again) "Bull" the other night and I noticed some details I overlooked before. First, we have the scene where Catherine and Hodges talk about "Brokeback Mountain". The NEXT scene is Nick and Greg arriving together in the car. Coincidence? I don't think so...Because later, Wendy enters the lab and call Nick and Greg "buckaroos" (cowboys)! Put all those things together ;)..... The subtext in this episode was GREAT, don't you think? There are those little hints that the writers (David Rambo in this case), like to drop here and there.....

The "help me, baby" look. Too funny.


With the wedding chapel lady. They were so close in this scene!

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Thanks for the heads-up, LoneWolfe :thumbsup:

Everytime there's a reference on the show to Greg's love for old Vegas, it reminds me so much of Catlover's Greg Sanders Private Dick series. Nick and Greg are so in character! Speaking of Nick/Greg fics, I'm also one of those who read carolinecrane's "Lock and Key" every Christmas.... It's a tradition ;)

I was watching (again) "Bull" the other night and I noticed some details I overlooked before. First, we have the scene where Catherine and Hodges talk about "Brokeback Mountain". The NEXT scene is Nick and Greg arriving together in the car. Coincidence? I don't think so...Because later, Wendy enters the lab and call Nick and Greg "buckaroos" (cowboys)!

I never noticed that! OK, I've only watched it once but still. Thanks for pointing it out!

So tonight I'll finally get to see For Warrick. Yeah for the boys, can't wait to see that diner scene :thumbsup:, but nay for Warrick :(.
After that I can re-watch S8 and guess which episodes are at the top of my list? Yes, A La Cart and Bull.

I just loved the way Nicky looked at Greg for help against "evil" Wendy. And Greg was so chivalrous as to grant it to him. And nothing can compete with the "chapel" scene. Sitting so close together. And every time I see Nick get up I expect him to put his hand on Greg's knee. I bet he wanted to, too! ;)
I was watching (again) "Bull" the other night and I noticed some details I overlooked before. First, we have the scene where Catherine and Hodges talk about "Brokeback Mountain". The NEXT scene is Nick and Greg arriving together in the car. Coincidence? I don't think so...Because later, Wendy enters the lab and call Nick and Greg "buckaroos" (cowboys)! Put all those things together ;)..... The subtext in this episode was GREAT, don't you think? There are those little hints that the writers (David Rambo in this case), like to drop here and there.....

The "help me, baby" look. Too funny.


With the wedding chapel lady. They were so close in this scene!


Bull is full of subtext, very clear subtext... Just from the beginning you just know what's going on there. And when Nick came with Greg. Yes, I know, they can met only in the parking lot 'cause they needed to go at the crime scene but we know the truth:devil: They came together in the same car and we can only imagine what was before they got to the car what was happening in the car, lol. Scene with Wendy is one of my absolutely favourite funny scenes in CSI and not only 'cause of subtext. These Nick's looks at Greg... Just perfect. I'd call our hints small, lol. All was so visible - cowboys, Brokeback Mountain, Wendy's hello. It was shouting subtext;) Ah, I love Bull.
I just loved the way Nicky looked at Greg for help against "evil" Wendy. And Greg was so chivalrous as to grant it to him. And nothing can compete with the "chapel" scene. Sitting so close together. And every time I see Nick get up I expect him to put his hand on Greg's knee. I bet he wanted to, too! ;)

I thought the same thing! Even in the cap it looks like Nicky would rather have his hand on Greg's knee!!

I think Greg flirts with Riley partly to get Nick 'riled' up (sorry, couldn't help myself), but also because I don't think they'd have told anyone outside their closets friends, so it keeps their cover so to speak. Otherwise, they'd have to be split up (like Sara and Grissom were) and then they couldn't work together and then where would they be?!! Greg knows he won't get anywhere with Riley, so I think he feels safe playing the role.

I need to go back and watch 19 Down again, the breakfast teasing was so cute!!
So tonight I'll finally get to see For Warrick. Yeah for the boys, can't wait to see that diner scene :thumbsup:, but nay for Warrick :(.
After that I can re-watch S8 and guess which episodes are at the top of my list? Yes, A La Cart and Bull.

I just loved the way Nicky looked at Greg for help against "evil" Wendy. And Greg was so chivalrous as to grant it to him. And nothing can compete with the "chapel" scene. Sitting so close together. And every time I see Nick get up I expect him to put his hand on Greg's knee. I bet he wanted to, too! ;)

I think you meant For Getta? Since that is the ep with the diner scene. For Warrick is the next ep (start of S9 where he dies).

I also just recently watched Bull on SpikeTV. That whole scene with Wendy was just too funny, both guys were so uncomfortable but didn't want to be rude at the same time, until Greg finally says "I think we got the picture."

Seabird - I have watched Bull dozons of times and I never noticed that! Good observation.
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