Police Officer
Mua hahaha lots to reply to.
^-^ Yeah, I can see that now. Greg/Warrick weren't too close... but I guess that I'd want to see some real emotion from Greg. Usually he doesn't let any through, except for a few parts, like in the episode with the burn victim, in Fannysmakin' and in Grave Danger. Did I miss any episodes where Greg's raw emotions show through? Greg's a pretty cool character and he doesn't show too many emotions. Hmm, sounds kind of like Gris, but different.
I think that it'd be great if Greg did break down, but maybe he would be crying for everything that was lost when Warrick met his fate? Maybe he was crying for everyone around him who knew Warrick better than he did (especially for Nick, Cath and Grissom), or because a great man like Warrick lost his life just trying to find some justice, or just for the fact that the world was going to be a much crueler, colder place without Warrick in it.
My mom was saying how Grissom's going to be on the warpath to track down who killed Warrick, and I couldn't help but agree with her.
"Hell hath no fury like a Grissom enraged."
Hmm, I think enraged is too tame a word. Grissom's going to be... well, I don't know what Grissom's mental state will be after he finds out, but it won't be good for the US!
^-^ Adorable. Nick's heart's going to be shattered into a million different pieces soon, and Greg's going to be there to help put it all back together. But, of course, like with everything in life, it won't be easy.
^-^ I don't know why they don't, but I might have a bit of a theory... Maybe TPTB don't consider Greg and Nick very close? In fact, have we ever seen Warrick and Nick go out to a game at all (besides the one where they sit down to play poker together, sorry forgot title of episode)? We know these two are friends outside of work. But it would be kind of stupid if TPTB don't consider Greg and Nick friends outside of work. They joke around and interact as friends, not just coworkers. Or maybe CSI Las Vegas just doesn't like to put in much of the characters' outside lives. We've seen snippets from all of them, but maybe Greg/Nick hanging out just seems too small to put in there. A kind of dumb reason, but who knows.
^-^ Re Bryce: Hmm. From what I've read about her... she sounds like someone for Grissom, but she looks like someone Nick would go out with (red hair). I dunno, but Nick better not be going out with the waitress and seeing Bryce on the side. *rolls eyes* You know Nick's trying to compensate for something if he has to be seeing two woman at the same time. >.<
Re scenario: Aweh!!! It's cute and I love it. Stephanie could finally be useful. You should totally turn that into a fanfic. xD
Re Ray being gay (Ooh that rhymed): CSI should have a recurring gay person that isn't the victim or the suspect. I mean, come on... people are more open minded now. Being more up to date would probably draw in more viewers than lose them. But who knows how the older viewers would take to it. I don't know, seeing as how I am not older... whatever age that may be.
I really don't see Greg as the one to break down. I definitely see Nick as the one to break down. He was closest to Warrick and was already getting all huffy just with Greg discussing the case. I can see him getting very angry and upset and out for revenge for who killed Warrick. I can see Greg trying to calm him down and hold him back from making a mistake, something that might be considered vigilante in seeking his revenge.
^-^ Yeah, I can see that now. Greg/Warrick weren't too close... but I guess that I'd want to see some real emotion from Greg. Usually he doesn't let any through, except for a few parts, like in the episode with the burn victim, in Fannysmakin' and in Grave Danger. Did I miss any episodes where Greg's raw emotions show through? Greg's a pretty cool character and he doesn't show too many emotions. Hmm, sounds kind of like Gris, but different.
I think that it'd be great if Greg did break down, but maybe he would be crying for everything that was lost when Warrick met his fate? Maybe he was crying for everyone around him who knew Warrick better than he did (especially for Nick, Cath and Grissom), or because a great man like Warrick lost his life just trying to find some justice, or just for the fact that the world was going to be a much crueler, colder place without Warrick in it.
My mom was saying how Grissom's going to be on the warpath to track down who killed Warrick, and I couldn't help but agree with her.
"Hell hath no fury like a Grissom enraged."
Hmm, I think enraged is too tame a word. Grissom's going to be... well, I don't know what Grissom's mental state will be after he finds out, but it won't be good for the US!
Anyway, I haven't seen the episode, so if my reasoning is wrong in any way, I apologize, and I'm usually not for angst but that idea just came to me because you said that Nicky was upset with Greg. Well, as much as I'd hate to watch something like that but I could see that Nicky would get angry at Greg for believing whatever he had implied earlier. He would scream at him saying he never liked Warrick that he was jealous of their friendship and so on. Of course he'd only say these things because he hurts so much and wouldn't really mean them. And Greg would know that too. So he'd just listen to Nicky letting it all out until he'd finally break down in Greg's strong arms.
^-^ Adorable. Nick's heart's going to be shattered into a million different pieces soon, and Greg's going to be there to help put it all back together. But, of course, like with everything in life, it won't be easy.
Maybe, its also about time that we saw Nick and Greg out of work and doing something fun and interesting. We’ve seen it on NY, where Danny and Flack went to a basketball game…. Why can’t wee see Greg and Nick doing something like that as well perhaps a football game ?
^-^ I don't know why they don't, but I might have a bit of a theory... Maybe TPTB don't consider Greg and Nick very close? In fact, have we ever seen Warrick and Nick go out to a game at all (besides the one where they sit down to play poker together, sorry forgot title of episode)? We know these two are friends outside of work. But it would be kind of stupid if TPTB don't consider Greg and Nick friends outside of work. They joke around and interact as friends, not just coworkers. Or maybe CSI Las Vegas just doesn't like to put in much of the characters' outside lives. We've seen snippets from all of them, but maybe Greg/Nick hanging out just seems too small to put in there. A kind of dumb reason, but who knows.
Well, I'm happy to announce that i did see the epi...but I'm kinda wishing the ending hadn't happened. But, then again, Gary left, and my mom is so sure that Gary's going to jail (please, no!)
Yeah...I didn't see that thing with Nick and Greg, but I'm sure if they show it again, I'll catch it! But I did notice the waitress and the look Greg gave her! lol.
Oh, and, hey, Roy isn't out yet. But, right now, they've got a new girl coming in. I'm worried this is Nick's REAL girlfriend....
So, yeah. She scares me a bit, and aparently, Lauren Lee Smith, which is the name of the actress playing her, has been in a lot of SciFi stuff in past. Am I the only one who really doesn't like where TPTB are going with this?
No word on Roy yet, though. I still think he should be gay! lol. Seriously, they really need a reacurring gay person on CSI.
But, yeah, *Sniffs* Warrick...I cried for about two hours. I logged off the live caht, then it just hit me...I went like, "Warrick's dead, oh my God, WARRICK'S DEAD!!" And, mind you, I SCREAMED that. I do not want to know what the neighbors thought...
I'm thinking...with the way Nick bit Greg's head off right there...maybe they've just had a big fight? And are distancing themselves from each other, but Nick can't stop thinking about Greg and how the fight was his fault. And now Greg's going off someplace out of state, and Nick needs to tell Greg that he didn't mean it. That's why he hung behind, thinking thing out: should he go after the one good thing in his life, or should he let him got to California or whatever and blow off steem, then try to work things out when he got back. I don't think he wanted to ask the waitress out. I'm going on a limb here, but...
Nick is left sitting in the diner, an empty plate and a coffee cup in front of him. The waitress (stephanie) comes over and starts to clear off the table.
Nick: Hey...can I ask you a question?
Stephanie: *looks at him and smiles* sure.
Nick: Uh...what would you do had a fight with your...significant other and, as a result...your distancing yourselves for each other and their leaving for...let's say California today?
Stephanie *looks a little taken aback by his strange question.* Well...depends, is it somethign serious?
Nick: I'd like to think.
Stephanie: Do you love them?
Nick: *looks deep in thought for a few seconds* You know what...I really think I do...
Stephanie And when did you say their leaving?
Nick: Uh...*looks at his watch* right now.
Stephanie: Well, then, I'd be running, then, wouldn't I?!
Nick: Hops up* Jesus, you're right! Thanks, Stephanie!
Stephanie: *chuckles* no problem, nick, you and Greg work it out.
Nick doens't even bother to ask how she knows as he walks out. Then, there is the sound of a gun shot.
Lengthy, I know. The ned is, of course, Warrick getting shot. And, I'm going from the view that the CSI's have been to that diner several times and Stephanie knows them and has seen the atraction between Nick and Greg. lol.
^-^ Re Bryce: Hmm. From what I've read about her... she sounds like someone for Grissom, but she looks like someone Nick would go out with (red hair). I dunno, but Nick better not be going out with the waitress and seeing Bryce on the side. *rolls eyes* You know Nick's trying to compensate for something if he has to be seeing two woman at the same time. >.<
Re scenario: Aweh!!! It's cute and I love it. Stephanie could finally be useful. You should totally turn that into a fanfic. xD
Re Ray being gay (Ooh that rhymed): CSI should have a recurring gay person that isn't the victim or the suspect. I mean, come on... people are more open minded now. Being more up to date would probably draw in more viewers than lose them. But who knows how the older viewers would take to it. I don't know, seeing as how I am not older... whatever age that may be.
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