The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

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First and foremost - the redhead was just a plot device to explain why Nick didn't walk out with Warrick. But even if she was a fantastic woman, how could Nick possibly have a relationship with her once he realizes that staying to talk to her was the reason he didn't walk out with Rick? Every time he'd look at her, he'd be reminded of that.

And now for some juicy rationalizations LOL (aka the fun part of being a LOVE fan)...

Nick didn't make a comment about the waitress, he looked at her after he was razzed. I cracked up, because the camera angle really makes it seem like he ultimately ends up staring at Greg and getting lost in though. Then Greg gets up grinning, because he knows Nick's not thinking about the redhead LOL watch it again with that in mind :guffaw:

After the first waitress comment, Greg was all "I'm going home". They've been down this road before with Warrick and he knows Nick has to play the game. Really Greg went home expecting to see Nick in an hour so they could spend some quality time before his flight to LA.

Nick seems to forget about the redhead and is totally focused on going out for a beer with Warrick. But once again, Warrick pushes him to hook up with the redhead. Nick knows it's starting to look odd, so he caves and says "yeah, I think I will", but he doesn't budge or try to get the waitresses attention. He just sits there waiting for enough time to pass for Warrick to drive away so he can bolt.

If the tragedy didn't happen, the next time he saw his pal, Nick would have told him she wasn't all that and he wasn't going to call her.

Until proven otherwise, that works for me.

The Love lives! :lol:
Sorry Sara's Girl, not trying to kill you. My plot bunnies are working over time too. lol, and certainly I'll keep them coming.

Maggs, your theory works for me too. Really well. In fact, as much as it's going to kill me, I'll be rewatching that ending later tonight. I've got a story plot that explains the ending, includes that secret Norwegian code, the plane... yeah... It was obvious Warrick didn't know about The Love, or else he wouldn't have nagged Nick about the waitress, whom, I almost missed the first time we saw her!
I knew it was going to be a tearjerker ep. When I saw that ending, especially when I realized that I knew who killed him, I started to cry. Didn't really stop for a long while afterward either.
Guys, I really don't want to say this, but I realized something horrible. At the beginning of this season Sara left, leaving GSR cold (though there is a chance she could come back and rekindle that ship), and at the end they kill Warrick effectively ending Yo!Bling, which was another of their top three ships... you know what that means, right? That leaves us, The Love. We're the last major ship. I don't mean to make this all morbid or anything, or sad and doubting the longevity of our ship, cause I believe it will survive and all, no matter what the writers/TPTB do, but still... I couldn't help but think that.
Well, that's my thoughts. I have to run to work, and think further on this story idea I've got. Sorry, but this means all my other WIP will be put on hold, I think. Warrick's death cannot be ignored. And I strongly feel the need to find the Yo!Bling thread and offer condolences. Still in shock... sorry... bye all...
Okay, knowing what's happened to GSR and Yo!Bling, I'm really starting to hope that The Love never becomes canon, simply because it would be in TPTB's nature to get rid of one of our guys one way or the other. Do you think TPTB realise that they're reducing their audience by getting rid of the ships?

I don't know about the rest of you, but right about now I'd very happily say I want The Love to stay in the subtext and not become canon.
Okay, knowing what's happened to GSR and Yo!Bling, I'm really starting to hope that The Love never becomes canon, simply because it would be in TPTB's nature to get rid of one of our guys one way or the other. Do you think TPTB realise that they're reducing their audience by getting rid of the ships?

I don't know about the rest of you, but right about now I'd very happily say I want The Love to stay in the subtext and not become canon.

Well now I'm thinking about know, before I thought it was a good thing that we were the last major ship (and the last of my ships still standing!) but hmm...I think they would have to mess with it if it ever became canon. Maybe the only way would be if they did it right at the end of the last season ever, so there was no way to ruin it. At least in subtext we know it's there but there's less chance of our guys getting messed with. So to summarise, I kind of agree with you :(

Ok so I didn't see the epi yet (I might be wrong but I don't know if it's been shown in the UK yet?) but sounds like this waitress girl is a pointless distraction from what the epi was really about (Warrick, obv) and I'm not too worried. When I do watch it, I'll be watching it with what Maggs said in my head :) and I'll be watching out for the little not-so-subtle glances as well.

I don't know if I want to watch the end though, am I going to cry? I really liked Warrick.

QOTU - I'm sure whatever you write on this will be worth waiting for, don't forget to linky and provide tissue warning.


Nat x
Okay, knowing what's happened to GSR and Yo!Bling, I'm really starting to hope that The Love never becomes canon, simply because it would be in TPTB's nature to get rid of one of our guys one way or the other. Do you think TPTB realise that they're reducing their audience by getting rid of the ships?

I don't know about the rest of you, but right about now I'd very happily say I want The Love to stay in the subtext and not become canon.

^-^ I completely agree with you. They've been destroying the ships one by one... It's as if TPTB can't let anyone be happy.
After Gris and Sara got together, they had their brief time in the sun, then Sara got kidnapped and then she left.
And now Yo!Bling is pretty much annihilated. I actually really liked this ship. *sigh*
If The Love was to go canon, I'd be pretty scared as to what would happen to it. I think I'd stop watching CSI if they killed off one of our boys.
Well part of the reason they killed GSR was because Jorja wanted to leave the show. And why Yo!Bling was killed was because of Gary being written out due to personal problems. I think if Jorja had not wanted to leave GSR would still be prominate and if Gary had not had his problems Yo!Bling still would have had possibilities.

As long as George and Eric stick around which those two I am pretty confident will stick with CSI until the end, I think we still have that dream of The Love possibly coming true or at least there always being the subtext there.
Did you all catch the shy laugh/smile Greg gave at the table at the end of the show and was looking in Nick's direction with it? :)
Hey guys, haven't been here in a while, but last night's episode...yeah. :(:(:(. <--- Multiply that by a million and one. All last night as I watched, I had images from Warrick's past episodes and my heart broke in that final scene. I wanted to scream 'DRIVE AWAY NOW!' even though I read the spoilers and knew what happened. Poor Nick. Warrick's his best friend! I refuse to say 'was' until we know otherwise. I'm still holding onto hope he somehow makes it. And yes, I know, shot twice in the head, but people have survived.

I did love to see Greg and I feel bad that he was the one who voiced the possible reasons why Warrick could be a suspect. That must have been an awful position to be put in. Hopefully he'll be there for Nick. And, I agree, I almost don't want them to happen just to keep the boys safe! There could be nice moments of Greg comforting Nick and just being there for him.

QOTU, i'll be looking forward to that story. I almost never cry reading fan fiction but you just might cause me to.
What happened? I read all your post and I'm still stunned! Warrick was shot? :( That's so wrong and what about the waitress? :confused:

Does someone have screencaps?

I actually love your explanation Maggs that Nicky looked at Greg but since I haven't seen the episode it's all theory to me.

Poor Nicky, his best friend gone, I hope Greg takes good care of him now.

And what's that, Greg's leaving for LA? Please, explain to me, I really want to know!
Well, as long as Mr. Eads and Mr. Szmanda continue with the show, it will be hard for TPTB to get rid of them. They saw what happened when Mr. Peterson left for a while, people were like "WTF?!" and stopped watching.

So, I think that the Love has a chance, as someone said, the girl was a plot device, (plus she didn't seem interested). So, they won't get rid of anyone else. *Pulls out Millennium Ring* They'd better not....
Did the girl not seem interested then? I haven't seen the episode. There's always still a chance for the Love :D I guess it's going to be interesting to see where it all goes next season eh? Hopefully more Nick/Greg working together, no girl, or if girl lots of Greg sarcasm about her etc...
Maggs, I loved your theory! Even though Nick was making eyes with the waitress he still could not take his eyes off Greg! Ok so the Nick asking the waitress out didn't happen (yeaah) maybe it was re-written in order to add Warrick's death? I will miss Warrick, but I am wondering if Gary hadn't been arrested would Warrick still have died?
I love how Greg's book story line is carrying on...
CSIElizabeth - Welcome back!

As for Greg going to LA, he's got several meetings with publishers for his Old Vegas book.

And yes, if you haven't seen the ep, and love Warrick, you'll want a whole box of Kleenex. My story picks up RIGHT where the ep ends. I hope to do Warrick justice in this. I've got several heartbreaking scenes in my head already. Of course, it will be told through a Love pov. And I'll be sure to let you know when it's posted. Possible title right now is "Remember The Name" from the song of the same title by Fort Minor. Someone once did an awesome team vid on youtube with it, though I can't find it anymore. There's another with just the guys from the team and the song by someone else.

lol... not to change the subject... by this song on the radio about a little boy wearing nothing but cowboy boots just reminded me of something I was gonna say. You all were wanting a story about Nick and Greg on the ranch... well, that's sorta what Texas Chronicles was supposed to be about. They're at the ranch, though it turned a little more ansty than I was going for. But yeah, the last chapter I posted, if you've read it, you'll know why this song reminded me of it. lol.

ok, back to Warrick and the last ep... yeah, the girl seemed a little interested... but don't worry, my ending will squash that... check that... Greg will squash that for her. lol.

Dizzney - yeah, you're right it was because the cast members wanted to leave, but still. I mean, at least the way GSR ended, there's still hope. Yo!Bling... not so much.

ok, so you're all on the thought that Greg needs to be there for Nick, which I agree with, but what about Greg? How do you all think he would react to this? Does Nick need to be there for him just as much as Greg for him, or not?

Well, on to do some research for this story... ttyl.
I'm all upset and flustered after last nights episode. We did get some Love action last night. Although I was kinda irritated at Nicky when he got mad a Greggo for suggestion Warrick would be seen as rough cop. I mean he has been there so he would know. Hes just trying to help. I'm glad Greggo's book is getting off the ground. He looked very cute last night in that jacket. A little irritated with Nicky for the whole waitress thing as well. Chasing freakin skirts while your best friend just got out of police custody , come on now. Poor Greggo having to watch, blah. But I did notice how he could not take his eyes off Greggo after he made eye contact with the waitress. Hes probably thinking silly Nicky and his silly beard. Anywho QOTU I'm excited about your new story, can't wait to read it.
CSIElizabeth - Welcome back!

As for Greg going to LA, he's got several meetings with publishers for his Old Vegas book.

ok, so you're all on the thought that Greg needs to be there for Nick, which I agree with, but what about Greg? How do you all think he would react to this? Does Nick need to be there for him just as much as Greg for him, or not?

Well, on to do some research for this story... ttyl.

Well, I don't know whether Greg and Warrick were really that close. Warrick has always been Nick's best friend and I guess when Greg entered the pictures as Nick's boyfriend Warrick was OK with it but I don't think that they were best buds as he and Nick.

I think that Greg will hurt for Nicky very much. He loves him after all and his best friend was just killed so he will do anything to make Nicky feel loved! But I can totally see him cry himself to sleep after he held Nicky all night. :(

And I agree with all of you, it's a shame that Yo!Bling had to end like that. Hopefully the boys won't ever see such an ending!!
Warrick and Greg never were too close, they were mostly collegues, but I think Greg will still feel the loss. I mean the way Warrick was taken down was harsh. Maybe Nick and Greg will comfort each other in their own individual ways and needs. Well at least we can get a fic showing that anyway. :lol: I doubt the show will give us that much.

But I do have a little Treat I created for all you. :D
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