The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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You know I noticed some of that...well, hacking is what it is. :mad: I fixed some of it (on the "other sites" page), once or twice. Just the content. Obviously it was still taking up space.

I'm glad the fic section will still be up.

If you need help with anything, just ask. :) I'm always there for fellow Love fans.

I have all my videos saved if you need to temporarily delete at least them for more space. :)
Yeah i wondered what all that endless links were, on the main Wiki page, because it is a wiki anyone can post things there, yeah it does sound like a hacker or something just as horrible...

Its a thougth though Kelly that you might have to either change server, or propagate the site? I am not too funky on the technology of running a website, but as far as i can gather, the bot or the hacker has hacked into the portal, so you need to fix that, so it cant run off your portal.

Does that actuarly make sence? Its frustrating beecause i know what I want to say, but cnat find the words...

Yeah im with the twins here, anything i can do just name it.

Also maybe put some form of fire wall, once digging out the criter you need proper protection. probably a rogue site using your brandwith for their evil ends....

Ok sorry back on topic now...

I think its over to suckerforasmile, or twins, or only, or wojo, or maybe even my fellow Greg and Eric fan Queen...
Clarrisani said:
I know. When I read "special case" I was very glad I hadn't eaten yet. It's just sickening, the way Carol is just completely obsessed. I swear she's actually an android being controlled by a 14-year-old. Or a group of obsessed soapie-addicted teen fangirls, anyway.

Yeap, Nick and Greg are married. That counts as "familial". Husband/husband, and maybe they're secretly sponsering Cassie McBride.

Awwww....That would be so sweet!

The boys together definitely would be a much more "special case" ;) Not to mention they make a couple hotter than hell :devil:



Thanks to whoever made these manips.
Gah, that totally sucks about the site, but at least the fics won't be affected.

Wait... no CSI this Thursday? Where have I been?! *faints*

So, for Halloween, my sister and I are gonna be CSIs. I may be a full-grown adult, but I still love dressing up for Halloween. :lol: At first, I was gonna be a lab tech, but the local costume store wanted like $25 for a flimsy lab coat! I was like nuh-uh. Anyway, we're making the vests and everything. We've got cameras, toy guns, handcuffs [which I'm pretty sure they don't carry them, but handcuffs are cool], flashlights, glasses, cases and we're even making the ALS things, too. It's gonna rock.

love_fan~ thanks! glad you liked ch. 3 & 4. I was really worried people wouldn't like how I kinda just threw in the events of ch. 4, but the whole premise of the fic was starting to weigh down on me, so I figured I'd write a happy, fluffy chapter to even things out. :D
hehehehe Love the manips! god bless whoever did them! :)

Shacky~ hope Jacob feels better! *hugs* And it really sucks about who ever hacked into the site! grrrrrr Is there a way to trace back to who did it????

And dont forget later tonight RPG will continue!!!! :) And since CSI isnt on this week for us any suggestions on what to do?? hmmmmm *tries to think of something fun!*
Zodiac- That costume idea sounds awesome! You'll have to post pics!! And I'm about to read chapters 3 and 4!!

I know, my writing has taken up so much time I haven't gotten a chance to read everyone's updates! So sorry guys! And I know I promised to get the epilogue posted tonight... but it's still not done. I'm going to work on it some tonight, and Maybe by tomorrow night or Tuesday it can be posted. We'll see.

Candy- I'm gonna get to your updates soon too!
And everyone else whom I haven't read yet.

Maggs- The differences I've noticed between the reviews at and WMTDB are the number of reviews and the quality of reviews. Because it seems that "true" Love fans go to WMTDB while more "casual" fans go to So, I feel like while I get more reviews at ff, I get longer, more indepth reviews at WMTDB that mean more to me. Actually, at my long piece "Live and Love" has over 3,000 hits but only 100 reviews. So, who knows. Think of it like they're reading a published novel, because so many people read published novels but don't email or call or snailmail the author with comments.
lol, I wish there was an easy way to comment published authors. And I wonder what Dean Koontz would say if I told him I used his book in my fanfic and that because of that a few people have actually picked up his book and read it....

Shacky- Good luck with the site! I hope it all goes smoothly and I'll be on the lookout for updates!
OMG QOTU EXCELLENT story (Dying to Please)!!!!! I wont say more but seriously BRAVO! :)

And any predictions for twins and my rpg in Case of the Crisis of the Heart????
As we're talking about stories sorry I am gonna vent here.....

Ok I just happpened to quickly log onto my email account and hmm this rather random email with a review pops up, so i read it. I say that the spelling mistakes are my own i know i'm a bad speller.... but this email pointed out the same mistakes are done over and over again....

So i replied very promptly saying thats for the kind review and too keep up with the story.... I said to the person that I am English and yeah I use an english standard spell check but i'm a bad speller.....
Time to start tonight's RPG "The Case of the Crisis of the Heart."

For warning...there's some angst coming up.


Catherine got of her car and headed into the diner where she was meeting her co-workers for breakfast before work.

She was the last to arrive and she took her seat next to Warrick. She saw Nick and Greg sitting on the other side of him and they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. She smiled to herself and could tell they were really happy with each other and were obviously glad they could be open with their feelings.
Greg leans over to whisper to Nick," we better stop right now before everyone gets suspcious. But we can def. continue on later." *gives Nick a quick kiss on the cheek and turns his attention towards the rest of the group.
Catherine clearly saw the kiss staring out of the corner of her eye. (Though Grissom and Sara weren't paying any attention.)

"It's funny," Catherine started, and she got everyone's attention, "Who would have guessed that all six of us would be paired perfectly in respective relationships."

She didn't notice Nick and Greg's panicked faces.
Greg looks over towards Nick then at Cath not knowing what to think or to believe. Did Nick betray him? OMG he says to himself. This.... This... he mumbles under his breath. And as soon as he looks back up at Nick he grabs his arm and drags him towards the rest room.
The rest of the teamed stared at Catherine in shock?

"How do you know about them?" Grissom asked Catherine.

"Warrick told me."

Grissom looks at Warrick.

"Hey, I found out when I caught them kissing."

Grissom sighed. Catherine not only outed Nick and Greg (though they all know, Nick and Greg didn't know they did), but she also outed her and Warrick to Sara.
Pulling Nick into the mens bathrom he locked the door behind him. "What hell was that out there? How does Cath know? Did you do this? We were going ot be careful, Nicky. So FREAKIN careful after almost getting caught by Ecklie! Tell me you didn't do this. That you didn't tell Cath about us. Tell me that this (points back and forth between them) isn't a joke to you, Nicky. *starts to cry* :( :( Please tell me I'm wrong. SAY SOMETHNG!
O.O Quite a shame about wmtdb. Happens to the best of sites, doesn't it? -sighs at spamming/bots/spamming bots- If I can help out, I will. ;) But at least the fiction end of the site still works!

candygirl1uk said:
Well for to start with Suckerforasmile hmm you touched base with Nick not being angry and slightly confused with his sexuality. Ok. Well the boy in question although a victim of bullying he wasn't i dont think gay. Nick's not exactly hmm how can i say it, politically correct now is he. I'm sure if Greg had been there with Nick there would've been an eye brown raise, which is their equivelant (the shows) of them holding hands and kissing.
With last weeks ep? I think what I meant is that Nick just gets attached naturally. Um. Well. Yeah. That's what I MEANT to mean, heh, if that's any...if it makes any sense. He just seems to be so caring to the victims/victims families.

candygirl1uk said:
I think its over to suckerforasmile, or twins, or only, or wojo, or maybe even my fellow Greg and Eric fan Queen...
Uh? What did I do? -is so confused-

And Zodiac, the no CSI next Thursday comes when they don't give you a promo at the end of the episode. Like last week, they didn't say 'stay tuned for scenes from the next episode' - it just cuts out and kinda makes a fuzzy sound.

At least, it does here...

I love your Halloween costume idea, too! :D

So there's this author, right, and his penname was George Orwell. His real name was Eric something. Granted, it's before Nick/Greg or George/Eric times, but still. It's pretty cool, I thought. [I wouldn't be surprised if that's ever been brought up, but I never knew, so...]

The second-to-last chapter of DHME is done, too, I just have to stop being way lazy and send it to Kassie...Soon, yes?
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