The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Thanks for the great intro Stacy! :D


Catherine nodded and kissed Warrick sweetly on the cheek. They left separately from the lab and arrived at the bar. They sat down and ordered their drinks.


As Stacy said, we've been doing this for a while. If you wanna catch up, you need to go back to Fort 16! He he he. Couldn't tell you where though!
Warrick turns to Cath and says, "You know I love when you kiss me Cath. But you got try and resist doing it at work. *laughs* We got to be careful too." :)
Ah ok ok so much to get my digits around... Hmm i wish lol....

Well for to start with Suckerforasmile hmm you touched base with Nick not being angry and slightly confused with his sexuality. Ok. Well the boy in question although a victim of bullying he wasn't i dont think gay. Nick's not exactly hmm how can i say it, politically correct now is he. I'm sure if Greg had been there with Nick there would've been an eye brown raise, which is their equivelant (the shows) of them holding hands and kissing.

Whilst it was good to see Henry in that episode, hello, insensitve much. Transgender or transexual people have a hard enough time without Henry's hurtful comments. But I digress, glad that the boss, the dad of the show, was there to put Henry right.

Dont we all love the dad?

Hmmm yeah i saw the new wiki update. Oh how i laught... Not... brotherly affection... Yeah right, and that would be classed as incest, because they want each other not like two brothers' should. That wiki is funny though, because Nick didn't even get a paragraph mentioned.

What gives with that? At least the person could've said something on the lines of their close friendship and leave it at that!!!!


Queen yeah i'll buy the book, be funny if they actuarly do realease it, Eric signs it and the cost of the book goes towards a national or international charity... Now that would be cool. I of course would only buy it for the amazing picture of Eric in a t shirt and short shorts....

Oh for the fans of Ties that blind, i'm still working out ideas for that story, dont fret it will be updated sooner rather than later. I promise, and it's gonna have a few twists and turns....

After watching a mini marathon of Will and Grace, a big fan of this show I am... One bit really reminds me of Nick and Greg, although Greg could never be that camp. Did you know that well Jack turned to will and I kid ya' all not, he nearly paraphrased Nick's nickname he made up when talking to Catherine the famous "Let go of my Greggo"

Not that i took notes and unless i watch it again i think he said something like " eggo of my geggo" O please its there way of supporting characteres who are either from gay/bi/transexual community.........

Oh one final rant, dont take so to heart what C.M did say, for she knows of the boys' passions for each other....

Aww ladies ‎Gilbert is special, :lol: he is the daddy of the group. Aww their relationship is special... To hmm the characters, and to hmm the GSR shipperes, but sadly not to the rest of the entire species of man kind. Even the aliens circling the planet earth, for their fix of CSI telepathically say to each other....

No more GSR..... Give us sweet man o man action.... Give us the blonde and the dark skinned bling man...

I am now more convinced that C.M and our two happy loving boys actuarly read our sites of goodness... Opps I meant the actors that play our boys, what they get up to in their own private lives is up to them. But did i just see a rainbow on one of them?

:) :) :)
Catherine smiled wide "Fine", but then scrunched up her face. "What do you mean too? Are you talking about Grissom and Sara? I don't think they're like that." She looked intently at Warrick and could tell he was hiding something. What, she didn't know, but she sure wanted to. "What is it Warrick?"
Warrick remains silent for a sec. but knows that Cath will eventually get it out of him. Its not about Griss and Sara Cath. *sigh* How do I put this?... See its like this, Nick and Greg are together.

When Warrick tells her that Nick and Greg are together, he says it really fast but looks up after saying it to see her reaction. Hopefully, Cath wont take to long and say something b/c it will drive Warrick cRaZy!
Hey guys!

What did CM say exactly? I missed it.

My only plea to her is no Ronnie and Greg hookup!!! I want the status quo with a slashy moment every other episode, is that too much to ask for?? LOL

Both the oneshot and Chapter 18 of The Day Before You are up.

Thanks Suckerforasmile and OTL for leaving reviews on WMTDB! It feels kind of depressing posting there, because you can see how many hits, but no one is saying anything LOL There were like 300 hits and no comments, which never happens on or the other places I post. Is it just me they don't like or is that the norm there? Or are angsty fics more popular than fluff/romance?

I have to find time to read and review the stories you guys are talking about. I could barely get online this week, it was crazy!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Catherine sat in silence and thought for a moment *Oh wow, Nick and Greg...Nick and Greg...Greg and Nick* She looked back up and saw that Warrick looked nervous. "I can't say that I'm completely shocked, but I sure am surprised. I mean, I saw the attraction, but I never thought they would act on it." She grabbed Warrick's hand, "Are you alright?"
Yeah I'm ok. I'm happy that they have each other but they got to be careful. I actually saw them *KISSING* and they were lucky it was just me. And even though I'm glad I told you, you can NOT let them know you know yet. Alright?
Maggs said:
FYI - I had a crazy week, but the next chapter of The Day Before You is in final edit and I wrote a 4,000 word 1 shot on the fly tonight. LOL I was inspired by a certain photo.

Bummer that the boys weren't together this week, but Greg was awesome with Lily and Nick was soooo Nick, I just loved them both.

My 1 wish is for Ronnie to stay far, far away from Greg.

Aww MsMaggs i've finished the one shot you wrote. Oh my that was sooo funny, i was laughing hysterically tears streaming down my face, at that point of the story. You know where.... Right?

Classic! But you should on your site have a feedback form yeah i know you have a guest book etc, but feedback for each chapter or story would be ideal...
"I promise not to say anything," Catherine said and smiled. She gave Warrick and small peck. She couldn't believe that Nick and Greg were actually together. They were really together. She smiled to herself realizing all the Love the lab had brought together.


Okay ladies and gents, this is all for tonight!

It'll continue tomorrow ASAP!
LOL did it involve Mr. Huggles??

Everyone has always used my Guestbook as a feedback and discussion forum so it didn't occur to me when I started writing Nick/Greg that new readers to my site wouldn't see it that way. I do have this on the top of it "Feedback/Reviews/Thoughts/Questions" but readers actually have to get there to know that and if they don't click the Guestbook button they wouldn't know it's for that purpose. Thanks for that feedback, candygirl, I'll change the link wording.
Maggs said:
LOL did it involve Mr. Huggles??

Everyone has always used my Guestbook as a feedback and discussion forum so it didn't occur to me when I started writing Nick/Greg that new readers to my site wouldn't see it that way. I do have this on the top of it "Feedback/Reviews/Thoughts/Questions" but readers actually have to get there to know that and if they don't click the Guestbook button they wouldn't know it's for that purpose. Thanks for that feedback, candygirl, I'll change the link wording.

Oh yes it most certianly did involve poor Mr Huggles. I love Mr Huggles, can i offically declare that right now!!! Maggs that was brilliant, i can still giggle about that even now.............

Ok for the deserning ? reader my next chapter is up, I've got an itch to scratch soo hmm i'm gonna be posting another chapter of Growing up and falling apart... I''m going of now to write some more of my latests story, still looking for a title but at the moment its called Green peppers. Hopefully by friday a new chapter for Ties that blind will be up...

Laters you lovely people of the love... air kisses to you all. ;) :p
Finally read chapters 3 and 4 of your story, Zodiac! You rock! And you were so right, after chapter 3 I was depressed too but chapter 4 made more than up for that. Can't wait for the next chapter.

I wanted to say so much more, but I'm too tired right now, so I'll tell you tomorrow that is if I remember.

Ah yes, I wonder when Catherine will tell the boys that she knows about them.
Slow again today.

Come on people! I want to hit for #18 in about 2 weeks! :lol:

Stacy and I will continue our story tonight. Also, expect another deleted scene sometime soon!

No CSI this Thursday. Any ideas on what could tide us over?
Hey everyone, sorry I've been MIA lately again, been a busy couple of days, long story.... Plus Jacob is breaking out again... But I have some stuff to tell you about the site and what's going on..

Hey everyone, remember how I mentioned our lack of space at the site and wondering where it all went?? Well, my all knowing and powerful WebGod Matt, 0creativity has figured it out, and nothing good... Apparently some kind of bot has invaded our Wiki side, and kept creating accounts and more accounts, then in went into our Wiki and started changing pages and adding links, hundreds and hundreds of links.... Hence taking up literally all of our space....

Well we have good news and bad news, good news, it can be fixed and the fic will not be affected in any of this. Bad news, everything else will be affected, and have to be deleted and recreated... Including all the galleries, Video section, and the boards... The video's will be saved through our current hosting site, but we will have to relink everything, which will take a while, but they will all be back...It may take some time, some days or a couple weeks, I'm not sure, so save what you want now....

Don't worry, everything will be back, but we have to get rid of whatever is eating up all of our space and clean the site out. Plus Matt is working on his Honor's project, and this is kind of helping it out so hey.....OK I'm trying to put a positive spin on this.... Like I said, fic will be unaffected, this that is great, which is what most of us go there for anyway... but we are going to keep trying to make this site the best out there, a place for everyone and all their Nick/Greg goodness, so we need to get our space back to be able to do that. I'll do my best to answer your questions if you have any, and Matt is on the job, and I have the upmost faith in him and whatever he does for the site..... So, keep checking in and keep reading, everything else will be back as soon as we get it cleaned up and fixed....

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