The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Thank you Lexi and Elizabeth for the continuing birthday wishes, it's almost over, but it was good. And I am still so happy that I have seasons 5 and 6, I was in shock when I got them!

Oh, I love Bryan Adams! I should use "Heaven" for a Nick/Greg video! Would you guys like that?

I would Love a Nick/Greg commitment ceremony, it would be so cute. I could see it now. *closes eyes*
Happy Birthday, twins! :D You'll get it late, but something's in the works for you. I'll...Get to the guide...Eventually. -hangs head in shame- Definitely tonight. Promise. -nods- Really. I will. -nods again-

Lol Zodiac, the Bryan Adams song was my sister's wedding song. Weird. And I dunno what songs...There's the conflicting taste in music, like someone already said. It's weird, though - my uncle listens to country & rock...And dresses like a cowboy... It reeaaallly reminds me of Nick, 'cept he's missing out on the southern accent and a boyfriend that resembles Greg. xD
OMG, Heaven would be the perfect song! I like the remix better, personally, but probably not for a wedding :p

I'm still working on your present, Twins, sorry, I should've had it done by now *bad Loki*
Aww...a present Loki! *huggs* You don't have to, but I still want it. *holds out hand* :lol: JK

Does anyone want me to make a video using one of the songs? Someone who can't make videos. I know that some of you make your own.

Right now I'm busying myself with Nuke videos, but I also want to make some Love videos in there. :)
Hey twins, hope you had a nice birthday!

A video is always nice and although I'm not a big Bryan Adams fan, I'd love to see it. But that's the weird thing about fan vids. Most of the songs I wouldn't listen to but when they are combined with N/G they just fit. So go for it!

Just rewatched Random Acts of Violence and Room Service. And boy the looks Greg gives Nicky! Wow. For example when he comes to the AV lab and Nick tells him to stop kissing Ecklie's ass. Greg has this affectionate look, so cute. I've seen this episode at least four times now and everytime I watch it I find new subtexty things. I think we already mentioned that Nick doesn't realise the girl's not wearing her panties anymore, Archie does though! He always looks left out when the boys joke about women. But that's ok because he has Greg who looks at him so sweetly.
Did you guys know that John Barrowman has just done a cover of Bryan Adam's "Heaven"? If you haven't heard that guy sing, you should hunt down some of his stuff. It's little wonder he's a major drawcard on Broadway and the West End. There's a sample of "Heaven" on his offical site at the moment.

Heh, maybe Nick thinks Greg is giving too much attention to Ecklie. Greg might go on about the guy when they're at home and Nick's sick of it. But they do share some affectionate looks, those two (Nick and Greg, not Greg and Ecklie). You could almost make a drinking game out of it. Drink every time Nick and Greg give each other a) an effectionate look, or b) they partake in eye sex. XP
Ah, yes... eyesex. It's the best, beats the rest! :lol:

I've been making a list of all the songs I think go well with our ship and would soooo love to do a few videos, but seeing as how I'm technologically inept, it's a no go. LOL. So, maybe I'll just write a few song fics instead. *shrugs*

Hahaha! Eyesex between Greg and Ecklie... ah, that's gonna haunt my dreams. Oh, speaking of Ecklie, did you guys know he's in "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry"? Such a hilarious movie, btw. But yeah, Nick is totally CLUELESS when it comes to women, and Greg seems a bit TOO comfortable around them. Know what I mean?
Zodiac32 said:
Hahaha! Eyesex between Greg and Ecklie... ah, that's gonna haunt my dreams. Oh, speaking of Ecklie, did you guys know he's in "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry"? Such a hilarious movie, btw. But yeah, Nick is totally CLUELESS when it comes to women, and Greg seems a bit TOO comfortable around them. Know what I mean?

Ew. Nightmares. Did not need to think about eyesex between Greg and Ecklie. :lol:

I haven't seen "Chuck and Larry", but the original Australian movie that it's based on, "Strange Bedfellows", is pretty good. The scene when they go to the city and try to act/dress gay is brilliant. Somehow I can just see Marc Vann in a movie like that.

You know I read somewhere that there is nothing to say that Nick is gay? I actually wonder what show they are watching. I know it hasn't been said directly, but there is just so much that makes me think "this guy is so not completely straight". As for Greg, where to start...
Sorry to jump right in here again, but I had to comment on what Clarrisani said.

I see Greg as Bi. that just seems to fit for me. Even my non-Nick/Greg shipping fan has said she can see Greg as Bi. That and the whole "That's what you get for eating-" line.

As for Nick, I was always on the fence as to how I viewed him. But I saw something in, I think "Lady Heather's Box" that changed my mind. Nick and Catherine were investigating a male prostitute/bodybuilder that was found dead in workout clothes in front of his window facing the sun. Somehow Nick and Catherine got talking about being in the sun and Nick says that you have to turn with the sun after a certain point so you don't get burned (i'm paraphrasing) and Catherine goes: "Oh, on all those Spring Breaks with your frat buddies?" and Nick replies, in an undertone "Yeah, something like that."

The way he said it reminded me of how I came out of the closet to one of my friends at work.
Friend: So, how come you never look at the girls with the rest of us? Do you have a girlfriend?
Me: Umm, no.
Friend: Are you just not into girls or something?
Me: You could say that...

Oh and there was a scene in the episode with the "I thought we had a relationship" moment where Nick is talking to Archie and Nick says to him. "Man, you need to get a girlfriend." and Nick walks out.

Archie pauses for a moment and shouts out the door of his lab "You first!" I think Archie knows...
Hi, jay, I totally agree with you. Nick always makes side remarks when the boys talk about girls or when it's about women in general. He doesn't really want to tell them he's gay, so he has to say something and from the tone you can tell what he really thinks - well that is if you know what you're looking for.

I don't recall the case with the male bodybuilder/ prostitute. Must watch Lady Heather's Box as soon as I'm done with my work.

I watched a few N/G vids today and the tension between them is so strong. It's so obvious. It's just fun to watch two people who are obviously so into each other, where the writers don't have to write emotions because they're just there.
Hi, jay! Thank you for bringing up some very interesting points there. I noticed that as well. Nick's always saying little things under his breath like that or avoiding talking about women/joining in a conversation about women. And I've even noticed a few times like if Warrick or one of the other guys is talking about a 'hot girl', you expect Nick to say something and he doesn't. XD It's made me go "Yay, Nicky!" a couple of times. heh-heh. All he needs is his Greggie. :p

It's subtext, baby! Gotta love it.
Welcome jay!

Its not just that Nick doesnt say something when others bring up some hot girl. Its also what he does say. You can almost tell he's trying to cover himself so he can keep his "ladies man" title.
That's true, too, OTL.

But from what I've noticed, that was more in the earlier seasons. Lately, I've found myself expecting him to say something and he doesn't, which kinda leaves me thinking "Wow, that's cool." XD In the early days, you could tell he was trying way too hard to keep up that image of a ladies man, so now, maybe he just doesn't care to keep up appearances anymore because he finally accepts who he really is. Not to mention, he's found someone he truly loves and that's changed him.

Just a theory. :D
Hi Jay!!!!!

Love your theories. We always Love them. It kind of solidifies our ship a little better because the fact you are gay. It's not just the crazy minds of us girly-slash shippers lol.

There's also a time in "Iced" where Nick tells David he needs to get a girl. David bitterly says, "I'm engaged, thank you."

I also can't count how many times Warrick or someone else told Nick that he needs to get a girl.

Well...he hasn't yet. :p
Technically, I'm bisexual... but the same things still apply. I suppose that's one of the reasons why I think I like Greg so much. He's so obviously bisexual.

Oh and I finally saw "Viva Las Vegas" tonight. That grin on Greg's face when Nick said he was going to shower... Bad, bad slashy thoughts.

And to be off topic for a sec, why does Nuke always have to be on on the days I can never catch it on TV? (Heh, I almost wrote: "To be off topic for a sex")
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