The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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OTL- I agree! I was hoping he was too when Gil asked. Because I didn't want him up there with those bees! And he didn't seem fazed by it at all. I wonder how they did that scene, with them. They couldn't have been fake, could they?
Now, see, there's a great one shot for someone to write, Greg really is allergic to bees, so what would have happened, how would he react, and what about Nick?

I did rewatch the ep last night and you know, I hardly noticed the shirt at all, until there was only a few seconds left of it and when I did see it, it was ugly! lol. Horizontal stripes look bad on anyone really, but that just was really bad on him. lol. Didn't notice the hair though. I'll look tonight. And of course, I'm sure everyone's theories about the two of them being gone for half the ep are correct... hmmm, wish they'd shone that instead of the bees! lol.
OK, I wanna know who on the writing team of CSI, has been reading "Greg Sanders, Private Dick", because I swear someone had to have after the scenes with Greg tonight, especially with Lily....

LOL, yeah, that's a good question, Shacky! Though Greg's always wondered about the history of the city. It's kinda cute! Too bad he and Nick weren't together on the case though. Once again, I missed Nick's hair...wonder why I keep missing it? But I did get those red lips on Mr. Cute LV Crime Historian! lol, he's just too adorable, I can't help myself! hehehehe...
Greg just plays that part so well, I loved him in "KKBB". He's just a knowledge buff, and that city has so much, and I think he feels connected in his own way, plus knowing Sam Braun, and then Lily being there for so much of it.

Nick will have to go home and vent and talk about the case to Greg, because it will really have gotten to Nick of course, he just takes all that in, and he's gonna need some love and understanding and just need to talk when they get home.....
shacky20 said:
OK, I wanna know who on the writing team of CSI, has been reading "Greg Sanders, Private Dick", because I swear someone had to have after the scenes with Greg tonight, especially with Lily....


I was thinking the same thing!
Cute indiv. scenes for our boys but not together! :(
Oh, don't tell me it happened again. And here I was getting my hopes up after "A La Cart". I'm planning on watching any ep that has them working/sharing scenes together, and thus far I've only had one.

So, shall I be brave and venture into the discussion thread of the episode....

EDIT: Page 12. We're really moving through Fort #17.
Hm, no scenes together? What's wrong with them?

And what's up with those stripes? Haven't seen it so please explain. At least Greg had fun so it seems.

Maybe I should start reading this story you talked about but I'm not really into AUs and I haven't got that much time ... Ah well, everything for the boys
Sorry I didn't make it to the chat, I had a science project that desperately needed to be done, and then The Office to watch, soo...D: Funny, though, CSI then science...Haha.

Aaaaaaaaanyyway, can I say how much I abosolutely looove the writers? I mean, good God, at least they didn't make Greg flirt with whatserface. >_> I mean, she DID smile when he left the room, but pfft, whatever. >_<

My uncle made a comment about Sara and Greg shacking up. I stuttered over 'no, no never, oh God, no, she's with Grissom, I mean...' My cousin then told me that you guys would absolutely hate him. xD

And Greg writing a book? Oh yay. :D That is amazing.

Being that Nick normally gets so involved, you'd think he would've been a little more pissed off...But, granted, not EVERY case does it to him...But still.

IF he's ever had serious problems coping with his sexuality (well, ahem, assuming we're right with this entire ship thing...And I totally believe we are, just so you all know..), then it reaaaaally should've hit him harder.

Or maybe he was just saving it to have Greg help him cope. Or, uh...Other...Things...:devil:
Oh my Godness, I bet Catlover2x is simply giddy right about now, assuming she watched the episode. I loved the scene between Greg and Lily, it was so cute!

And Nick was wearing his Forest Gump shirt again. XD Ah, that makes me smile. But it's sad there were no scenes between our boys. :( The one good thing about this episode is that even though Ronnie was smiling and kinda flirty with Greg, he didn't even attempt to flirt back. That's our Greggles!

P.S. Just wanted to let everyone know, Chapter two of 'Dead Wrong' is up. :p :end shameless plug:
Zodiac- Sweet! I'll check it out when I get back from my job interview later tonight!

I promise I'll have chapter 16 of Live and Love posted by Sunday night!

Also want to make note that Greg was the happiest I've seen him in a long time last night! Must have been all that time he spent with Nick last week! lol. There's hope for the boys. There's always hope for them. Always.
I really didn't expect any scenes with the boys so I wasn't too disappointed. I really loved Greg in this ep, he was so funny and adorable. I love to see the old Greg back! And I really want to read his book, even if it isn't real! :lol:

btw- I made this quick background (I am using it on my computer) and I thought I'd share. Also I posted a ton of Greg pics on the Greg/Eric pic thread.

Good afternoon my beautiful Love fans!

Gosh, no scenes together, but what else is new. They give us pure perfection with "A La Cart" and they can't give us anything else. Oh well. Greg even had scenes with Lily and *shudders* Ronny. And I'll be the first to say that I saw NOTHING between them!

I give this episode and 3/10 for the N/G Episode Guide. Only because of the cuteness of Greg. :D

I'm hoping the fifth episode will at least have the entire team interact, but that is a little hard when Ronny and Sara are on swing (why was Greg there anyway? I guess he just felt like helping. He did seem really interested).

They all still worked together in season 5 when the team was split up (i.e. King Baby), so this should be no exception.

Here's hoping for better Love episodes *raises glass*!
Wojo~ love the background thing you did!!! hehehe such cute boys.

Thankfully, the writers seem to be coming out of their coma and didnt make Greg flirt with 'what's her face'! LOL I refue to call her by her name. How many more epi. do we have to deal with her???

Loves seeing Greggo all smilely!!!! I bet he had a good make out session with Nick the night b4!!!! hehehehe :)
First of all, great background Wojo, I put it right away on my computer.

And then, Zodiac, your new story is amazing. I wish you were a writer on the show.

candygirl, read the new chapter and I need more. What happened to Gerry, will Nick find the guy who did it, and what about the baby? Can't wait.

I'm glad Greg didn't flirt back and how could he, she's a child and he has his Nicky. :D
O love fan!!! I love the love fan lol...

Ok breath... Well as i have the weeekend free, plus monday and this friday off from work, I will be posting the next chapter soon. I'm also working on a different story, have an idea for a follow up to Ties that blind, but we will see what fate has in store.....

Wojo - I'm loving the background....

Last nights episode was ok I will give it generally a 6, a few funny moments but kinda boring in places.

OH My did i say it was boring in places???? Someone slap me..

Funny bits was with Gil and Hodges, the storyline sad. Shame that the case was not involving a transexual.

I hate all forms of bullying what a person chooses to do with their life is up to them. Jeez, who cares what I do.
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