The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

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Off note, but LOL, threaded mode hurts my eyes! That has nothing to do with me going to the eye doctor today, either.

Ohhh, Snickers...Again, just no. I mean, I can KINDA see Sandle happening, but Snickers? Oh come on. It looked like Sara had a schoolgirl crush on Nick in early seasons, but I really don't think that anything would've happened, even if I DIDN'T believe that Nick's shacking up with/going to shack up with Greg. They're just like siblings, and if Sara already had problems with men, I think she could easily mistake sibling love for attraction.

I'm not really sure what I said about Greg's attraction to Sara before, so I don't really want to say anything and then eat my words when someone points out my errors. You know, though, Zodiac, you always manage to make me rethink my own theories...Keeps things interesting, ya know.
Well, I'm... honoured? XD Yes, honoured. I'm glad I help to expand your thoughts on things, suckerforasmile. It gives me good reason to spew my silly little theories upon you good people of The Love fanbase. Right? Right. :lol:

Trust me, I've got theories comin' out of my ears. And then I'll watch an episode I've never seen before and one by one a theory gets squashed and a little part of me either dies or is relieved in some way. haha!

But you've got a good point. I noticed that in the early seasons, Sara did seem to be eyeing Nick but Nick always brushed it off. Sure, he'd say a flirty word once or twice, but that's Nick. I've always thought that Nick saw Sara as a little sister, just as she always saw Greg as a younger brother. Eventually, Greg got over his crush and started seeing her as a close friend/older sister type. Now she's just his *cough*faghag*cough* Oops, can I say that on here? LOL

But Greg's feelings for Nick were never platonic. He's always, always had a thing for the Cowboy. :p
:D Theories are awesome, 'specially yours. They always manage to get my brain going. God knows my schoolwork never does.

Now I want to read an early season fic where Greg doesn't say anything because he thinks Nick's into Sara. >_> xD You know, that'd be a total kick in the pants to Snickers fans if TPTB ever managed to think we're TOTALLY right in the whole Nick-loves-Greg-and-Greg-loves-Nick thing, then Snickers fans would be kinda like...'Um...Oh. Okay.' Well, this is assuming that Nick said something about how he wasn't ever attracted to Sara.

But, if Nick ever said he was never attracted to Greg (-gasps- NO! I'LL JINX IT!), we'd just be 'pfft, he's in denial!'

:D Really, I'm so mean sometimes.
I've always thought that Nick and Greg's feelings for each other were never platonic either. However, their feelings for Sara (and Catherine - For Nick's side, I don't like CatNip either) were EXTREMELY platonic.

Sure, I saw that Greg had this little-bitty crush on Sara that ended in season 3 (ALMOST 5 YEARS AGO) and you almost felt bad for him, because you knew she was completely uninterested. I have never, ever, ever, ever, EVER seen Snickers. When I first heard about the ship, I was literally like, "What the hell?" I just DON'T get it, and never will.

They're really like brother and sister. Greg and Sara just seem really like best friends who feel like brother and sister, but Nike and Sara. I mean, they LOOK like siblings, and they act like it too. Like they grew up picking on each other or something.

Oh, and I just don't like CatNip because I've never seen it. Plus, Catherine and Warrick are the couple TPTB are pushing at, and they are VERY obvious.

Nick and Greg flirt more than anyone. Even more than Catherine and Greg, and they do it for FUN. You can even tell that they care about each other. Even George said so.
Check it out, my 100th post! Now I can have a kickarse icon up like everyone else. XDD

Thanks! I'll have to dig deeper into my brain and pull out some uber-schweet theories just to impress ya'll with my knowledge and power! XD j/k... kinda. ha!

Yes! I so wanna write a S1/S2 based fic now, but I've still got so many that I'm working on... it's asinine. For serious.

If it were to come out that Nick had always been in love with Greg and that Greg was only distracting himself by liking Sara, I can just imagine the resounding cries from the Snickers and Sandle fans. Muwahahahaha!!! *giggles*

Because The Love will always triumph over crackiness!
Whoo! Congrats, Zodiac!!

Oh, please do the digging.

>_> I might do a oneshot. We'll see. But I've got a page of ideas for DD and I want to write out chapter layouts because I've only written from what's on my mind for the last while and layouts make me feel better. :D

I think that even if Nick & Greg ever hook up, I'd still feel bad for Snickers and Sandle fans, moreso the Sandle fans, because at least there was SOMETHING. I think Sara just has boy problems, that's all, which would explain the strange want for an older man...Dx

But I'd still love it, because then I could dance and scream out that I knew it. Seriously. I can imagine the scene now. That'd kinda be the "coming out" of my obsession with slash, but...:D It'd be worth it. I mean, Nick and Greg, right? Totally worth a lot of stuff.

So, here's a theory - if Grissom and Sara were the last few seasons, then Cath & Warrick should have the next few, and then, years after normal people get together, Nick & Greg should have their turn. Assuming someone doesn't die and we're left with some idiot young CSI guy/girl that's just...-sigh- No. Not going there.

Or, maybe they'll collaborate and work with them. Or maybe they'll throw in lovely subtext.

Or maybe Eric & George will because they secretly love us all. o_O I don't know where that came from.
XDD That's an awesome theory! I think, if CSI goes on for many more years, and assuming neither Nick nor Greg dies and/or quits etc,etc... that would work.

I mean, GSR fans got their wish, Yo!Bling fans are getting theirs [which, being a Yo!Bling fan, I have no problem with, of course] when will it truly be our turn? People have seen the subtext between Nick and Greg since S1, I'm sure. Right? And as far as partnering up goes, it totally makes sense. But we've been through all that already.

Dang thing won't let me put up an avatar! WTF? Grrr...

EDIT: Nevermind. It's all good! Guess I just needed 101 posts. XD
D: D: D: Personally, I'd be happy with subtext. I've said this, but still. So long as they don't get rid of anyone, at least. You know, I'm not sure I'd ship N/G if they were played by different actors....Well, I mean, if they had the same chemistry, sure, but...-shrugs-

I sometimes worry about new people and new episodes. It's scary, there's always the chance that TPTB are going to spring something on us. -shrugs- This is me and my paranoia.

Methinks I'm going to do some more writing. I've got just about four pages for the next chapter of DD. :D I'm excited.

OH YEAH, I remember that. I was way confused because it says 100, but they it gets angry and nothing changes until you post again...>_>
:lol: Darn angry site! *shakes fist*

Well, I would be happy with subtext, as long as they kept the guys single for the rest of the series. But as I've said many times before, I'd be really upset if they put them with some bimbo-esque girls and call it 'luuurve'.

God, I'm so mean.

I mean, if for the rest of the series, the guys casually flirted around, bits of subtexty goodness here and there, worked together, touchy feely kinda thing.. hell yeah, I'd be good with that. But if they put either or both with Miss. Skanky-Gimme-Your-Body-and-Money-Honey type gal, I'd be like 'Uh, and they couldn't put Nick and Greg together because...??' You know?

Cuz if TPTB did do that, I think then I'd be regretting them not putting Greg with Sara. At least he might have been happy.

Oh. My. God. Did I actually just make a remark justifiying a Sandle relatinoship? *shoots herself*
I love both Nick and Greg, and I hope they both have some cute girls lined up for them in S/8, especially Nick, he's the older one and could really be good with the right beautiful girl, Greg too if the right one shows up.. maybe this new girl their going to feature will have a flirty banter with one of them, but maybe she'll eyeball Warrick!
Maybe I should write something......O_O

:lol: Hahahahahahahah! :lol:

I LIVE for Nick and Greg's subtext. No matter how many hot gay boy couples are thrown at me, Nick and Greg are always at the top. (Sorry Nuke!)

That's something I would totally do. Come out the closet with my Love of slash and gay couples. Whatever it would take to make our Lovely boys canon. :)
-dies- I have to agree with the Greg/Sara thing, Zodiac. I'd get angry and defensive if either had someone besides themselves. xD Apparently I'm possessive. I won't take some bimbo touching and flirting with these two. -puts on angry mask- Although, you know, if she was actually pretty kick ass and didn't suck, maybe I could deal with it. Like, uh, maybe if whoever they were dating somehow managed to be like the other...?

I smell a fic. ._.

xDDD I agree, twins, with both of those. N/G is definitely my favorite, and I hope it'll stay that way. If it changes, I'll force myself back. :D And, sigh, if it meant they'd get together, yes, I'd be all like, "Yes, okay, I write slash with pretty boys in love and it's awesome, okay?!" I mean, sheesh, gimme a break...>_> At least if it's N/G people could UNDERSTAND, because by then, they'd be canon, but if I was just like 'uh, I write about pretty gay boys...' lol, that'd be an awesome reaction to watch.

:p Looooove the shiny new icon, too Zodi.

desertwind, maybe she should be into Warrick. Because that'd make Cath jealous, and maybe there'd be something awesome in that area. -sighs- I just want girls to stay away from these boys...

Is that really too much to ask? [lol. probably.]
I'm gonna try to ignore that one post. *sticks her fingers in her ears and sings loudly* :lol: People are entitled to their opinions, but stuff like that makes me go 'You're not a The Love supporter, go away!'

Okay, someone smack me for being so mean tonight. I'm really sorry, there's just some things I can't handle. And messing with my OTP is close to number one on the list. So don't worry suckerforasmile I'm extremely possessive of the boys, too. Thanks btw!

Anyhoo, moving on... I'm with Twins on this one. I've been an avid yaoi reader/writer for the past few years, I mean I LIVED for anime and yaoi, but once I latched onto The Love... game over. LOL. Slash, for me is a lot different from yaoi because in TV shows it's pretty ongoing and things can change. Whereas in anime, I think they're pretty much set the way they are. Depends on... stuff. Okay, I'll shut up about that now.

I'm the kind of person that once I find something I really like, I obsess over it until it becomes so old and then I move onto the next thing to obsess over. But I think for as long as CSI is on the air, I'm gonna be a rabid N/G fangirl. Yup. That's my goal. XD

Poor Nuke. They just can't hold a candle when it comes to Nicky and Greggles. :p That doesn't make 'em any less hot though. heh.
Greggles. LMAO! I LOVE that Zodiac. I'm exactly like you, I obsess over everything I like. It's really insane, but I can't control it. Sometimes I move on from something completely (i.e. *Nsync LMAO!). Sometimes it just moves to the back burner (i.e. "Queer as Folk").

Right now for me, my focus is still The Love. However, I can't help but dedicate a lot of my time to Nuke. Some things that are still kinda up there for me are Power Rangers, Detroit Red Wings, and Matt Damon.

Now, if The Love became canon, probably for a good few months, I would just say screw everything else! :p

I'm with you both. I am sooo protective of any of my boys. Bad mouth them and you'll get an evil taste of angry twins. :mad:
XPP Greggles! I've been calling him that for YEARS.

I used to be obsessed with QaF too! I went to Blockbuster and Hollywood video almost every other day to rent the seasons DVDs, that's how bad I was. XD Yeah, that was a lot of money but sooo worth it. :lol:

I guess when you love something so much you can't help but be overly protective of it. For me, I don't care if the pairing is canon or not, I'll fight for it. But I'm not the kind of person to go into another person's space [i.e. like a GSR board] and trash their pairing to higher mine, know what I mean? I think that's the difference between some fans. Sure, I'll say I despise Sandle and Snickers, but I'm not going on a Sandle or Snickers forum and rippin' them a new one. [Only to you guys. XDD Cuz I love ya'll so much!] But if someone was to come in here and start griping about slash and/or The Love, I'm definitely not going to sit back and take it.

Okay, well it's time for me to hit the hay. Be back tomorrow! *hugs*
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