The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Ohh. Fannysmakin' and Post Mortem were so GREAT! They're like gifts to all N/G shippers for season7.
Greg was apparently weak in emotion and Nick was there care him, support him.
I can't imagine other men doing this as the same way Nick did to him ;)
Hey guys! Guess what???

I'm a moderator on the CSI: WIKI!

Can anyone say "finally?" lol

I'm so excited. We have Nick/Greg shipper in with CBS now. I'm gonna show off Nick and Greg so much. I can't wait until I get everything in order so everyone sees my Nick/Greg loving goodness.

Aparantly the moderator I've been asking CAN make someone a mod, but she has to get permission from CBS.

So CBS gave ME permission. That's a score for Nick/Greg fans! lol
Aww, that pic! It's so cute. Reminds me of the manip that fooled me (and some others :p).

I know, I finally have MY thing. lol

I still think that Shacky is the best with WMTDB. Plus some others run the LJ. Though I never go because LJ's make me feel stupid.

Hey, did I tell you guys I won the Best Editing Award for's indapendant video contest.


I won for my most recent Nick/Greg video "It's Gonna Be Me." It was Shipper themed. It's cool that my video won because there's not a lot of Nick/Greg fans there (I know all of them and I'm in charge basically, lol). There were 4 other categories where Sandle or Snickers probably won *gah*. But that's why I won Editing and not best overall video.

I also made one for the next contest which is character themed. Despite my love for Greg, I made a Nick one. Thought it'd be easier.

If anyone wants links to any of my videos just PM me. :D

EDIT: Hey, just so you all know. I'll be gone until Monday morning. I'm going to my uncle's cabin to camp. See you next week!
Yep that is grat news Twins, a moderator and winning an award too! Being a mod you can lock our pages to keep anyone from tampering with it plus delete insulting posts.
I have sent another e-mail about the boys working together to David Rambo, I'll wait and see if he answers.
Ooh, good luck with that Wojo, let me know if he replies to yours, considering I didn't get a reply to mine. *not bitter*
Wojo said:

I have sent another e-mail about the boys working together to David Rambo, I'll wait and see if he answers.

Good luck, Wojo! . Nick and Greg finally working together in a case , just the two of them, would be a dream come true...*crosses fingers*

Again, congrats Twins! The boys are celebrating it too!



That second pic is one of my fave pics of them, they both look so happy and fun-loving.

I'll let you all know if Ihear back from Rambo but it was over a week ago that I wrote him so I doubt I will, but you never know.
Okay, I'm back tonight! lol

Yay! The boys are celebrating. And thanks for the congrats guys!

I really CAN'T even think about what I would do if they worked a case together. I would pause for a minute to remember to breathe. Well, I wouldn't get completely happy until I was certain that they're the ONLY two working the case. Like if the A-story was Cath, Grissom, Sara and Warrick (or three and they mention right away that one's busy or something like that) then you see Nick and Greg eventually for the B-story.

First episode, 8x01, if they have ONE scene together, I'll be content. :)
Hey Guys, I finished my first Nick/Greg story Where You Are and just posted the first chapter of the sequel The Day Before You. The sequel will focus on the boys keeping their relationship hidden from everyone at LVPD while Nick deals with his family's reaction to the news that he isn't the Ladies Man he thought he was. It will also have a good dose of the Lab Rats in it for anyone who enjoys them too. (Warning - there's some GSR too, but even people who dislike them were able to tolerate the way I write them, which is with a lot of humor and funny situations). Hodges is being his nosy self and poor Mandy has a crush on Greg...little does she know!

It was my first time writing for the fandom, so I was blown away by the sheer number of NG fans and how supportive and receptive they were of an epic story LOL sooooo 32 chapters and 200,000 words later, I've decided the boys need another epic story. There will be even more of Nick/Greg drama and comedy is this second one. I know I have a few readers who post on this board, but I thought I'd put up a link for anyone else who might be interested in trying it out.

Here's to Season 8 having some great Nick/Greg scenes to keep the dream alive :D

I'm terrible at reading fanfiction Maggs, but I'll definately at least take a look at it! lol

Hey guys.

Please nominate some episodes so I can rank "Nick and Greg's Top 10 Episodes" (like we did for the "moments").

I want about 25-30. Even moderate ones.

Since it'll be smaller, I think I'll just make a vizu poll and post it on the page of the WIKI I have ready for this.

Try to make them based on the ENTIRE episode and not just the one scene they may have. Though it'd be nice to have enough to vote from. I don't want unimportant episodes.

Okay, I'll start. I'm sure I'm forgeting some, that's why I need your help.

Who Are You?
Scuba Doobie Doo
Chasing The Bus
The Accused Is Entitled
A Little Murder
Abra Cadaver
Bad Words
Dead Ringer
Turn Of The Screws
What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?
Who Shot Sherlock?
Room Service
Gum Drops
Post Mortem
Meet Market
Fallen Idols
Big Shots

That's it from me, but I'd like a few more that I may have forgotten.
Hey, I'm back from my CSI hiatus (it's been a hectic couple weeks) and all the new pics and the gif made me all warm and fuzzy inside :D I missed this place.

Welcome back everybody who came back and I don't know, lol, and 'gratz twins on the mod and award, that really was a great vid. :)
twins1729 said:
I'm terrible at reading fanfiction Maggs, but I'll definately at least take a look at it! lol

Aww, thanks!

That's it from me, but I'd like a few more that I may have forgotten.

I would add Empty Eyes for the lingering look on the staircase! That was the moment that actually inspired me to write the first story. There was just so much said without words. :D
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