The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Yes it is. Why can't we just see THAT on CSI. We don't need to see the sex. Though it would be nice....Can't we just see them wake up in the morning shirtless in each other's arms. Is that so much to ask. *sighs* It's like that would be a problem or something. :p
Hey! I made a gif file called 'Undeniable Chemistry' :lol:
It's from the scene in season2 ep03 Overload.
Nick bragged a little and Greg smiled beautifully at Nick which I always loved.

Undeniable Chemistry
So cute, NEGU . :)

I can't believe I actually remember that scene because I don't watch season one that often. But it's definitely undeniable (Excuse the pun).
NEGU said:
Hey! I made a gif file called 'Undeniable Chemistry' :lol:
It's from the scene in season2 ep03 Overload.
Nick bragged a little and Greg smiled beautifully at Nick which I always loved.

Undeniable Chemistry

Thanks for posting that, NEGU!

Greg's smile and the whole scene is definitely ADORABLE :D.

(From "Overload")

GREG: " Cheese. Milk. Sweaters. What do these things have in common?"

CATHERINE: "Goat cheese, goat milk."

NICK: "Goat...sweaters?"


GREG: "Ding, ding ding. Fibers from the lady shrink, fibers from the body. Both are angora."

NICK: "Angora is processed goat hair?"

GREG: "MM-hmmm"

CATHERINE: "Sheered, washed, spuned and dyed Angora's 100% goat. You didn't know that, Nick?"

(Catherine hands the book to Nick and leaves)

NICK: "Must be a chick thing"

(GREG laughs)

I wish next season we'll have scenes like this!
See, I loved the scene of punching in Fannysmackin' not only for its subtext, but because K-Fed gets hit, I think more people with talent (GE) should do that more often. And as far as manips, I'm learning how to edit photos, :3.

Wait, they were serious? Angora (whatever that is) is goat hair? :x Why not call it wool? Or is there a difference?
I don't know. lol But angora is a specific kind of fabric.

That was really cute NEGU!

I wish they had more fun scenes. Like "Fallen Idols" or "Up In Smoke."

A LOT of shows get really silly if they're getting older and trying to pull a new audience audience. They usually "dumb-down" certain characters. I think they should definately do that with Nick and Greg (together, like a team). They don't have to be dumb, but they can be goofy. Let the comic relief rest on their shoulders. Instead of Hodges 100% of the time. As much as some of us may like him.
Wool is produced by sheep nickfangirl ,that's the diffrence. I also liked that scene. We need more scenes like that between our guys. Just a real good scene that shows the viewers they are still close freinds (we know better though-they are more than freinds ).
Wojo said:
Just a real good scene that shows the viewers they are still close freinds (we know better though-they are more than freinds ).

You're exactly right, wojo ;)
Thinking past 3 Seasons, I've almost forgot they actually were good, closest friends to each other.
Beside the subtext, Greg had known about Nick's private things and always teased about it.
These days that part is passed to Warrick, I think.
I'm getting sad now. Maybe they're doing this on purpose. :(
If TPTB are pushing us away on purpose, they should push away all the other ship fandoms that are rediculous. Not to mention all the other slash ones. Warrick/Nick is the second largest IMO.

They should realize we are fans of the show. We just happen to ship [obsess] with Nick and Greg.

I think they should just take a look at the earlier seasons and try to give us - and other fans - what they used to do. Without prejudice to why they're doing it.
I know twins1729 you think with such a large fan base of slash shippers, they would bridge the gap and have a slash couple on the show. Sure would be a chain of pace,a great one at that.But I guess they worry about all the other ship fans that have Nick and or Greg in a non-slash couple.also people who abose the idea of same sex couples may stop wacthing. Less people wacthing less money. I hope that made sense. :p
Greg in "Fannysmackin'".

So pretty before getting beaten up:


Poor baby! :(


And yay for Nick in "Post Mortem! I liked seeing Nick come to Greg's defense agressively, standing up for his boyfriend ;)

Exchanging glances in "Post Mortem":



Oh, I LOVE Post Mortem! lol

I freakin' FLIPPED when Nick was on the stand. I saw Robbins, and that was...okay. Sofia was understandable. Then...then I was saw Nick. Nick? Why Nick? Why not Grissom or Warrick? Or Sara or Catherine? But Nicky?


You know, thinking about that. Maybe some of the writers like us!
It was Nick & Warrick who processed Greg's crime scene so we had a 50/50 chance, that's why it wasn't Catherine, Grissom, or Sara(who IMO was only there for comfort reasons). We got lucky, it could have been Warrick but the writers were good to us that day!

Loved Post Mortem too, Greg in a suit is always good! :D

Nick's looks of concern of his Greggo:


What can we do to help him?
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