The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Unfortunately the thing about wiki pages is that anyone who registers can alter the page. It's very likely that we could get hacked at some point. The only thing we can do is keep a very close eye on the page and make sure that no one spams us, and if they do, change it back as quickly as possible.

I'm MissSerenity on the discussion boards as well, btw, someone had already taken Serenity. Hopefully someone nice. I don't want people reading nasty stuff and thinking I posted it!!
Sure thing Seabird! I'd be happy to!

That was you Wojo! Thanks bunches! It was great, sadly I didn't think we'd need a warning to the haters. :( I'm glad you did it, I even made it bigger!

I have a page on there as a mock-forum. Just use the comments section. Just so CBS can see what we're talking about. Maybe we'll keep the discussion just around episodes.

I'll see you all there.

BTW - Add your fiction, Nick/Greg pictures and fan art, quotes, Eric and George anything, and fan vidoes.

'The Toxic Love' was made by my buddy Lokieros. :D
woo! i joined the wiki thing. m first comment probably could've been more polite, but i'm sick to death of all the idiots who think that they have a chance with a fictional character? or the actual actor. :rolleyes: As if they'd be completely disgusted if Nick and Greg were to get together.
If those 2 were to get together, it'd be the one relationship that was based on actual chemistry! Man, i think i should come in here more often, and go onto the wiki page - we shouldn't have to defend our ship! we don't bollock anyone else's do we? :mad:

edit: oh dear. have a feeling i maayy be chucked off of csiwiki. i left rather a bad reply to another knobend of a person dissing our ship. ;)
I think the best thing we could do is ignore those people who deliberately attack Nick/Greg and politely ask the moderators to delete their comments as flames/spam. That way there is no chance of beginning an all out war and clotting up the site with attacks which could lead to that page being deleted all together.
I just singed up too I am still NickyandGreggo

I agree with Clarrisani, I mean I can COMPLETLY agree with everything that we say to defend our ship. But if we keep "yelling" back they will do it more because they know we are all being pissed off. I dont think it is fare that we have to even defend it we dont go bashing other people's ships. Any ways the only thing that we could say that might get to them is this......

You are alowed your own opion on this ship just like we are, but that dose not give you the right to come here and post nasty messages. If you dont like what we say here then leave, I am sorry that you cant open your eyes and see the subtex and chemistry between Nick and Greg for what we think it is. I know you are probly sitting there reading this reply but just know we are the bigger people here and we wont be posting nagivte things to you back. Because we are bigger people then you will ever be. p.s. we have also deleted your post and we will keep doing it whenever a nagitve post is put on here, do there is nothing left here for you to say so you can just leave.

I know it's hard not to be angry back but if we all post this whenever someone post somthing bad then they will see that we arent going to retalate.

I have found that when you are polite to the haters and you dont show how angrey you are at what they say then they will eather get board or angrey themselves and give up. I hate what they say as much as every one elts dose, if it is really bad and you just want to say somthing nasty to them come here and post a reply to them....... then that way they wont see it and no that they made you angry and be happy about it.

I hope that this makes sence and I really think we should try it. It is much better then saying somthing back and then maybe getting kicked off ourselves, we could maybe even get them kicked off that would be so much better.

P.S Rule number one on this web site is as followed, im sure you have all read it but if someone has not here it is

Play nicely with others
Respect your peers — Treat others and their contributions with respect and foster considerate dialogue.
Do not use offensive language — Inappropriate, crude, or abusive language is not only unacceptable, it’s a lousy way to convince anyone of your point.
Remember, there are no stupid questions— Everyone’s input is welcomed and honored. “Flaming” others or demeaning their participation may build your self-esteem but it won’t help build community.
Report inappropriate behavior — Remove and/or report to the moderators disrespectful or provocative content, but refrain from seeking vigilante justice
I posted something in my dinky-ass forum about "Law of Gravity." I basically said the things we're talking about, with Nick liking flat chests and being an ass-man.

Someone named CSIwatcher12 said this:

What you posted is gisgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. Post a comment back at me because I wanna see how you'll respond to what I've written. In fact you can go to hell for saying that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it wrong that I was laughing the entire time. This is probably a demented teenager or a freaked out old person.

I responded by saying something like I don't believe in hell, so I won't be going. Then I asked what their favorite couple was and to top it off I called them 'hun.'

They have yet to responded.

ROFLMAO LOL that is so funny twins1729. I think what you said was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great keep us informed if they respond. They are prob to much of loser to.
If only they knew we were laughing at them right now!

They seriously think they're are offeneding us, but in reality they are making us laugh!
Guys, don't bring problems from other forums, threads, or boards into the Nick/Greg thread. It's really not relevant to the conversation of Nick/Greg. Please take it to PMs or to a chat room.
Um...excuse me I am a big fan of the pairing I think they are sooo cute together! Anyways, I'm kinda new to slash but I really like WMTB a lot! I was just wondering if anyone here is an author there? I'm miracleromancer there btw :)
This will be posted in all the active shipper threads.

There have been lots and lots of newbies to TalkCSI and the Shipper Threads so I thought I would direct everyone to the Shipper Central Rules so those new to Shipper Central, please make sure to read them in their entirety. Thanks

Shipper Central Rules - Please make sure to read these
Shipper Central Welcome & Questions Thread - where you can introduce yourself and ask questions.
Ship Name/Song Thread List - Where you can see if your ship has a thread.
nickfangirl said:
Um...excuse me I am a big fan of the pairing I think they are sooo cute together! Anyways, I'm kinda new to slash but I really like WMTB a lot! I was just wondering if anyone here is an author there? I'm miracleromancer there btw :)

I am, I've written quite a few pics and my penname id wojo.

Well anyway I am hoping for some interaction inthis weeks episode but won't hold my breath. Valentines day is coming up soon (Wed 14th) what do you all think Nick & Gerg would do to celebrate this day? (remember the pg-13 rule)
I dont think they would do anything big and showey. Maybe dinner and I could see Nick giving Greg a rose. It would be cute if they were both working and one of them did somthing for the other to say that they care. No one elts will get it but they would.
nickfangirl said:
Um...excuse me I am a big fan of the pairing I think they are sooo cute together! Anyways, I'm kinda new to slash but I really like WMTB a lot! I was just wondering if anyone here is an author there? I'm miracleromancer there btw :)

I'm Jedi Princess Clarrisani over on WMTDB, and I've written several fics as well as some videos.

Oh, and without going into too much detail or adding any spoilers, the latest info on CSI Files is about the forthcoming episode "Empty Eyes". Looks like Nick and Greg (as well as a few others) are working the case together. Hope for our boys yet!
Clarrisani said:
nickfangirl said:
Um...excuse me I am a big fan of the pairing I think they are sooo cute together! Anyways, I'm kinda new to slash but I really like WMTB a lot! I was just wondering if anyone here is an author there? I'm miracleromancer there btw :)

I'm Jedi Princess Clarrisani over on WMTDB, and I've written several fics as well as some videos.

Oh, and without going into too much detail or adding any spoilers, the latest info on CSI Files is about the forthcoming episode "Empty Eyes". Looks like Nick and Greg (as well as a few others) are working the case together. Hope for our boys yet!

OMG :eek: :eek: :eek: You are one of my favorite authors!! I love your work so much!! You're fantastic! Wait, random question, am I the only guy in this thread?

I think Greg and Nick would do something small as well. How great would it be if they worked on a case together? Hey I just relized, the night CSI comes on in the US is Thursday, which is Valentine's Day :D
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