The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Xena and Gabby are the best subtex ever. I love Xena and I know what you are talking about. It really dose feel the same with Nick and Greg like it is always there but there really is no HARD CORE proff or just coming out and saying it or seeing it. But the only diffrence is Xena and Gabby have shared on screen kiss's :D (witch were really hot... all of them :D) and will Greg and Nick have yet to do that on screen, but it will happen.... maybe... hopefuly....
Ah, but you forget Spike/Angel. Now that was great subtext to the point it was almost text!

There's also that scene from Scuba Doobie-Doo when Greg is helping Nick, and with each word he steps closer and closer to Nick until he is practically leaning against him. Of course, said scene is soon followed by "Leggo My Greggo" and Greg's wave as he walks by - Nick's eyes following him all the way.
twins1729 said:

You know what scene I where Nick turns back one the radio for Greg.

Can someone else get the pic? I really have to go. :D

It's a scene from "Crash and Burn".

Grissom turns off Greg's music when he enters the lab:


But, as they're leaving, Nick turns Greg's music back on, in a sweet gesture:


And then, Nick is rewarded with The Smile ;)
Thanks so much!

I hate how I can't tell the episodes fromt he b-stories.

Nick and Greg slash is awesome.

Probably some of the best around! Ever!
Clarrisani said:
Ah, but you forget Spike/Angel. Now that was great subtext to the point it was almost text!

Oooh, Spangel slash was the very first TV character slash I ever read. Did you know that it was an agreement between Joss Whedon, James Marsters and David Boreanaz to write and play their scenes with a homoerotic undertone?

I wonder if Nick and Greg have any scenes together this week? With interaction 2 weeks in a row, I fear not.
Serenity said:
I wonder if Nick and Greg have any scenes together this week? With interaction 2 weeks in a row, I fear not.

Eh, I know. But I can't let the writers take one step forward and two steps back. I might be heartbroken if I get my hopes up, but I have to wish for another scene with them. Even if it's just undertones or glances. I need SOMETHING.

On another note, I put chapter two of my story up! Here, and on WMTDB!
I'm pretty sure they're all working on one big case.

So, yes I want at least one scene together.

I don't care if it has every character there as well, I want them to be in the same room together.

You know discussing, eating, a pow-wow(?), etc...
twins1729 said:
I'm pretty sure they're all working on one big case.

So, yes I want at least one scene together.

I don't care if it has every character there as well, I want them to be in the same room together.

You know discussing, eating, a pow-wow(?), etc...

You know why we'll settle for being in the same room?

Because we know that even when they're in a crowded room, they glance at each other, or smile at each other. It's so cute :)
Serenity said:
Did you know that it was an agreement between Joss Whedon, James Marsters and David Boreanaz to write and play their scenes with a homoerotic undertone?

I sure do, which I love. It's something I wish would happen on CSI, and something tells me that Eric Szmanda would be all to happy to do it since he already plays his part with subtext. However, considering how much TPTB dislike giving into fan desires when it comes to 'The Love' (evidence being lack of scenes and lack of Greg), its never going to happen.
I have to agree. There is no way that we can have any Nick/Greg moments if Greg is appearing less and less. You'd think TPTB would realise that there are a majority of fans who actually hang out for the Greg scenes. And of course there are us who hang out for the Nick/Greg scenes, but we aren't even getting that! I wish there was some way we could protest. Anyone have any suggestions?
So Nick confirmed it he is a ass man :D. Where was Greg when Nick said that. LOL my sister and I yelled yes and bumped fists it was really funny.
NickyandGreggo said:
So Nick confirmed it he is a ass man :D. Where was Greg when Nick said that. LOL my sister and I yelled yes and bumped fists it was really funny.

That was so awesome! I almost died, hahahahaha. He was like "I AM an ass man!" XD hahaha, sooogood.
He also said that the implants were too big for his liking.

He likes a flat chest, lol.

Ass-man, I nearly died! Of course, "The Hunger Artist" comes into mind, but also the fact that Nick is the top. :D

I liked that there was a lot of Nick, and him holding the baby was cute. Let's just hope that the reason why Greg wasn't around was because Eric was filming a lot for next weeks episode.

I'm hoping that Catherine, Grissom and the others worry about the miniature, so Greg and Nick can have their own case.

Or better yet! Greg has his trial and Nick's helping again! Man, now I can't wait.

BTW - two new vids on


EDIT-DUDE I JUST FOUND THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!! has made CSI:WIKI and fans can make their own pages dedicated to their favorit reltionships (not to mention other cool things). I hurried and made one for Nick and Greg. You can find it here!

You can add to it. So please do!

I think this is something we finally can do to push Nick/Greg in CBS's face.

BTW-Tell me if you like it so far...
Twins said:

"I think this is something we finally can do to push Nick/Greg in CBS's face."

I totally agree with you Twins! Well done!

Now, we know for sure that Nick likes THIS flat chest:


He loves touching it :devil:


Last night, Nick also said that he is "an ass-man". We already knew that since "The Hunger Artist" but I'm so glad Nick has finally admitted it!! :lol:


Oh, Nick also checked out Greg's ass in "Killer" ;)
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