The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #14

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Hey thank's for the pic's seabird. Has anyone elts noticed that Eric is looking just a George in two of the pic's even to they are in a group setting, and George might be wearing a ring in the frist pic and the last two.

I cant wate to see EE eather do you think it will be a good surprise or a bad one.
Damn. Okay, that's it. I say we put together a petition stating that George must start wearing sleeveless shirts in CSI. And Eric always seems to be looking at George cutely. Those two are almost inseperable when they do photoshoots. Moral support maybe?

As a side note: Twins, the season 2 breakdown should be in your inbox right now.
I thought of two moments that we forgot.

"99 bottles of beer on the wall" - A Night at the Movies (?)
Greg startling Nick - Indentity Crisis

Do you think it's too late to add them, or should I just screw it because it won't make the cut?

You know, I wasn't going to say anything about Nick/Greg becoming Canon. But I have this weird feeling that something is going to happen. The other twin too.

If you believe in twin ESP crap, then...I don't know....

I just keep having this feeling and I can't explain it. Don't quote me, I could just be getting too excited, but I just thought I'd let you all know. I hope I don't end up looking too stupid if it doesn't play out.

Is anyone else feeling it?
Twins1729 I am feeling it too, I am on your side. I know all about the twin ESP thing, my sister and I do it all the time it's the spical twin connection I swear. I really dont want to say anything eather in case of being wrong, but I have a feeling too and I just want it to happen so bad lol.
Y'know, from the moment I saw The Look v2.0 in the Empty Eyes promo, I got a vibe as well. It could just be that George and Eric have agreed to turn on the subtext again (Eric's admitted to doing it in the past after all), but we may just end up with The Love being canon. Fingers crossed that we get something...
Dude, I forgot you were a twin too. It's weird isn't it. I mean, we can't read each other's minds, but we have a connection. Some people feel that twins are psychic.

Like I said, maybe we're too excited or hoping too much, I have this freaking FEELING. I would hate to be wrong, but I wanted to say something about it.

I added collective fan quotes on the "Screencaps and Quotes" page on the WIKI.

"They're not just a love...they're The Love."

"They can say everything, without saying anything."

"Greg flirts with everyone...but Nick's the only one that flirts back."

Any others that I should add?
I have that feeling too, I just saw the EE trailer on youtube. But, I also have an ominous feeling about it too...I hope nothing bad happens...

I like the Nick flirts back one personally x3
Thanks for posting the Brazilian pics ( i haven't seen most of those). In one of the pics its so cute that they are posing with their arms crossed & dressed alike (maybe its a "couple" thing. LOL , or maybe its just wishful thinking again).
I hope your feelings are right, twins. I never have a good feeling about anything. Probably because Im always filled with thoughts of impending doom... I think even if they do go cannon I'll still have bad thoughts that something terrible will happen and they will break up or one of them will die or move away or get fired or... *ahem*... anyway, I hope your guy's feelings are right and not mine... lol
I know It was George who mentioned the subtext in the commentary for Poppin Tags (S6 DVD), but I don't remember Eric saying it either.
Well, I'd give you the link to youtube, but it's not official, so I can't. PM me if you want it. Or if you go to the General Love thread on WMTDB there's a post called "Subtext Interview" and that has the link.

Woo! 3 days now!


I put a Gabbly Chat Box in the Forum section of the WIKI. I want to have official Nick/Greg chats there. I was thinking Thursdays sometime after CSI. If you want to do it, any good ideas about times?
How about 10 minutes after the eppy ends?
But, won't the times be different, since we all are in different time zones?
It probably depends on time difference and stuff like that. I'm on the west coast and you guys, depending on where you are, would see it before I did if I wanted to chat. I like the idea, though, and I don't have classes on Friday so I can stay up!
Maybe at 1 am. If it airs nine Eastern time, then it'd air at Midnight for Western right?

We can do it at one or 1:15 mabye?

What do you guys think?

As long as everyone's willing to stay up. If it's a bad episode I don't think it would last long, but if it's good maybe it can last as long as we can make it.

It would also be a good way to get to know fellow fans. :)
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