The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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seabird said:
*can't wait for "Fannysmakin'"*

One of my favourite Nick/Greg moments. And no, it isn't a manip :). It's a real scene from "Primun Non Nocere":


Could they be much closer?


Iv'e always loved that episode, gonna have to watch it again. Greg is so funny and Nick & Warrick's reaction to him in this scene is just priceless. And Yeah, the way they brush up against one another, Greg walks by and Nick stands his ground just to feel Greg near him. THis scene says alot. :D
there won't be any court scenes, that does not happen until two episodes later. But yeah that makes sence that he had to film scenes for Fanny...

I think the initial storyline for Fannysmackin is that Greg is coming BACK from court, hence why he doesn't know about the gang case everyone is working on. I know that they're also planning PostMortem with HIM on trial, but if I'm not mistaken, the episode is going to have him coming back from giving his evidence to jury.
*collapsed on ground, limbs splayed, twitching occasionally* Spoilers. . .i want to read! BUT I WON'T! I WILL NOT BREAK!

Umm, wow, they really are CLOSE in that piccie. It's CUTE!!

Thank you for the pic clarification (sp?)

Can't wait for Fannysmackin!

Gillian Sara Grissom
episode 7x10- Don't know if this is really a spoiler but I use the spoiler tag anyway.

Nick & Greg will be working together!! Spoilers on this in the spolier thread. So if re-writes and such don't screw it up our boys will be working together!! :D :D :D
I still can't remember if I posted in here.
I'm the One in Hiding. What got me started was Wojo's story. (I don't feel like typing up a novel.)
Anyways, I have this avi in my Photobucket album and felt like sharing. avi
See y'all in a few. I gotta take some medicine. My hip's hurting.

- Neelie -
lmao @ your avi, szmandatogoholic

That's fantastic. *Joins the strike*.

When my friend and I were writing our CSI parody, it was all born of one simple truth: Nick and Greg would look hot making out. And thus ten weeks of writing class were happily engaged.
sarahvma, you can call me Neelie. I know it's hard typing out szmandatogoholic. (Trust me, I had typos just typing it myself.) And try typing it for a Yahoo! email.

Love that pic!! *saves for future uses* I think I remember that part... but just in case, I should watch "Bad Words" tonight.
Wojo, you made my day. Hey all, remember me??? What's up, I'm in the middle of something again aren't I? I so need to come around here more. I've been busily catching up on my N/G fic, which is really sad that I ever fell behind, since, well you know. Gosh most of you probably don't even know me here, so I'm Kelly, I was one of the original founders of the Nick/Greg slash thread back in Dec of 2004, so I have been around for awhile, but have been busy at the other site, but I promise to come back and visit more

Whoo are thread is going so fast these days!!!!

I can not believe it! Fannysmakin is finally here! wow will i be crying like hell and this time there will be no onions involved. You know you dream a episode like this would happen and now that is has finally come... ;)
KELLY! You've been missed. It's nice to see you around again. I hope things calm down and you're able to come chat with us some more :D

I tried to save the clip on the CBS website and make a sexy Love-angst-jawclench avvie, but alas, the folks who maintain Innertube are far smarter than I. Well, tonight's our night, guys! I sure hope that our anticipation pays off this time..
haha yea, I agree this forum is going fast =D haha probly to do with all the pictures and talking of Fannysmackin lol =D

lol YEA Fannysmackin! I don't even know to be sad or happy lol =D sigh but anywayz, I can't wait to watch it!!! woo hoo!! sigh if everything happen the way I want it 2 and probably what everyone wants, it's gunna be Awsome!!
I dont think i will be able to concentrate on my school work today, i hope i do get to chop onions today because i will be thinking about Greg getting hurt all day but some of them will be happy tears because of Nick/Greg and how Nick reacts to it all.

Wojo i just read the spoilers that you put up and Yay!
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