The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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Wow. It's so quiet on this thread but I have something that might help the discussion get started again. I stumbled across this last night. It's an essay someone wrote that talks about the 'ship between Nick and Greg. It's rather old, it was written in 2004. After (or if) you read it, what do you agree with? What do you have a problem with? Hope this isn't too stupid.

~Nick and Greg handle the case of Jack, a returning veteran from Iraq, who was killed in front of his wife and baby daughter who he just met for the first time.~ We finally get to see them work on a case together, just the two of them.
*pokes head in* Hey everyone, yes I'm still here. Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Needless to say RL has kept me more than busy the past several weeks. I so need to go through here and read the spoilers for the season opener, and so much more.

Everything at the site has been busy, and I had to go up to IL a couple weeks ago, so I haven't had time to visit as much, but kiddies are back in school, I don't plan on going out of town again for awhile, and barring anymore unforeseen injuries and surgery's, I'll be here.

^ Is fine, Shacky20. We've all been there, I'm sure.

I've been contemplating what they might do for Christmas too. And I'm loving your idea, Wojo. I'm from Australia so we have Christmas over the summer, and I was wondering what Vegas is like over Christmas. I'm guessing it doesn't snow, or does it? I have read one Nick/Greg fic where it did snow, Greg's car got all iced up and Nick gave him a ride and... well, let's just say that the fic was NC-17. ;D
ooo I read that one =D hehe pretty good =D hehe liked it very much =D
hmmm I think 4 christmas, it's probly gunna b cold even if it doesn't snow ?right? lol anywayz, if it's cold they're probly gunna cuddle in front of the fireplace with a blanket draped over thier shoulders and drinking Hot Chocolate =D then open presents on Chrismas Day =D and play with them ;)
Maybe they attempt to make a traditional Christmas dinner... only neither of them have a clue on how to do it, meaning several phonecalls to mothers and a fire extinguisher. And, just for fun, maybe an untimely visit from Cath and Warrick...

*pounces on plot bunny* Will have to write that one once I finish Battlefield, my first major CSI fan fic. Getting toward the end of it now, so it may appear at "Subtext Is Everything" some time toward the end of September if all goes well.
So where is everyone? Guess no one has any meaty enough posts to contiune. The new season starts in a few weeks and our boys will be together again. Hopefully working together a lot more this season. Their Christmas will be a merry one because they will be spending it together. Unwrapping their packages under the tree...:devil:

Btw- Property Rights has been updated up to Ch 6.
I'm still here!

I have been thinking about Nick and Greg all week because i found another song for them but i'll put it in the song thread (if i can find it ;))

There is only 19 more days till CSI *whoo* more subtext and more love then ever, there first case is like a first date.
I'm still here too! I think everyone is just waiting for the new season so we can have new scenes, looks and touches to analyze. Hopefully they will work more cases together this year. I have question I want to ask. When S7 starts, will Gerg still be a CSI 1 or will he be promoted to a CSI 2?
I am sure he is still a level one but I did read a spoiler that he might get promoted. This is not confirmed it's just what I've read. I hope it's true though, He deserves it. The episode FannySmackin that is Greg centric will be aring oct 12th. I won't say anything more about this since this is not the spoiler thread. So far S7 is looking good. I just hope our boys get some screen time.

Property Rights ch 7 is up.
Why does my b day have to be on a sunday, because if that spoiler is true (about him being promoted) that can be a tv b day preasent ;)

I had a scene in my head on how he would be promted. On Nicks visit to him in the hospital he comes in all my him self, it's just him and Greg and he says that he asked Grissom for a favor and he pulls out Greg's level 2 badge :) that would be a good ending to a sad episode, well to me it would be.
hee can't wait till season 7 =D hehe seems like it's gunna b really great!! and i can't wait to see the boys together =D

I hope Greg gets promoted in that epi, it b a good happy ending like csikicksass says. I can see that scene too it b great or when Greg gets out of the hospital and they hold a big party bash, and they announce that they are dating =D that b the great ending =D
^^Now thats a ending, it's a shock but at the same time it's a good shock the kind that the veiwers want (Mostly us) want and ending like that will get us alot more shippers!

Did you realize that no one hates are ship. Like my sister, she says that she likes Greg with Sara and i like Nick with Sara or Greg but when ever i talk about Nick and Greg she doesn't get mad :D i think she likes it she just doesn't want to say :p
Wojo said:
Watching porn! They look so serious, I think they'd look more excited than that! :devil:

LMAO. Greg look so serious and Nick looks more like "yeah" in a serious way.

guys what do you think Eric thinks about all theese talk about him "gayness"
When you search Eric szmanda in google or yahoo you get up Eric Gay and eric and George. Its like thats the most popular searching on the net. HA
wonder if he has seen it.
^ Most likely he has. And, of course, his character Jacob pretended to be gay in one episode of <i>The Net</i>. I'm sure Eric is used to it.

Just letting everyone know that I've finished <i>Battlefield</i>. I'm currently typing it up and will need to do a second draft and send it off to one of my friends to beta, but the actual writing is finished. So looking good for the end of the month. Oh, and I submitted two more vids to "What Makes the Desert Beautiful". I know they've been busy over there so it may take a while for them to appear.
I think if Eric knows about his fans talk about his 'gayness' (which no doubt he does). I think he probably thinks it's funny. He sits back and laughs about it and wonders why people are so intrested in who he sleeps with. He has kept that part of himself private and I'm sure he will continue to do so. If he's smart he will anyway. :)

btw - Property Rights ch 8 is up!!
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