The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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yo my fellow mushrooms. (dont ask, i call my friends that :lol: )

i was just wondering when exactly you got into this ship? was it gradual? or did it smack you in the face like stepping on a garden rake and the handle whacks you in the face.

i reckon i was a smack in the face one. it was just sort of like "holy CRAP they're not very subtle are they? ;) "

except i was talking to myself as i didn't want anyone else to know what i was thinking. they probably wouldn't approve!
I never thought i liked this ship but it was actually the internet that got to me, the icon i had before my icon i have now actually that showed me the light the one where they're waving it just snapped it was a real shocker but i realized that there was something in me that always liked them together the icon just brought it out and god do i love this couple now :D
i came across some nick/greg smut and was instantly hooked haha. its weird i used to be a lil homophoabic but then i read it and the mental image was like :eek: HOT so now i'm addicted haha.

i mean they are both gorjus, whats better then one gorjuz guy naked? TWO GORJUZ GUYS NAKED... TOGETHER!!! haha
heartagram69 said:

i mean they are both gorjus, whats better then one gorjuz guy naked? TWO GORJUZ GUYS NAKED... TOGETHER!!! haha

Of course, I mean, how could they not be hot together. Acutally these are the only two guys I find hot together. Something about them, when they are together, makes them ever hotter than normal.

Still here everyone. Just been a hell of a busy couple of weeks. Went to Charleston and both kiddies start school next week. I've been busy making "musical projects" lately, two this week actually.

lol good to know you've not left us!

so do some of you only ship them because they're hot together? or something else? i'm just curious :D
Haven't seen your videos yet, been meaning to do that. yours are always so good.
one hot guy + another hot guy = "The Love" - I can't get over how incredibly hot Eric looks in the TV guide!!!
Wojo said:
I can't get over how incredibly hot Eric looks in the TV guide!!!
omg yes, i saw the pic and ws like :eek: he looks so gorjuz, i luv that he's so relaxed and in the water lol. i bet george is just off to the side and the photographer interupted their nice romantic walk haha
omg thanx 4 the pics =D hehe their eyes totally have love written in them =D
hehe I like that qoute 2 =D hehe since Nick knows Greg works out wonder if Nick helps Greg out :devil:
Lost2MuchSpeed said:

so do some of you only ship them because they're hot together? or something else? i'm just curious :D

Firstly, hi, I'm new to the boards *waves*

That was part of what attracted me to the ship, because I'd never really heard of slash before (I was very innocent ;))

But then I started looking out for chemistry (basically to see what all these people were talking about) and realised that I'd been totally blind not to see the obvious love before. And now to me every scene they have together seems to have some chemistry :devil:
Hi *waves* that was just like me i never heard of slash before but when i realized what it really was i just saw it and Nick and Greg was the first slash couple i ever seen it was the touchyness that really got me in.
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