The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

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I was never a slash fan but when i started looking through the internet i came across so many icons of them and i kept thinking that it was really cute but then u thought that im not into slash couples so i moved on but then when i came across the look of love picture i realized that i always liked it but i never knew it and then i came to this web site and now this is one of my favorite couples.
*sigh* i think it's something like 50 days til the premiere or something. :eek:

i have to say, it'll probably be my favoureite season premiere as it's just Nick and Greg on the case. only took the writers freakin years to see sense!
Here here! did you know that Greg and Nick made the Austrailian news after George was at the loggies (aussie awards) it said there are this wierd but interesting group who like Eric Szmanda charater Greg Sanders and George Eads character Nick Stokes together as a couple isn't that the best are couple made the news paper!!
:lol: lmao! i would love to have seen george's reaction to that.

probably a lot of stuttering of "emm haha *nervous laughter* well that is just yes..ahem"

but we'd all know the truth!
i would love some candid camera show to go behind the scenes and get the writers to tell GE n ES that nick n greg will be together, and then GE n ES are like YES i mean, whoa... HAHAHAHAHA. and then they find out they are being taped and are all like yeah we knew, it was all a joke... and they are both blushing and looking at each other :p
woah! what an idea! does anyone know where they're next shooting? ;)

sadly i'm not even in the same continent, so I couldn't help! y'know i'm sure some tv show had that happen to them.

it is possible
Here here! did you know that Greg and Nick made the Austrailian news after George was at the loggies (aussie awards) it said there are this wierd but interesting group who like Eric Szmanda charater Greg Sanders and George Eads character Nick Stokes together as a couple isn't that the best are couple made the news paper!!
hhaa really =D hehe that made my Day =D hehe I want to see that lmao =D hehe I wonder what reaction GE and ES had lol =D

lmao I would watch that like every day if they did film sumfin like that =D hehe I wish that would acually happen =D hehe that b a dream come tru =D
I alwayz wonder that hehe it b so cool in GE or ES was reading this forum right now hehe that b so cool =D or if the writers of CSI was reading this right now (hehe mayb this can change thier perseptives and make Nick and Greg 2gether) hehe and it b cool if GE and ES agreed with the writer decision 2 =D
the look of love makes me squee about 5 million time. everytime.

what is it about that pic that scene us go crazy? cause i can't describe it!

edit: also, i've just written a letter to Carol Mendelsohn, telling her how fab it is that Greg is getting astoryline this season. but I also slipped in that Nick and Greg should definitely work more cases together because "the chemistry between these two is startling"

i tried not to sound like i think they are doing the dirty ;)
I'm posting my letter to Carol tomorrow! I hope she actually reads it! I've tried to be really respectful, so as not to **** her off.
don't forget your subtle nick/greg hints ;)

sorry i don't have an e mail for her, i did a handwritten letter (microsoft word wouldn't work damnit!) to the address that was posted in the Eric picture thread i think it was. or it could have been the leggo our greggo thread.

one of the two!
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