The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Yes, very much so, loved that chapter, and thank you.
I was beginning to feel lonely here, way too quiet around here today. I could almost here an echo....

I've only heard good things about this fanfic just1tearforme has written, so I think I might need to check it out sometime :D
Lovin_W_Moseley said:
I've only heard good things about this fanfic just1tearforme has written, so I think I might need to check it out sometime :D

Same here. I'm looking forward to reading it. :)
kelly, you're not poking me. and i asked you to. geesh!

what's a girl gotta do to get poked around here?

(do NOT answer that)
sofine said:
kelly, you're not poking me. and i asked you to. geesh!

what's a girl gotta do to get poked around here?

(do NOT answer that)

Oh, do you really want me to answer that??? I was on vacation last week, sorry. Hey, I have other things than just my stick, so hey, watch what you say, hummm, stones, whips, you never know.....

Whew. Finally caught up with everything. New York was amazing, and it turned out that I did get a chance to watch little bit of CSI: on Spike...not nearly enough.
It's been just over a week that I saw the season 5 finale for the first time and now I have to get through the next 6 months without CSI and THE LOVE. I already have withdrawl symptoms, I need my LOVE fix. So please, please all fanfic writers help me through this hard time.

I hope it's not too off topic, but I thought the S5 finale was more friendshippy (especially Warrick/Nick) than slashy. The only slashy vibes I got was from that question about how much Nick means to Grissom.

Aw, GE is oh so pretty when he cries. Quick, Greg, comfort him.
ziggystarduzt said:
CSI Dunn?
Thank you, my dear!
I got it from the lovely bine. She let me use it :D
sillylittlething said:
It's been just over a week that I saw the season 5 finale for the first time and now I have to get through the next 6 months without CSI and THE LOVE. I already have withdrawl symptoms, I need my LOVE fix. So please, please all fanfic writers help me through this hard time.

What kind of fic you looking for, angsty, long, just some fun PWP, I can guide you, I did a rec list on my LJ, after giving out some, I just posted it on my LJ of my rec's, since I am kind of known as the Librarian around here. If you want I could repost it or email you the link to the rec post. It also includes the links.

sorry kelly, didn't know you were on hollies. oh, your BANNER!! *dies* that boy has no right to be that beautiful...
sofine said:
sorry kelly, didn't know you were on hollies. oh, your BANNER!! *dies* that boy has no right to be that beautiful...

That's ok, you haven't checked my LJ in a while then, I posted pics of the kiddies at Nascar Park, and all of that good stuff, and you missed out on my fun trip to the hospital on vacation, yes, no vacation is complete without that.

Here you go, so take that
or here you go, this outta do wonders for that inspiration
, you know it's bad when your computer fights back. Plus I already completed a new music "project" since I got home, you know, once I get an idea in my head......

Oh, and I have many more my dear, many many more.....

*squee* well kelly, you know i wouldn't mind at all if.... wait, i can't say that on here!

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