The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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sofine said:
*squee* well kelly, you know i wouldn't mind at all if.... wait, i can't say that on here!

Hey now, whips and chains are only if you are way behind. Of course, maybe I could always borrow Lady Heather's Outfit to go with the hip, wait, maybe not, just not me. Maybe Greg can use it though.....

What kind of fic you looking for, angsty, long, just some fun PWP, I can guide you, I did a rec list on my LJ, after giving out some, I just posted it on my LJ of my rec's, since I am kind of known as the Librarian around here. If you want I could repost it or email you the link to the rec post. It also includes the links.
Thanks, I like almost all types of fics except for character death and BDSM stuff.
So I wandered over to your LJ and I'm now downloading the Tainted Love video. I like MM version actually better than the original. Very excited to see what you did with that song.

csikicksurass, for me it seemed that Grave Danger focused more on the team as a whole and their fight to find Nick in time. And Greg helped with that, but I think the Love is most apparent when Nick and Greg share a scene. They don't even have to interact with each other - it's the looks and body language. But with poor Nicky in a coffin that wasn't going to happen.
sillylittlething said:
I think the Love is most apparent when Nick and Greg share a scene. They don't even have to interact with each other - it's the looks and body language.

So true. The subtext is everything... :)
sillylittlething said:

Thanks, I like almost all types of fics except for character death and BDSM stuff.
So I wandered over to your LJ and I'm now downloading the Tainted Love video. I like MM version actually better than the original. Very excited to see what you did with that song.

Hope you like it. Actually I just reposted all of my video's under a cut, I hadn't done that in months. Let me know how you like it. And if you want email me and I'll send you the link to the recs page.

csikicksurass said:
hey my sister doesn't believe me about the subtext, does anyone have any screen caps i can show her? thanks you :)

You're kidding, no subtext? Not to toot my own horn again, but I just finished a "musical progect" since we aren't supposed to use the V-Word, and It has a lot of pics in it, seriously, tons of pics, there is also a site for screencapes Erica's Screncaps CSI but there aren't many from the early seasons, and you have to know what you are looking for. Hope that helps.

And you can never forget

I Love You Too G
Gotta love Nicky, can't hide it

The Look of Love
This is what love looks like

Kiss Me Nicky
Seriously guys, get a little bit closer there

You Beeped Me across the Hall
Yes Nick, I waved but you didn't look, plus I wanted to see you

Booty Check
Yes Nick, Greg does have a fine rear view

Yeah Nicky, I see your sand
G, quit that at work, you are killing me

No Touching at Work Nick
Damn, you see what happens when you do that

I'm Here Nick
Do you see me standing here waiting for you?

Hum, a little jealous there Greg?
A jealous Greg is an adorable Greg.

Please Greggo
I only have eyes for you.

That should help you somewhat, and there are plenty more where those came from

Awww, Kelly, those are so nice to look at :)

I just got photoshop and I'm bravely stepping into the scary world of avatar making. I haven't made any Nick/Greg art yet, but those are SO inspiring me.. *g* World's cutest couple, yo!
*crawls in*
gah! i need a break. finals week sucks.
shacky i loved your "tainted love" vid, the editing is fabulous! i wish i cound get my movie editing program to work.
*goes to find caffeine*
one of my favorite parts on csi is where nick brings archie out on the feild and greg was like "i thought we had a relationship" , that was so cute, he was so jelous and nick tell greg that he isn't a computer nerd, so cute <333
pxzowiiey said:

shacky i loved your "tainted love" vid, the editing is fabulous! i wish i cound get my movie editing program to work.
*goes to find caffeine*

Ah, thank you very much, if you play that loud enough it would probably wake the dead, or even someone tired enough. But just in case, here you go

Just to let everyone know. I reposted all of my "Musical Projects" at my site in case some people might have missed some, and I haven't done that in six months.

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