The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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LoneWolfe001 said:
Enough talk about Tom Cruise (he is crazy), lets talk about our boys instead. does anyone have a good topic idea??

I don't know why you think that Tom is crazy, only why he maybe likes to eat placentas or that he didn't allow his wife to moan or cry during the childbirth. :lol:

I have no idea about a topic, but I wrote a Nick/Greg fic . It's a NC17 story, so I can't link it. But the link to my livejournal is in my profile and you'll also find it in some livejournal communities.
The title is No Words and Dixie betad this story. Thank you, you really helped me! :)
LoneWolfe001 said:
Enough talk about Tom Cruise (he is crazy), lets talk about our boys instead. does anyone have a good topic idea??

Is any one reading The Canary? wow, thats I side of Greg I never read before.

I have been reading it. It's very hot, and I too like that side of Greg.

And Bine No words was excellent! :devil:
After lj being very annoying and trying to chop my story in half, chapter eight - La Tristesse Durera (Scream To A Sigh) - is now up. Finally.
Wojo thank you, i'm glad you liked. :D
I already have some new ideas and I'll try to begin with the new story.
Serenity i know how you feel, when I tried to post my story LJ decided to sort some of my sentences, but after the fifth attempt or so, it worked. I'll go now and read your story.
Hi gang,
I have a question. In a lot of fics Warrick is either a bit of a homophobe (at first) and /or doesn't like Greg. Is that fanon or canon? I don't remember anything like that on the show, but I'm not sure if I have missed something.

And Serenity I haven't had the time to read The Everlasting, but as a major Manic Street Preachers fan the title alone has put a huge grin on my face :)
I've had Warrick as being not homophobic as such, but not quite sure how to handle Nick and Greg's relationship, but then in a seperate fic I've also had him as being really accepting and a good friend to the boys. I think in canon they've never really had to deal with Warrick's view on homosexuality that much, so we're not really sure how he feels about it.

I don't think that he doesn't like Greg, but I think he sees him as a sort of little brother type, he annoys him sometimes but when it comes down to it, he's part of the team, and I think he'd have Greg's back if needed. And in some conversations between them, it sounds like they hang out outside of work.

And the Manics rule! I've seen then twice, although not with Richey sadly.
Hey guys (peeks head up) how are you all?
Sorry I haven't been around too much this past week. I have been feeling pretty damn tired and crappy. My ankle is still acting up, and yesterday, I had to drive for the first time, and I hurt to bad when I got home I felt sick, and it didn't help that Tre had to work from 9-7.

So, did I miss any good fics? I have been keeping up with Serenity's fic 'The Everlasting' which I'm loving of course, and Wojo I promise I'll get back to you today. So, anything else I miss, besides two pages of posts that I can't even imagine going through right now. So, what'd I miss, how's everything, and basically, what's up that I missed?

Shacky, I'm going to continue to pimp "No Words" by Bine. It's a really great little story, I recommend it ;)

And this is somewhat exciting (to me...). I had a Nick and Greg dream recently :D In the dream, I was watching CSI and pretty much out of the blue, Greg leans over and kisses Nick. Just a quick, soft touching of lips and nothing more, and I was so shocked that they'd actually done it on screen! :eek: I just kept thinking, "Did they really just do that?!" When I woke up I was slightly disappointed - lol. I wish they'd actually do that on screen. :lol:

ETA: I almost forgot! I wanted to recommend "Forgive me Father." I don't remember who it's by, but it's on CSI: Forensics and is sweet with angst. It's a WIP and the last time I checked it was at four chapters and hadn't been updated in a month, but I'm enjoying it so far, I think you'd like it too.
Morning guys!

Just to let you know that chapter nine - Roses in the hospital - is up now!

And I had a dream with George and Eric in it last night, I was just watching them on TV at an awards ceremony but it was nice!
Morning. The chapter rocked. And you're still mean. :p

I never have fangirlish dreams. I want one too. *pouts*
sillylittlething said:
Hi gang,
I have a question. In a lot of fics Warrick is either a bit of a homophobe (at first) and /or doesn't like Greg. Is that fanon or canon? I don't remember anything like that on the show, but I'm not sure if I have missed something.

And Serenity I haven't had the time to read The Everlasting, but as a major Manic Street Preachers fan the title alone has put a huge grin on my face :)

oh Warrick as a homophobe? Havent read such stories yet. I love how Warrick is so okay with Nick and Greg, such true friend. In all the stories I have read he thinks its okay.
Check this out!

I felt the love was being seriously overlooked!

ETA: This wiki site means you can upload your own information onto the page, I read the whole thing and got annoyed that CSI and the love wasn't mentioned. I decided to rectify that. :D
WHOA THATS AWESOME!!! its like on there!!! :eek:

so are they saying that they are going out??? coz it kinda seems like it, i mean there's been no other ship cept like gsr and yobling mentioned by TPTB, and in interviews the dont norm mention ships, and for them to mention nick/greg is huge :D
That is so cool! The love is alive and out there for all to see.

Oh yeah, just wanted you to know that 'The Ultimate Gift -part 2' is up at the usual places. Rated NC-17 of course. Hope you enjoy it.
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