The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Oh girl, yes yes yes Yes YES YES YES, Loved it. And if your too young to know what movie that came from, don't ask, I'll feel way too old.

Great job sweeite

Hi guys, I really need some help !
I wrote my first Nick/Greg fic, it's a NC-17 story and I need someone who could Beta read it. English isn't my first language and I probably need help with everything.
It would be great if someone could help me. :)
I'm going to guess 'When Harry met Sally' although I've never actually seen it!

Tomorrow's update will be late, I'm going out tomorrow morning way too early, and probably won't be back until the evening, so I won't get a chance to come online until tomorrow night my time. Sorry everyone!
bine said:
Hi guys, I really need some help !
I wrote my first Nick/Greg fic, it's a NC-17 story and I need someone who could Beta read it. English isn't my first language and I probably need help with everything.
It would be great if someone could help me. :)

Hey Bine!!
I could help you out, if you want to send your story to me. My e-mail address is :rolleyes:
It might take me a couple of days to finish it for you though, so if you're in a hurry, you'll probably want someone else. :)
Serenity said:
I'm going to guess 'When Harry met Sally' although I've never actually seen it!

DingDingDIngDingDing, we have a winner, and what do you mean you've never seen that movie, girl, it's a classic, that scene along is worth buying the movie before, about how men can always tell when woman fake an organsm, so funny, but onto the topic at hand, more story, Yeah, a little nervous about tonight's eppy, yeah. Gosh I cannot believe season 6 is almost over, I mean it just seems like we were griping about season 5 last week, and crying and tense and scared for Nick in Grave Danger

I really liked season 6, the Love is still strong and alive, better than ever, a more deep lasting love. The looks, and talking, just everything that's make Nick and Greg so special, I'm really gonna hate to see this season end, from short to long locks for Greg and the old Greg coming back, from Nick's pornstache, to his got long hair for the first time. I really liked this season, what about you guys.

It's really scary how fast this year went over. It was about this time around last year, that I got my own internet and then I read about Grave Danger, all the shipper and slash stuff, which I never heard before and ... well, since then I'm really addicted to CSI. :lol:

It's funny when I think back, because last year I had a totally different opinion about the sexual relationships between two men or women.
Yes, I think I was an homophobic, but since I found this Forum and the Livejournal sites, I totally changed my view on that. :)
*waves weakly*

Hey guys! I'm going to bed soon, I've had about 2 hours sleep in the last 48 hours, but I wanted to make sure I updated first. So chapter four is up, and please excuse any goofs, I'm very very very tired!
Whoo-hoo! New fic to read today. I'll be gone most of the day, so I'll have to catch up on it later.

Bine, I've just sent your story back to you, let me know if there are any problems with it (or if you don't get it). It was really good, so I'm throwing in my "plug" here... when it gets posted - everyone go read it!
is the season 7 ready for CSI??
I mean are there going to be a season 7?
Dixie, god you are fast. :lol:
I'll check your email and go over it, when I have any problems I'll tell you. Thank you! :D
And Jessy , yes there will be a season 7, I think they began to film it around August. I just hope that we get more Nick/Greg scenes, I wished Greg would be back in the lab, it looks like that he had more screentime than now where he is in the field. :(
No, no, Greg shouldn't go back to the lab. And I don't think he had more screentime then, it just feels like that now. :3
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