The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Is season 6 good? With all my college work I've never really had a chance to watch it on TV over here in Britain so I watch with my wonderful CSI DVD'S, they're like a godsend to an overworked student!

God I do work for 2 days and I miss so much.
You are right, Sillie. I just wish back the good old days. :(You know some touching, flirting and these looks. *sigh*
Sending Greg back to the lab would be like stepping backwards, don't think he deserves that nor wants it. Eric want's more for his character than that as well.
Exactly. Sending Greg back to the lab would only result in a depressed Greg, I think. We don't want that. :3
Please don't make me depressed! Would you want this face looking sad? No way!

Hi guys,

Geez, it feels like i haven't been here in ages (even though its only been a couple a days). Unfortuantely my new job is keeping me busy and unfortunately as well I do not have internet access at work which I abused horribly at my old job. lOL!! so if u were wondering why i will not be around you know why.

Serenity: Wow , love your fic "The Everlasting"
Sofine : Sorry sweetie, I haven't done my homework as yet (although I am not sure how it will help my little problem. Pls email me).

To all those who are interested my email address is:

I love labrat Greg more than CSI Greg. So if he goes back to the lab I will not be too sad about it.

A message to everyone else:
Keep "THE LOVE" strong
Happy Mother's day to all the mommies on the thread.

And of course, God bless Eric and George's mom for giving birth to such beautiful sons.
Yeah, that whole phone call to the hooker really cracked me up! I couldn't stop laughing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Serenity said:
So Nick sees himself as a 'Tom Cruise' type?


You said it, sweetie.

Let's see: Tom Cruise is a moron, an unbalanced lunatic....and a closet case. On other hand, Nick is sweet and adorable,he's far, very far from that Nick must be a closet case! ;)

Yeah, he said it and we already knew it!

Good one seabird , I personally can't stand Tom C. NIck and he are on oposite poles on the attitude scale. (thank God) but the closet thing yeah that's a whole other story.
Enough talk about Tom Cruise (he is crazy), lets talk about our boys instead. does anyone have a good topic idea??

Is any one reading The Canary? wow, thats I side of Greg I never read before.
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