The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Who knows - maybe your english teacher is a Nick/Greg fan? :)
Good luck on the exam!
heartagram69 said:
i'd say the fact that i have an exam tomorrow and am meant to be studying but have spent the last 4 hours reading nick/greg fic/smut is a sign its addictive :p lets just hope i dont start writing smutty stories instead of an english essay tomorrow haha

True, but if you are passionate about your subject, at least it will shine through!!!! :D All of this writing talk has me feeling the need to write a good PWP, but I wanna do something different, let's see what happens when the wheels start churning I guess, I would say a nasty food fic, but wait, yeah, been there

I too am addicted. At least I'm pretty are my symptoms.
Can't stop - reading about, writing about, and watching them.

oh yeah and I'm a Gregsexual too.
Morning everyone!

Chapter 16 - Found that soul - is up now for your enjoyment.

And check out all the changes at the Nick/Greg comm already, and stil more to come, I can promise you that!
Serenity said:

Chapter 16 - Found that soul - is up now for your enjoyment.
your story has now offically become part of my morning routine: wake up, get dressed, read "the everlasting".
loved this chapter...cliff-hangy once again...brillant. keep up the good work! :)
Yeah, I agree. It is such a great read. This last chapter was both pleasant and a little scary.
Okay, I've never posted here before. Though, I knew my friend wouldn't exactly post on the GSR thread, and I've been a supporter of this ship for a while. So, now I'm here. YEAH ME!
Welcome BurnedToast!

Enjoy The Love ;)

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