The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Good to hear about the new fic Serenity, I love reading your stuff on WMTDB. And I gotta agree, Sissi's banner rox!

Yeah the pics and wicked quotes of the guys are more than enough for me to know they're compatible (though I guess star sign compatibility is a factor too.)
Hey all, been awol most of the day, well I had a little accident, don't want to go into too much detail here cause this is all about The Love, but I'll have plenty of time to read fic for several days now. It's at my LJ let me just say this....
minus the black eye.

Any good recs for me???

A rec is a recommendation.

And speaking of which... I feel totally bummed out and really would appreciate any fluff recs you guys might have. I'm not physically injured like Shacky (sorry to hear about that), just finding myself in a bad place mentally, so, please, FLUFF ME!!!
I must admit, I quite like being evil. I like dangling these juicy storylines in front of you. I'm the juicy dangler.
I like that, the juicy dangler. I got a Nick/greg fic I'm working at the moment but it's definitely a WIP.
Hehehe, thanks, but I'm afraid I can't take credit, it's from a comedy show where the guy is telling a story and just stops in the middle of it, then he said he was 'the juicy dangler' and I just liked it!!!
Serenity, I loved Part 1, so you know I'll so be at Part 2, like I don't have plenty of time to read now. Have you read my LJ? You'll understand

Just checking in to say hi, so HI.

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