The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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ringtone was "feel like makin' love' The look on Nick's face was priceless!! This is my new fave episode. Greg just cracked me up so bad I didn't hear half of what he said because I couldn't stop laughing!
Sillie said:
Serenity said:
So, could someone give a more detailed recap of the Nick/Greg parts of the ep, please? *flutters eyelashes*

Pwease? *flutters eyelashes also* :'3

Hey guys, I just put up details and my take on the show over at my LJ, if you want a few more details.
Gotta love the beginning when Nick, Greg, and Sara are eating and talking about marriage, and romantic Nicky of course says "It's a public declaration of love" Ahh, this is why we love you Nicky, and make Greg so happy.

Thanks, Wojo for posting the link.

From Adelaide Confidential April 29th 2006

CSI Sleuth For Logies Duty

"Anyone even thinking of swiping a Logie next week may want to think twice. TV Week yesterday announced CSI star George Eads will be a special guest presenter on the big night, which screens on Channel 9 on May 7. Eads plays technician Nick Stokes, who has a rough trot. Guest director Quentin Tarantino even buried the poor guy alive!"
"Eads has a huge following and is the subject of ONE OF THE INTERNET MORE PASSIONATE "FANDOMS"- a hard core group that believes Nick is in a secret relationship with fellow tech Greg Sanders played by Eric Szmanda. WATCH CAREFULLY: THE SUBTEXT IS THERE, KNOWING LOOKS AND ALL."

So we are a hard core group... Yeah, The LOVE is alive ;)

"Eads has a huge following and is the subject of ONE OF THE INTERNET MORE PASSIONATE "FANDOMS"- a hard core group that believes Nick is in a secret relationship with fellow tech Greg Sanders played by Eric Szmanda. WATCH CAREFULLY: THE SUBTEXT IS THERE, KNOWING LOOKS AND ALL."
I'm very surprised (though very happy) that our fandom was mentioned. Must have been a "LOVE" slasher that wrote the article :lol: It is a big fandom, but I thought that there were bigger ones involving Nick. Anyhoo :rolleyes:

And Jessy, it's last night's episode, "Rashomama" that has Greg's ringtone and him and Nick sharing looks about it. The scene was quite humourous, actually.
Wojo said:
Hey all, I found this article on Google news. Mentions GE and mentions the following/fandom of the relationship between Nick & Greg. Read it here

WOW, I can't believe they even mentioned that, wonder if they've ever checked the website, That would be so cool, and an obvious choice to try to find. So cool, other people of noticing it too, we aren't going nuts, hee, there love is so canon

Zomg *faints*
George Eads is gonna be in Australia for the Logies!!! :eek:
Figures i would live like, on the other side of the country, over 3000 kilometres away *sigh*

And it's competely awesome that the Love got a mention! And note that it was in an Australian publication! *Is very patriotically proud of the obvious intelligiance from us* hee :lol:

Shacky, thanks for the Nick/Greg moments write up from Rashomama, going off to read now :D
That article is brilliant! And they sounded like they agreed with us and weren't just taking the p*ss out of our fandom! This recognition is a MAJOR step forward, you guys! Hurrah!
LoneWolf13 said:
Jessy said:
haha this pic is funny, like Greg ( even tough its Eric) is trying to scare away Nick with boobs" Look I got boobs Nicky"

*sprays soda onto monitor* Oh my gosh that picture is hilarious!:lol: Thanks Jessy you've made my day! :D

ETA: Thanks Wojo for the name of the ringtone and for the article! :)

aww thanks, and you totally made my day with that comment. :)
ITS SOO COOL the mention Nick and Greg in that Article
what is ? a internet magazine a real magazine? is it in U.S?

wow its totally cool. I am so happy!!! soo happy
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