The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

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Hehehe, how very cool!

(we should overlook the year that I was so excited about Eric's birthday that I forgot to buy a card for bro-in-law, lol!)
Hmm... lessee. As far as I know, Nick is supposed to be born in 1971, and Greg in 1975, so that makes the age difference about 4 years.

Heh, George is playing almost 4 years younger than he really is. :p
I think also Greg's youthful good looks and enthusiasm make him appear younger than he really is on the show.

I'll have what he's having.
Hmm yeah... you wouldn't give him more than 27. At least, I wouldn't. :'3 *pets Greg* My precioussss...

Uh, yeah. *shifty eyes*
Hey all, what's up? I don't know what I was doing yesterday all day that I didn't come visit, cause I wasn't really doing anything at all. Anyway, age difference.
Greg looks about his age, but he does act a little younger. George turned 39, and Nick is 35, but doesn't really show it, I mean really, who would guess Marg is what 48, 49? I'll take that body anyday.

So, tonight's the night we get the show from four different perspective's, Nick, Greg,, Sara, and Warrick???? And what was this about trying to make them look straight? Just because Nicky gets a phone number, well hell, he's hot, I'm sure he would get hit on a lot. So, what am I missing, what else are they planning?

NicksAngel is writing "As the World Falls Down" and I'm not sure if she has posted here or not.


Edited to add spoiler tags
Wojo said:
Jessy said:
Is there anyone in here who wrote "As the world falls down" ???
Alll I can say is OMG!! It was the first story that made me almost cry sooo beautiful and so perfect.
Whoever wrote that one should be a writer for life=)

Did Nick DIE?? Oh god dont say he died.
is the story done and he died?
Okay Iam crying right now, god I should not have read that one awww. :(
It was great but sure sad. he died.....?

there is another chapter up on
Go see & will not be disapointed.

hey all check out these new pics of Eric, looks like he has cut his hair again:

well I read the two new chapters and I am still not happy, nothing new there. stil dont know if he is dead or not :(
heartagram69 said:
man boobs :lol: sorry couldnt help myself

*almost sprays ice-tea all over the monitor* Aahahahaha! XDD

Ah well, Greg can be obsessed about boobs all he wants, as long as he goes home with Nick at the end of the day. :'3
Heehee... probably so Greg can calm him down and cuddle with him to make him feel better? :'3

Hey, by the by... something totally different... what happened to the forum of your friend? I can't access it anymore.
I know, it's totally crashed. They were moving it to another server and they (not Gibson, the people who own the board he was using) lost ALL the forums. They're trying to get them back, we're just waiting to see if it can be retrieved. If not, we'll have to start a new one. What a bummer.
Serenity said:
But Nick is scared of boobs! How mean of Greg to be obsessed with the one thing Nick hates. *snort*

Maybe he just can't help but peek, and I'm sorry, but why oh why won't they let Greg act like a grown up, how childish is it for a grown man to stare at boobs like he's never seen them before, (well maybe Greg hasn't) but that's something 13 year old boys do, not 30 year old men. Anyway, we all know who's chest he sleeps on every night.

Serenity said:
If not, we'll have to start a new one. What a bummer.

Bummer indeed. Well, we'll see. :/

And I guess we'll have to see how it turns out for tonights episode too. I mean, in Big Middle Greg was supposed to make some pretty nasty comments, but that turned out okay. This may turn out better than we expect too. *optimist* :p

And you're right Shacky, we know. :3
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