The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Elsie said:
And October really isn't that far away now... Plus, by then the new season will be upon us and I'm sure that will give everyone some new images to create fan art with and get excited about! :D

Exactly, Laura! That's my intention, lol, I just couldn't explain it that well :D

Katrina, I don't want you to stop your current challenge, the break wouldn't start before every already running challenge is over.
But I would prefer an easy and generally valid break, for all challenges and not only for those which are suffering.

I see your point: the Miami Challenge is very popular, that's great, and you wanna have practice so every challenge is welcome, but it's pretty frustrating for the other hosts of the other challenges to always extend the deadlines till finally some entries are in. Further more providing caps always means more work, and we should leave this to the hosts whether they provide caps or not. :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Oh I know you didn't mean to stop the current challenge - voting should be done in a few days.

I just didn't want to take a break from it. I had my next challenge ready to set up next week. If that is what you all want to do - I guess I can put it off.

Those were just suggestions I had!!! Sorry if I offended or upset you!
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

CSI_Kat said:

Sorry if I offended or upset you!

Ah, in no way! Everything is fine, I just wanted to explain my decision to set up a poll :D

And if you just could wait till we get some more votes for the poll before you set up the next challenge it would be awesome, perhaps nobody else wants a break and in this way we will continue as always :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I'm on the fence about this one. I completely understand where you're coming from, Vera, and you make some really good points. Perhaps it would be good for us...

However, I am completely addicted to entering these challenges, and to running the Wallpaper Challenge. I really do love it, and I don't want to take a break :eek: :rolleyes: :lol:
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I feel like I always ask stupid questions, but here it goes. I just did a drawing, I'd like to share it but all the other threads are for banners, icons, etc do I create my own thread or is there a specfic spot you'd all like me to put it?
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

:lol: it's OK Megan, everybody needs an obsession :D ;)

CCA, no stupid question, there is indeed such a thread - it just got lost in the depths of this board :D
But I searched a bit, so just follow this link and you can show off your drawings (as long as they are from any CSI related persons, other Fan Art belongs in the Miscellaneous Forum)

Link:--> Draw a CSI anyone?
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

cinegirl said:
:lol: it's OK Megan, everybody needs an obsession :D ;)

CCA, no stupid question, there is indeed such a thread - it just got lost in the depths of this board :D
But I searched a bit, so just follow this link and you can show off your drawings (as long as they are from any CSI related persons, other Fan Art belongs in the Miscellaneous Forum)

Link:--> Draw a CSI anyone?

Very much appreciated ;) I had looked, didn't think about going under search for some reason. Thanks again!
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Regarding challenges, I have a kind-of suggestion.

I think maybe part of the problem with getting too few entries is that we have so many challenges that are constantlly running. Now, I don't want to suggest that we get rid of any, because that wouldn't be fun or fair.

My suggestion is to slow them down a bit. Something along the lines of... Once you've posted the results you have to wait a week before posting the next challenge. It doesn't have to be that exactly, but it's a starting point.

The other thing is that I think the challenge runners (and yes, that includes myself) need to be aware of what is going on in the other challenges. Last time around, we had three challenges due on the same day. Two of those challenges had to postpone due to lack of entries. I think they need to be spread out a bit. If you see that another challenge has June 25th (or whatever) as a due date, choose a different day, it will make things less rushed for the participants.

So... that's my two cents. These are just thoughts.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Vera and I will take this into consideration and throw around some thoughts. Thanks for your suggestion :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I agree with Megan. There's been times I've wanted to join other challenges but can't cause of time. I normally do WP cause I'm halfway decent with those (lol)but, if I want to try a banner or icon one I can't cause I'm busy with the wp challenege. They all do seem to run together so I have to choose which one. Now this last one Iwas able to do wp & icon but that's only because I did a rush & sloppy job on both. Plus If I'd known one was going to keep being extended I would've started over & gotten some better ideas. LOL So, I also think it waould be neat if all the challenges didn't run at the same time. Just my opinion. Sorry if I stepped out of line here.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

I do agree with this. I remember a time when I think all 3 icon challenges, the banner challenge and the wallpaper challenge were all going on at the same time. It was hard to keep up with it all!

There are 6 challenges total now. Should we try to limit it to 2 or 3 a week?
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Alright guys, I kept the poll open for over a week now, and, well, even though there weren't a lot of votes, some people made their decision and here's mine:


We read all of your suggestions about the challenges and after that break we might go on with with slowing them down a bit, Jess and I will let you know then.

It's no penalty, as I said I hope it will result in refreshed challenges with more participants and entries :)

I'll post this in every challenge thread, just in case some don't visit the Fan Art Guide that often ;)

Of course all current running challenges and short before starting ones (the NY-Challenge, I guess) can be finished, but afterwards make sure to wait till October!

Thank you! :)
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

Well, despite my earlier protests that I didn't want to take a break, I really do think this is a good idea. I think perhaps people are suffering from burn-out or overload, or something, and that taking a break and then slowing things down will help get more entries to the challenges that have been struggling.
Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide

This came just in time for me, though I didn't know about it before. I've recently been considering giving up my challenge to someone else because I've had so much trouble with it due to homework, sports, ect. This break can give me time to get accustomed to the work and try and manage my time better than I am right now.

Thanks, as always, Vera and Jess. :D