The Daily Show/ Colbert Report

Alright, let's get this thread wandering.
Q: Who's your favourite Correspondent?

- Jason Jones
- Nate Corddry
- Rob Corddry
- Samantha Bee
- Ed Helms

I take Ed Helms because it's really rare when he does a newsstory (seems like to me) but when he does, it always makes me laugh :D
Sam. She is the best, she is hardly ever there either (chances are that whole "Having a baby thing" is taking a lot of time).

Rob doesn't seem to be as funny as some of the others in my opinion. I wish Stevie were back as a correspondant. He makes an okay host on the Report but he was brilliant at talking to stupid people.
Rob can be funny on occasion. Like the whole "Kim taipodong" thing was great. I know I was laughing.

I just love it when Ed's on there. Or when Jason Jones started coming on to that old Democratic lady and she just sat there. I couldn't believe he did it, but I laughed way too hard still...
:lol: Ah, random quotes from the Daily Show. I still love this:

[Transcript between JON STEWART and STEPHEN COLBERT]

Jon: Welcome back to the program. Before we go, we'll check in with our good friend Stephen Colbert at the Colbert report, STEPHEN!
Stephen: Thanks Jom. Tonight, oil prixes continue to go through the roog, is there no jobe in sight? I'll immestigate. Plus, George Crew Bush' uptroval freightens is an all tim lo. What I think they can do to suave his presidentity. All that coming up in just one mibit, Jom!
Jon: ..Stephen. Did anyone proofread that copy today?
Stephen: Fummy you should mention that, Jom. it just so haplans my normal proodreefer is out dick.
Jon: [smiles]
Stephen: May account for any tipsos in my previous leech.
Jon: Your still speaking in typos.
Stephen: I don't trink so!
Jon: [giggling] I think this one was written by Mad Magazine [laughs]
Stephen: Flad Bagazine, Jon?
Jon: Alright! I'll see you in a 'mibit'.
Stephen: Mibit?
Jon: Yes
Stephen: That's minute! What are you, a struplid?
Jon: [laughs again]

I actually have the link to the download of this but I can't find it right now. But it's so worth it...
FINALLY a Daily Show/Colbert Report thread.....Im soooo excited!!!!!!! I leave for a weekend and when I come back there is a thread honoring two of the most hilarious men on tv. Anyways...Palm I totally remember that "checking in with our good friend Steven Colbert" moment.....could not stop laughing, oh and as to my favourite corespondent I would have to Samantha Bee firstly because she has some of the funniest lines and secondly because she's canadian!!

oooo and is anyone else a fan of John Hodgman I love that guy....and everytime one of the new Mac commercials comes on it makes my day :p

As you can tell i'm really excited about this thread and also im having posting withdrawal because i was away from TalkCSI for four days.... :D
Fingerprints said:
As you can tell i'm really excited about this thread and also im having posting withdrawal because i was away from TalkCSI for four days.... :D

trust me, my parents make me leave for weeks at a time to the vacation homes of no internet ( :eek:) I think I have to go to the beach house on Saturday and there is NO INTERNET. for A WHOLE WEEK. Thank god for TV (even though i don't believe in any god but the loon, all worship the loon), I don't know if we have CC there though, if we don't I will die.
I saw Jon today on OPRAH. heee. It made me giggle. Sarah (sarahvma on Talk) was over and we were flipping through the channels and ran across Oprah's 20th anniversary show and they were basically showing all these celebrities coming on and babbling about how great she is, and Jon was one of them. It made me giggle immensely. And drool.

I missed Kevin the other day. It made me so sad. I loves the Kevin so. I made Kevin icons over on my LJ.
ziggystarduzt said:
I saw Jon today on OPRAH. heee. It made me giggle. Sarah (sarahvma on Talk) was over and we were flipping through the channels and ran across Oprah's 20th anniversary show and they were basically showing all these celebrities coming on and babbling about how great she is, and Jon was one of them. It made me giggle immensely. And drool.

I missed Kevin the other day. It made me so sad. I loves the Kevin so. I made Kevin icons over on my LJ.

google "Daily show with Jon Stewart" it should get you to the Daily Show's main page on CC's webpage, you can watch clips there, just click on videos on the sidebar. If you can't find it I can send you the link over PM.
Jon Stewart was on OPRAH!! Oh I wish I could have seen that. Did you see the DS episode where they showed a fox clip and it was like "Is Jon Stewart Dangerous?" and he totally discredited them without even mentioning a word they said against was classic he is most definitely a genius. Oh and Lewis Black's: "We need boots on the ground...and if some of those boots happen to be Prada...*snap* FABULOUS!" --totally cracked me up :lol:
...*hugs Screen* It may have been a week without TDS and TCR but it was a horrible week!

But it was all made better by Jon's inappropriate lick and Stephen naked in a flag :3

But anyways, I loved that too. Lewis Black is such a genius. I always love hearing his rants. Especially the one about Japan's Emperor. Never gets old. But anyhoo, Stephen Colbert was on Conan O' Brien yesterday. If you aren't familiar with Stephen, I guess it may have come as a shock when he said he played D&D and all that when he was younger.
But his fans who knew that already didn't get much new info. Other than he teaches a Sunday School class. Which I would so want to see, because he did this weird dance for Conan. It was, to quote Lewis Black, FABULOUS! :lol:
anyone watch the "checking in with our good friend steven colbert" moment last night.....STEVEN AS A PIRATE I was laughing before he even opened his mouth and then jon's..."I knew I wasn't going to make it through that one" after he bursts out laughing....totally classic and infinitely fabulous :lol:
I loved that! His little "Arr"'s made me so happy.
But I was thrilled that Jon couldn't stop laughing. :3
Stephen wins again!
I got al excited when he was a pirate because I thought he was going to have Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom on the show, I still laughed much though.
hi new to this thread..ive been watching the Daily show and the colbert report for a long time now..i just discovered there was a thread..[i was complaining that there wasnt]. but i love jon and his team and stephen and what ever he has..oh and i cant wait until my district is on his 434 part series!!!
[i think its 434-i could be wrong]