The CSI: Miami Wardrobe....Get some help


CSI Level Two
Color coordination, butterflies on a straight man's shirt, two different shades and styles of green....

What is this wardrobe department thinking? Do people in Miami in the 2000s really wear this stuff? Or is this a newer version of Miami Vice?

Instead of clogging up the other threads with our rants on the crazy outfits these people put together, let's put all our frustration here! Who knows, maybe we'll catch their attention!!!
Color coordination, butterflies on a straight man's shirt, two different shades and styles of green....

What is this wardrobe department thinking? Do people in Miami in the 2000s really wear this stuff? Or is this a newer version of Miami Vice?

Instead of clogging up the other threads with our rants on the crazy outfits these people put together, let's put all our frustration here! Who knows, maybe we'll catch their attention!!!

I know. Isn't it annoying? There's a few more things. Cleavage, high heels, dress code at a crime scene... Cleavages like the ones Natalia and sometimes Calleigh wear are not allowed in any public building (at least in Serbia). If I went to the police station dressed like that (not as an officer, but as a civilian), they would throw me out. High heels are the same thing. If they worked in the lab only, it would be okay to have any kind of shoes, but if you're gonna run after a criminal, high heels are really not that convenient. Dress code at a crime scene... Why can't they do the same thing they did at the beginning of the show? I remember they had some kind of suit for crime scenes, at least the messy ones... So... Those are my opinions... Anyone else?
Totally agree on the high heels. They are really innapropiate.

Something that really drives me crazy is Calleigh usually wearing all black, especially when she has long sleeves. I live on a tropical island and the weather is pretty similar to Miami's and it's kind of unrealistic to work so much under the hot sun dressed in all black. It's just too hot. Plus long sleeves... I know it looks proffesional but the weather is just too warm.
YAY!!!! Thank you so much Hollyyo for opening this thread:thumbsup:

Ok I don't know how the situation in Serbia is, but in my country we don't have that kind of problem. Female cops can wear whatever they want, but I have to say I've never seen them w/ such cleavages.
As for the heels I've seen lots of them w/ heels, but I haven't seen them following the suspect w/ those shoes.

As for the clothes I'd say that my problems w/ them on the show are:
-Horatio: I know he has Hugo Boss suits, but come on it's time to find something new for the guy.
-Calleigh: She wars always black & whenever there's something w/ some colour it's a shirt like the one in the promo pics (the one w/ that sort of tie) or some strange clothes like the ones in "Going Going Gone"( the one w/ the vest), the shirt of "Inside out" (it reminded me of a dead tweety) or "Deep Freeze".
-Ryan the suit w/ yellow shirt & tie in "Ambush" & "All in":eek:
-Natalia: they make her wear some shirts/dresses/clothes which are eww.
-Delko: do I have to start w/ him??? Seriously since "Rio" I haven't found a proper look for this guy. If I were Adam Rodriguezs I would charge the wardrobe staff:lol:
The girls' outfits always piss me off. There's no practical reason for them to wear shirts that low. It makes us female viewers uncomfortable when there's that much boobage on the screen! Honestly! It's like all you can remember from certain scenes was how much cleavage they had! Like last night's episode, there was a scene with Natalia and Eric in some lab room, but all I remember was how much her push up bra was obviously pushing her boobs together!! No one's cleavage starts at their neck! AUGHGHHH!

Are they going to make Ryan gay? Because some of his outfits make me wonder...

I'll never get over the dang butterflies on Eric's shirt. That was an all-time LOW!
The girls' outfits always piss me off. There's no practical reason for them to wear shirts that low. It makes us female viewers uncomfortable when there's that much boobage on the screen! Honestly! It's like all you can remember from certain scenes was how much cleavage they had! Like last night's episode, there was a scene with Natalia and Eric in some lab room, but all I remember was how much her push up bra was obviously pushing her boobs together!! No one's cleavage starts at their neck! AUGHGHHH!

Are they going to make Ryan gay? Because some of his outfits make me wonder...

I'll never get over the dang butterflies on Eric's shirt. That was an all-time LOW!
I remember in "Going Ballistic" Natalia and her red shirt, and I was actually uncomforatble when she bent down. Like, whoa there woman. :eek: That was a little too much boobage, and I'm not really the type to complain much about things like that. But even for me sitting in the living room watching with my mom was awkward.

About Ryan, I don't think they'll make him gay, or are trying to make it look like that. I think they're just using the clothes to tell you a little about him, or about the side of him he doesn't let show? I think that's just how Ryan's supposed to be, bright and girly colours all the way for him, but definitely straight. I think we could consider him gay if he started acting bright and girly. :lol: I like the way he dresses. ^_^

For Calleigh, I don't really mind what she wears. I don't mind all black, she usually doesn't have her boobs hanging out, and I don't care about her high heels either.

Eric, hm. It's like the wardrobe people are experimenting with him or something. Sweaters? T-shirts? Floral or ... interesting prints? I find he wears those suits a lot, like this one, with a shirt underneath. I think those look good on him.

Horatio... well I think he needs to start shopping at a different store. Well, if he wants to keep shopping at the same store fine, but maybe he should stop buying the same thing.
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Are they going to make Ryan gay? Because some of his outfits make me wonder...

I believe most gay men are supposed to be good dressers... hence why there is a show called Queer Eye for the straight guy (where gay guys help straight guys dress better). I know tons of straight men who dress that same way (right down to the ties). My uncle for starters (in fact I know for sure that my uncle owns a pink shirt like Ryan's and possibly a tie similar too lol). A lot of guys from the churches I went to dress that way as well.

I've liked most of Ryan's shirts, it's just some of the ties (and that one green and orange jacket) I have had a problem with. I liked the tie last night though. And I think it's a fashion "in" right now to wear light colored shirts with darker colored ties. And for the most part, it looks good to me. Solid ties are much better though. I didn't like the dots on last week's tie. But, it would have been fine if it had been a solid color.

But last night, I was thinking "could Julia's dress be any lower cut". Yeesh. I thought she was gonna pop out of that thing. :lol:
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I think with the men, they should just tone it down a little. There was nothing wrong with what they were wearing in season 2/3 -- simple dress shirt and dress pants/jeans (depending if it's casual Fridays) were great. Not that I have anything against the more flamboyant attire on our boys - people do dress that way and it definitely sets the tone of the show - but the show's not supposed to be about fashion, (the last time I checked anyhow) it's about crime scene investigation. :wtf: They don't all have to be fashionistas. It seems like they're dressing more like celebrities than regular Joe county employees. CSI and NY don't really do that, - and don't need to - I don't know why Miami is so stuck in teeny bopper billionaire comic book wonderland. Maybe they're on the wrong network. CW anyone?

As for the women, please. Boobage might get ratings but it's hard to take someone seriously when their breasts have to be taped inside the shirt. I was never allowed to dress that way at my job but I'm also not on television either, I suppose.

Not that they'll ever change but it's just interesting how Miami's image has changed since the beginning of the show and how they're more concerned now with shiny things and boobs instead of making quality television--at least it seems that way.

PS. Please stop the colour coordination, it hurts my brain.
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Color coordination, butterflies on a straight man's shirt, two different shades and styles of green....

What is this wardrobe department thinking? Do people in Miami in the 2000s really wear this stuff? Or is this a newer version of Miami Vice?

Instead of clogging up the other threads with our rants on the crazy outfits these people put together, let's put all our frustration here! Who knows, maybe we'll catch their attention!!!

I know. Isn't it annoying? There's a few more things. Cleavage, high heels, dress code at a crime scene... Cleavages like the ones Natalia and sometimes Calleigh wear are not allowed in any public building (at least in Serbia). If I went to the police station dressed like that (not as an officer, but as a civilian), they would throw me out. High heels are the same thing. If they worked in the lab only, it would be okay to have any kind of shoes, but if you're gonna run after a criminal, high heels are really not that convenient. Dress code at a crime scene... Why can't they do the same thing they did at the beginning of the show? I remember they had some kind of suit for crime scenes, at least the messy ones... So... Those are my opinions... Anyone else?

Okay, If I wore shirts that they wear to work I'm sure someone would ask me which street corner I was working. :devil: No one works in shirts that expose that much cleavage.

Here is my rant on the guys' shirts. What is this: Queer Eye for the Overly Meterosexual Straight Guy? Who in the hell dresses these guys. :brickwall: Why take these masculine, hot guys and stick them in pastels (Every week). This isn't the 80's. Miami Vice is gone. Believe me I lived through the 80's. It was great, Big hair and really great music. That said, Please Please Please! get these guys some regular clothes!

*Takes Deep Breath* Okay, I'm done for now...:p
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The thing that bugs me the most (aside from the huge high-heals and all the cleavage and the matching wardrobes :lol:) is the hair.

Seriously. All those women wearing their hair loose while examining/processing evidence/bodies just Drives ME CRazY!!!!!! Every Damn Time, I notice it. My dad and I have had conversations about how unrealistic that is. I understand them not wanting everyone wearing hair nets or what have you, but at least have Calleigh/Natalia/Alexx/whoever tie their hair back so they don't contaminate the evidence!

^^ Real CSIs either wear their hair back or in something protective. They also wear shoe covers. That bothers me A LOT.

The girl's shirts would be fine if they wore camis or something under them. I can't imagine walking outside (no matter how hot it is) wearing that kind of stuff.
I have to say that it is the colour co-ordination that annoys me. Its like, ohh today is a yellow day, and practically everyone on the screen is in yellow. sooo realistic.
The high heels and cleavage are also completely unrealistic, but they dont really bother me. And Im not into fashion, so I dont even notice designer clobber.

Horatio- to much black. They should throw in some different colours.
Ryan- definitely get rid of the ties and the really bright colours. Its too much
Eric- wears the most hideous shirts. It cant be that hard to find Adam a nice shirt to wear.
The boobage & high heels don't bother me (except for Calleigh's knee high boots:rolleyes:) , I only hate it when they use it as a cheap shot in a scene ('Going Ballistic', Nat, umm she does have a brain ya know).
That, & I don't like seeing it on the young girls in the background - they just look like hoochies.

For me personally it's those ugly colors ( like sinus infection green) & patterns (flowers & butterflies) that distract's awful! :wtf:

The co-ordinated colors don't even bother me as long as they're colors that just simply complement each other, however when it's entirly done in one specific shade it is annoying.

About Horatio... His clothes all look the same yes, but in a way I can understand it because he's a redhead & fairskin, with all those bright lights & sunshine anything too colorful would wash him out. The blue shirts bring out his eyes, & the black looks good against his skin tone. Although I saw him once in beige (early seasons) & it also looked good on him. :)

I agree with whoever said something about getting rid of all the ties & suits. They're CSI's not the FBI!!! It's perfectly fine on Frank & Horatio, but not on Eric & Ryan. First of all, we were being convinced that Ryan doesn't have a lot of money (see season 4 telling Erika he can't afford 500 bucks, & he just got his job back) & Eric was "drained" in season 4 as well taking care of Marisol then he was hit with a lawsuit not long after...oh ..but they can afford the best suits, right. Miami must have one fancy ass goodwill store. ;)
sinus infection green! :guffaw: I do like some of the greens Ryan wears though specifically cause it looks like peridot which is Jonathan's birthstone (as well as my own). :lol:
^^LOL...I might try that goodwill come to think of it.

I get uncomfortable just watching them in those suits. They look hot (temperature-wise). Even if there's no jacket but the shirt is buttoned up with a tie it looks too hot.

I think their best bet is solid color button down shirts with a few buttons undone. Of course the occasional t-shirt (rawr) is nice. Well, I'd like the t-shirts every episode, but it's not terribly professional.

As for the pants, it doesn't matter too much. Dress pants: shirt tucked in. Jeans: shirt untucked.

OR the boys could go with the best alternative and be shirtless. :)

I liked Calleigh's all black thing, but it's not so great when it's the same thing over and over. She looks good in "serious" clothes.
Natalia looks best in those button down silk shirt things. When all the buttons are done. And the shirt is tucked in. It accentuates her body nicely without looking whorish.