Re: The Challenge Guide Thread *Updated Feb 14/09*
I've won 3 beginner challenges. Does this mean that I must enter as Intermediate with Advanced as my back-up level, or can beginners still be my back-up if I don't think I'm ready for advanced yet? I've only been making icons for about a month and I have no idea how to use brushes, at least aside from the standard round pack, so I don't feel very ready for advanced.Here are the guidelines for entering into advanced. If you feel you do not meet these, you might consider beginners.:
1. Icon makers who have been at it for six months or more.
2. Knowledge of coloring, textures and brushes is wide.
3. Consider how many tutorials you have gone through, they make you a heck of a lot better. The more you followed, the more towards advanced you have become. Also consider how much you have used them since you followed the tutorial.
4. Look at the compliments you get. If someone seems amazed at your icon, and uses it without requesting it, that’s saying something. Consider how many times this has happened to you.
5. This is the most important one. If you have won Three or more challenges in one particular area of art (icons, banners, ect) then move up to advanced, give someone else a chance to win beginners .
6. Take what you know about fanart, and compare it to what you have seen. Where would you put yourself?
7. This one probably trumps number 5. Use your absolute best judgment. Put yourself in the category you truly think you should be in, and if you aren’t sure, pm someone who can help you.
Note: For example, if you enter an advanced challenge for an icon, it does not mean you have to enter the same level for a wallpaper challenge, or a banner challenge, ect. Use your judgment for each category, and use the guidelines to help you pick a category.
If anyone has any questions, you can pm Cinegirl or myself, and we would be absolutely happy to answer you as soon as we can. Also if you have any suggestions, you can post them here or PM them.
Happy (insert art canvas here) making!