The Catherine/Sara Slash Journal

dear diary,

i arrested half of lady heather's employees in order to take their big macs. maybe they'll try and bribe their way out of this.

Dear Diary,
If Nick spikes my drink one more time I am going to use him for a science experiment and I dont mean in a good way...I want sara...
Greg & Nick

God I told you two too many times Im with Cath, Leave me alone. :mad: Way done you two date each other and go away

sara, my love,
i am completely and utterley 100% straight, there fore will not be dating nick, but you

straight as a round-a-bout

shut-up i was drugged, i luv sara

you didnt want me to shut up last night, or the night before, or the night before that, you wanted me to tell you where and how hard. you were only drugged one night, i made sure you weren't the other nights incase you decided to use it as an excuse

dear diary,
i feel like a ragdoll, being pulled this way and that by sara and grissom, meanwhile i am having to put up with nick and greg who are stuck hallway out of the closet, and i found a dead body and it seemed to remind me of a job or something, not sure why...
dear my dear messed up CSI's

im feeling very lonely and left out atm

your beloved diary
please come back to me and antertain me with your antics
dear diary,

we finally worted out the whole habib mess, it took me dominating the guard who i chained up for a few hours before he let habib go, but it was worth it.

everyone else carried habib out of the mental institution like he was a god, cath couldnt contain her joy and sara was pissed off because cath was ignoring her.

cath had let sara out of the straight jacket, after finding grissom and punishing him for doing it, which i might add he liked.

lady heather.
Dear Diary

Nick and I havent found the chance to write in you we have been too busy with each other.


Dear Diary

Ive been lay all my problems on Greg, and other thing ;). I have found someone I can talk to and have 'fun' with.

dear diary,
i woke up in a foreign place and rememebered that i had a job. went into the lab and found nick and greg in a rather compromising position in the garage. also heard strang noises coming from the broom closet.

walked into my office and shortly after the noises stopped cath and sara walked past with their clothes on inside out and backwards.

then habib walked past, since when was he a CSI?

Dear Diary,

I wonder if Catherine still wants to go on that date with me. I have great plans for a romantic evening with just the two of us, I really want to show her how much I care.

dear diary,
i overheard cath asking sara out for a hot date, just the two of them, i'm on my way to their house to set up a hidden camera in their room, who knows what they'll get up to
dear diary
archie told me about gil wanting a live feed from a room with cameras, i was interested, and asked him to set one up for me too

dear diary,
greg told me about the life video feed, am on way to his joint to have a watch, hopefully we wont get to destracted
Dear Diary,

The night with Catherine was amazing! Damn that woman can kiss....and more, but I'm not getting into detail about that.
The odd thing is though, that when I got to work today, eveyone was looking at me with smirks on their faces. I wonder what happened, maybe something is wrong with my clothes, I will check that out later.
