The Anti-Danny Thread



Now before all the Danny fans start attacking, it's only fair that the people that can't stand Danny have somewhere to vent.

I know I'm not the only person that can't stand the character. But I'm not even sure it's the character I dislike or the actor.

Anyone else share my opinions.

No bashing please.
Just a quick question (Not bashing or attacking :))

What is it that you dislike exactly? About the character or the actor...It's not exactly fair to start a thread, and not have an opinion in the opener...It just simply states a dislike, but for no apparent reason, until you give it. ;)
I think what gets to me most about the character is the writers feel the need to constantly throw him in the viewers faces. Sure the character is popular, but Danny isn't the lead character. There are 5 other characters on the show. If they want to focus more on specific characters (Danny) it shouldn't be at the expense of other characters (Hawkes didn't have a major role in s1. Flack only got 1 episode, and poor Aiden.. they just forget about her.)
Yeah what Radrcks said.

Plus the way the actor conveys Danny is just sort of... whiney I guess. It's like he's a high school student or something. It just seems to me like there's a lot of potential for the character that is not being achieved. Does that make sense?
I can't stand Danny.

Watching the show, sometimes I wish they'd hired a child actor to portray him, because at least then the character would make more sense physically.

I can't stand attention whores, or drama queens, so I can't stand Danny.
Watching the show, sometimes I wish they'd hired a child actor to portray him, because at least then the character would make more sense physically.

Heh.. and here I was trying to be tactful. :lol:
Well, it's a tricky concept, really.

I didn't hate him in the beginning. In fact, I really liked him in MIA/NYC - NonStop. But then they just ruined him for me. I guess he's okay when he's being competent, but then he starts whining and ruins everything again.
I HATE DANNY!!!!!!!!!!! He is just so annoying. If something doesn't go the way he wants it, he gets pissed off. He has to have everything his way. I agree with midnight__tiptoes, they should've hired a child actor to portray him because the child would actually look better throwing the tantrums (that he throws when he doesn't get his way) than him.
There is an upside though! Sometime in the middle of s1 they said that Danny's been a CSI 1 for three years and still hasn't gotten a promotion. So at least someone is ignoring him. ;)
And he fucked up again and was taken off the promotion grid, so now it'll be like 10 years before he's even considered for a promotion. I can just see all the new CSIs getting promotions and promotions and eventually being his boss and he'll still be a level 1 :lol:.

I know we were supposed to feel bad for him, but in On The Job, when Hillborne told him he'd fucked up and Danny just sat there, looking like a scolded 3 year old with tears in his eyes, I actually knda laughed.

Who cries after 9? Dude, be a man!
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! See another instance when a child actor would've done better. LOL :lol: I laughed too.
:D :lol: Well, I think I got the point...To an extent, I see where everyone is coming from on this, but there's not only the actor that's actually doing the acting...Some of things you describe could be told to him by the director at the time or even the script has a bit of direction in it itself.

I'm not defending or anything remotely resembling defending, but I'm just throwing out an observation for everyone to kick around. :)

By the way *Dude, be a man* That was just great right there. Thought I'd let you know. :lol:
I can just see all the new CSIs getting promotions and promotions and eventually being his boss and he'll still be a level 1 :lol:.

It would be really funny if Hawkes and Lindsey got promoted before him. :lol:
I can just see all the new CSIs getting promotions and promotions and eventually being his boss and he'll still be a level 1 :lol:.

It would be really funny if Hawkes and Lindsey got promoted before him. :lol:

Kind of like on ER when Hathaway (or however the hell you spell it) got tired of being a nurse because she was being bossed around by people who were younger than her. ;)

Well, if that happens, you'll probably see more drama, so you might want to be careful about what you wish for. ;)