The Anti-Danny Thread

1CSIMfan said: true...just keep thinking "more Flack...more Flack" Maybe TPTB will listen. :rolleyes: We have had enough Danny moments.

Hopefully Flack's injuries will be a springboard for deeper exploration of the character. I know it's kind of what we thought would happen with Hawkes this season, but maybe this will actually happen? TPTB? ARE YOU LISTENING???
The worst part of RSRD was Danny shouting, "don't you die on me, Louie!" God, that was cringe worthy. Who says that anymore? He's like every dramatic clichéd put together. This is a character I'd expect to see in a daytime soap opera.

I can't get behind Danny/Flack. I like Flack too much. Danny didn't even seem to care that Flack was injured. That didn't surprise me, though.
midnight_tiptoes said:
The worst part of RSRD was Danny shouting, "don't you die on me, Louie!" God, that was cringe worthy. Who says that anymore? He's like every dramatic clichéd put together. This is a character I'd expect to see in a daytime soap opera.

I can't get behind Danny/Flack. I like Flack too much. Danny didn't even seem to care that Flack was injured. That didn't surprise me, though.

Lol... the last person I saw that say was Dave Chapelle lol...

As for Flacand introduce his dad in the picture.

There are two placesk -- I hope that his injuries jump start his back story Flack, Sr. can appear in: when Donnie's going home from the hospital or IF he'll be awarded a medal.

The hospital scene possibility can be another Danny-Don friendship scene.
There won't be any hospital scenes. Flack will be back on the job pretty quick. Besides, Danny didn't care to stay when Flack's life was at stake, why would he care now?
midnight_tiptoes said:
There won't be any hospital scenes. Flack will be back on the job pretty quick. Besides, Danny didn't care to stay when Flack's life was at stake, why would he care now?

I think that definitely showed how selfish Danny is. Flack would take a bullet for Danny, and Danny barely stayed at the hospital for five minutes. That pissed me off.
Danny is pretty self-centered--sometimes it's kind of cute, but sometimes I am thinking, get over yourself! I was pretty surprised/disappointed that he blew off Flack getting hurt. Flack is so damn good to him.
The writers got a lot going on with Danny that they actually went overboard. Mid-season it started, as I watch through the season and read the reviews, it gets more and as the episodes run by.

I'm surprised that Danny didn't go crazy by the end of S2.
I dunno, maybe he just didn't know how to deal with one more person that was close to him getting hurt or coming so close to dying. I think that if I had been on a similar emotional roller-coaster in such a short period of time, especially with a family member, I would have just cut out too.

That said, of course it doesn't excuse his behavior, and he should have stuck it out with the guy who is plainly more to him than just a coworker - I think in one of the chats with the actors it was mentioned that Danny and Flack seem to have a friendship that transcends being mere coworkers. Mac and Stella were able to suck it up and stay at Flack's side for the evening, why couldn't our favorite Drama Queen do the same? Because it wasn't all about him, I suppose!!
midnight_tiptoes said:
The worst part of RSRD was Danny shouting, "don't you die on me, Louie!" God, that was cringe worthy. Who says that anymore? He's like every dramatic clichéd put together. This is a character I'd expect to see in a daytime soap opera.

I find it ironic that we didn't see Danny by Louie's side until Louie was practically on his deathbed. I remember in Trapped when Louie called one time and Danny didn't pick up, as if he was ashamed or something. With me I would talk to my brother or sister no matter what they did 'cause as that cliche goes "Blood is thicker then water". Sure, Danny picked up at the end but it got me wondering if he ignored him other time. Like I said if my brother was part of the Tanglewood gang I would always call him and see how he's doing. I don't give a f*ck about my reputation. Family is more important then that.
Well, I know how it feels to have two of your loved ones in the same hospital at the same time. I mean, it's mind-blowing.

And after all that Danny's been through, two things: everything has been too much for the character -- and the producers realized that they had a LOT going on for Danny a tad bit too late.
I am a Danny/Carmine fan but I do have to say that I also would love to see more Mac or Hawkes or even Flack threads... But then again I havent been though the whole site yet and so I might be missin a few or a hundred threads. By the way... the crying that Danny does... ever stop to consider that that is what is in the script for him? I mean Danny does love his job a whole bunch. Not being rude here.. ( I hope).. but you gotta consider the script writers might not be doing a good job with his character. Plus I think if my brother were layin there hurt like his was and I thought he might die I would be yellin the same thing. I know I would be tellin him not to die on me cause we got to make amends and stuff. Yeah the writers have written him to be whiny and stuff but blame them, not the actor.