I had friends at work at one time who couldn't believe I actually saw "Star Wars" in a THEATER! And yeah, they hadn't been born yet. Good grief, it's not like I was at "Gone With the Wind" or something
My little sister (who is only 14 years younger, and born in 1981) once said something along the lines of "didn't they have black and white movies when you were little?" And the sad thing is that she was serious when she was asking this! She was spending the night with me once when she was about 12 and found a bicentennial quarter (that would be a special 1976 edition quarter for those of you not in the US) in my change drawer and had made a big deal out of it because she'd never seen one before. Well now she's 27 and has 4 kids and is getting it back. She was singing some old commercial jingle the other day, and said her kids looked at her like there was something wrong with her. :lol.
Yeah, my daughter cracked a joke once about marrying George Eads when she gets older, but then she might not because he might be dead when she grows up because he's sooooo old.
And I'm only (mumble) younger than him.
Kids love to make you feel old.