Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

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I am 'working from home' this afternoon, actually I need to do a huge mailout, so it will be very dull and involve putting address labels onto envelopes. So, to help me along I am going to (finally) watch Evel... I could have seen it last night but my husband was home, and I kind of wanted to watch it alone. ;)

I'll be back in a couple of hours to give an account of his acting. :devil:
His acting, of course, Elsie :devil:

The First-time-I-watch-Evel-survival kit contains a drool bucket, an ice pack, some chocolate to calm down the overexcited nerves and cold beverages.

Have fun watching! :D
softcake_70 said:
The First-time-I-watch-Evel-survival kit contains a drool bucket, an ice pack, some chocolate to calm down the overexcited nerves and cold beverages.

I was so overexcited as well! I had to pause it at one point to get a cup of tea, but other than that I sat glued to the screen. The acting was good, and it helps that I like Jaime Pressly too (her accent is amazing).

As it is the first non-CSI George I have seen, I think it was rather good, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to watch George with hair like that! Clearly, it is not going to win any awards, but George was good in it and very quickly I stopped noticing the hair. It was sweet, funny and a little sad in parts too, and all round good experience. Obviously, the occassional shirt removal helped! I think George played an arrogant ass quite well too, I still found him hot!

Afterwards I watched a bit of it again with the commentary. That was weird, with George saying that him and Kneivel had a lot in common, they both play golf, and both used to do pole vaulting!! What an odd sport to do, I guess it means he must be quite flexible though... :devil:
When I first watched Evel, I died laughing at the part when they were in the car and he had to pee! He said something like "I'm going to pull over my eyeballs are floating!" That was the funniest expression for having to go to the bathroom I've ever heard!
softcake_70 said:
When I saw screencaps from the dumpster scene all I could think of was: Please, Nicky, tumble into that, get all dirty and head back to the lab to shower and change!
With the cameras on, of course :lol:

Sorry to digress here, but Softcake, your avi is very naughty, but very funny!!! :devil: :lol:
myfuturecsi said:
Sorry to digress here, but Softcake, your avi is very naughty, but very funny!!! :devil: :lol:

Well, thank you! :D I'm very proud of it myself ;) Elsie made it for me, and obviously I owe her one :D
SparkyGirl said:
Needless to say I was a puddle of Goo.

Eww thats gross but really funny!
McStokes said:
OMG...he was great last night! It was a bit like having the old Nicky back...he seemed relaxed. I must say, I didn't like Sophia when she first came on, but she and Nick seem to work well together.

Re: the ring on the thumb...that's his shooting hand...I have to move my ring too as it gets in the way of the trigger guard when you try to shoot. That big 'ol Texas Tech frat ring he wears must really get in the way!

Wow you've fired a gun! I'd love to fire a hand gun, air rifles aren't really the same -and I dont think my nan would let my brothers shoot each other with hand guns in the field near her house!

On the YouTube when you type in Nick Stokes has anyone else seen the 'Thats When I Love You' Video? Its wicked! I am defo going to see Evel ASAP!
Oh I *heart* my George :D

you know some one on the GE pic thread asked who we had a crush on in the past, and see them now, and say Ewww!

for me it was Joey Fatone from the boy band 'NSYNC... yes I know... but now my tastes in men has changed for the good :D now I like George, Anderson Cooper.... and all hot men :D

okn anyway now that I have completly embarissed my self, I will go now :lol:

and I voted for my George :D
nicksarafan2 said:
you know some one on the GE pic thread asked who we had a crush on in the past, and see them now, and say Ewww!

for me it was Joey Fatone from the boy band 'NSYNC... yes I know... but now my tastes in men has changed for the good :D now I like George, Anderson Cooper.... and all hot men :D

:lol: Joey Fatone! My mom liked him and that was kinda weird! I went through a phase where I found Chris Kirkpatrick to be cute, which only lasted about a week :lol:! My answer was Vanilla Ice :rolleyes: and AJ McLean from The Backstreet Boys :D!
I can top Vanilla Ice, Nikki I used to have a real bad crush on Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock *blushes* And most recently it was Hugh Jackman, but that's a crush I can live with ;)
When I was a teenager, which is about 20 years ago, my crushes changed every months, depending on which band was "hot". Like Duran Duran or Spandau Ballet or Bon Jovi :p (I still like Bon Jovi, though, after all that time. But I don't wanna marry the leadsinger anymore :lol:)
Crushes from the past?
Well I use to like Antonio Banderas, know looking back I just think how the hell did I like him when George was around too.
In my defence I did like George at the same time.
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